OMIA:000640-9615 : Menkes disease in Canis lupus familiaris (dog) |
In other species: sheep
Categories: Liver/biliary system phene
Links to possible relevant human trait(s) and/or gene(s) in OMIM: 309400 (trait) , 300011 (gene)
Single-gene trait/disorder: unknown
Disease-related: unknown
Species-specific name: Redundant - Information previously presented here has been moved to 'OMIA 002608-9615 : Modifier of copper toxicosis, ATP7A-related in Canis lupus familiaris' [10/01/2023]
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Nicholas, F. W., Tammen, I., & Sydney Informatics Hub. (2023). OMIA:000640-9615: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) [dataset].
2023 | Meadows, J.R.S., Kidd, J.M., Wang, G.D., Parker, H.G., Schall, P.Z., Bianchi, M., Christmas, M.J., Bougiouri, K., Buckley, R.M., Hitte, C., Nguyen, A.K., Wang, C., Jagannathan, V., Niskanen, J.E., Frantz, L.A.F., Arumilli, M., Hundi, S., Lindblad-Toh, K., Ginja, C., Agustina, K.K., André, C., Boyko, A.R., Davis, B.W., Drögemüller, M., Feng, X.Y., Gkagkavouzis, K., Iliopoulos, G., Harris, A.C., Hytönen, M.K., Kalthoff, D.C., Liu, Y.H., Lymberakis, P., Poulakakis, N., Pires, A.E., Racimo, F., Ramos-Almodovar, F., Savolainen, P., Venetsani, S., Tammen, I., Triantafyllidis, A., vonHoldt, B., Wayne, R.K., Larson, G., Nicholas, F.W., Lohi, H., Leeb, T., Zhang, Y.P., Ostrander, E.A. : |
Genome sequencing of 2000 canids by the Dog10K consortium advances the understanding of demography, genome function and architecture. Genome Biol 24:187, 2023. Pubmed reference: 37582787. DOI: 10.1186/s13059-023-03023-7. |
Edit History
- Created by Frank Nicholas on 06 Sep 2005
- Changed by Frank Nicholas on 14 Feb 2012
- Changed by Frank Nicholas on 25 Oct 2016
- Changed by Imke Tammen2 on 10 Jan 2023
- Changed by Imke Tammen2 on 16 Oct 2023