OMIA:000642 : Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis, type I

Categories: Renal / urinary system phene

Possible human homologue (MIM number): 305800 (trait)

Cross-species summary: A chronic, slowly progressive inflammation of the capillary loops in the glomeruli of the kidney, in which the glomeruli are enlarged as a result of proliferation of mesangial cells and thickening of the capillary walls, which narrows the capillary lumina. The type I variant of this disorder is characterised by a double-contour appearance of the capillary walls. Affected animals die after a brief clinical episode which includes anorexia and signs of central nervous system distrubance. On post mortem, the kidneys are dramatically enlarged, with pale spotted cortices. Glomeruli show a thickening of the capillary walls, proliferation of mesangial cells and matrix, and formation of epithelial crescents. There may be focal haemorrhage and oedema evident on histopathological examination of the brain. The damage to the kidneys and brain are thought to be due to deposition of immune complexes (IgA, IgM, and IgG) and complement. [Researched and prepared by Philippa Beard]

Species in which this phene is found:
sheep (Ovis aries)

Edit History

  • Created by Frank Nicholas on 03 May 2005
  • Changed by Imke Tammen2 on 14 Oct 2022