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13 variant records found

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WARNING! Inclusion of a variant in this table does not automatically mean that it should be used for DNA testing. Anyone contemplating the use of any of these variants for DNA testing should examine critically the relevant evidence (especially in breeds other than the breed in which the variant was first described). If it is decided to proceed, the location and orientation of the variant sequence should be checked very carefully.

Since October 2021, OMIA includes a semiautomated lift-over pipeline to facilitate updates of genomic positions to a recent reference genome position. These changes to genomic positions are not always reflected in the ‘acknowledgements’ or ‘verbal description’ fields in this table.

OMIA Variant ID OMIA Phene-Species ID(s) Species Name Breed(s) Variant Phenotype Gene Allele Type of Variant Source of Genetic Variant Deleterious? Reference Sequence Chr. g. or m. c. or n. p. Verbal Description EVA ID Year Published PubMed ID(s) Acknowledgements
1075 OMIA:001602-93934 Japanese quail Feather colour, fawn-2/beige ASIP Y^f2 duplication Naturally occurring variant no 20 Robic et al. (2019) concluded "that fawn-2 and beige are the same allele, and that it is caused by a 70,895-bp tandem duplication . . . [with breakpoints] (NC-029535 [1,371,395(or 98)–1,442,295 (or 98)]) . . . located downstream of the ITCH exon 1 and upstream of the ASIP exon e4 (5′ UTR). . . . The 70,895 bp of the duplicated region include the entire AHCY gene on one strand, and parts of the ASIP and ITCH genes on the other strand." 2019 30987584
504 OMIA:001602-93934 Japanese quail Feather colour, recessive black ASIP rb deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no 20 c.373_380del "A deletion of 8 bases was found in the ASIP gene" 2008 18287406
654 OMIA:001602-93934 Japanese quail Feather colour, lethal yellow ASIP Y deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 20 g.1463709_1604872del Nadeau et al. (2008): "a >90-kb [141162bp] deletion upstream of ASIP" 2008 18287407 The g. coordinates were provided by Robic et al. (2019)
257 OMIA:000375-93934 Japanese quail Feather colour, panda/dotted white EDNRB2 missense Naturally occurring variant no c.995G>A p.(R332H) 2007 17313575
256 OMIA:001435-93934 Japanese quail Feather colour, extended brown MC1R missense Naturally occurring variant no c.?G>A p.(E92K) 2006 16734695
503 OMIA:000915-93934 Japanese quail Feather colour, silver MITF deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no "a two-base deletion resulting in premature termination of the polypeptide in the region following the zipper region" = 2 bp deletion in exon 11 1998 9576828
505 OMIA:000755-93934 Japanese quail Osteopetrosis MITF deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes same MITF variant as for silver, as reported in 1998 2001 11169846
653 OMIA:001445-93934 Japanese quail Feather colour, lavender MLPH deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant no a large deletion in the region of the quail MLPH gene 2002 12011184
316 OMIA:000545-93934 Japanese quail Hypotrophic axonopathy NEFL nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes c.352C>T p.(Q114*) 1993 8468353
1071 OMIA:002191-93934 Japanese quail Yellowish plumage PMEL nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant no g.811370G>A p.(W149*) Ishishita et al. (2018): g.811370G>A (NC_029544.1); Trp149* 2018 30425278
386 OMIA:000370-93934 Japanese quail Feather colour, albinism, sex-linked, imperfect SLC45A2 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes a splice-site mutation in the SLC45A2 gene: "a G>T transversion at the splice acceptor site just preceding exon 4" 2007 17151254
259 OMIA:000370-93934 Japanese quail Feather colour, cinnamon SLC45A2 missense Naturally occurring variant no c.287C>A p.(A72D) 2007 17151254
258 OMIA:001322-93934 Japanese quail Feather colour, roux TYRP1 missense Naturally occurring variant no c.845T>C p.(F282S) 2007 18028514
Overall Statistics
Total number of variants 13
Variants with genomic location 0 (0.0% )
Variants in a variant database, i.e. with rs ID 0 (0.0%)
Variant Type Count Percent
deletion, gross (>20) 2 15.4%
deletion, small (<=20) 3 23.1%
duplication 1 7.7%
missense 4 30.8%
nonsense (stop-gain) 2 15.4%
splicing 1 7.7%
Year First Reported Count Percent
1993 1 7.7%
1994 0 0.0%
1995 0 0.0%
1996 0 0.0%
1997 0 0.0%
1998 1 7.7%
1999 0 0.0%
2000 0 0.0%
2001 1 7.7%
2002 1 7.7%
2003 0 0.0%
2004 0 0.0%
2005 0 0.0%
2006 1 7.7%
2007 4 30.8%
2008 2 15.4%
2009 0 0.0%
2010 0 0.0%
2011 0 0.0%
2012 0 0.0%
2013 0 0.0%
2014 0 0.0%
2015 0 0.0%
2016 0 0.0%
2017 0 0.0%
2018 1 7.7%
2019 1 7.7%