Gene ASIP : in Sciurus aberti

See the equivalent entry at NCBI

In other species: human , Norway rat , dog , domestic cat , taurine cattle , horse , rabbit , sheep , Japanese quail , North American deer mouse , red fox , domestic guinea pig , goat , leopard , Asiatic golden cat , alpaca , water buffalo , leopard cat , Arabian camel , ass (donkey) , , impala , Colocolo , Kodkod , Western roe deer , indicine cattle (zebu) , Chestnut-bellied monarch , Tasmanian devil

Symbol: ASIP

Type of gene: protein-coding

Links: Ensembl

Genomic location: not available

Related phenes:

OMIA:000201-10007 : Coat colour, agouti in Sciurus aberti

Edit History

  • Created by Imke Tammen2 on 28 Feb 2024