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38 phene records found

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OMIA ID Phene Species Scientific Name Species Common Name Gene Year Key Mutation First Reported Date Last Modified
OMIA:002571-9823 5-Hydroxytryptamine deficiency Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-18
OMIA:002538-9823 Alzheimer disease, APP-related Sus scrofa pig APP 2009 2023-12-18
OMIA:002493-9823 Alzheimer disease, PSEN1-related Sus scrofa pig PSEN1 2013 2023-12-18
OMIA:002575-9823 Alzheimer, SORL1-related Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-18
OMIA:000033-9823 Alzheimer-like disease, generic Sus scrofa pig 2024-02-08
OMIA:002491-9823 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, SOD1-related Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-18
OMIA:002492-9823 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, TARDBP-related Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-18
OMIA:002614-9823 Angelman syndrome Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-18
OMIA:002044-9823 Ataxia telangiectasia Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-18
OMIA:000176-9823 Cerebellar anomaly, congenital Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:000179-9823 Cerebellar hypoplasia Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:000344-9823 Epilepsy Sus scrofa pig 2024-05-02
OMIA:000401-9823 Gangliosidosis, generic Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:000403-9823 Gangliosidosis, GM2, generic Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:001461-9823 Gangliosidosis, GM2, type I (B variant) Sus scrofa pig HEXA 2021 2021-06-16
OMIA:000485-9823 Huntington disease Sus scrofa pig HTT 2001 2024-04-08
OMIA:000487-9823 Hydrocephalus Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:000527-9823 Hypomyelinogenesis, congenital Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:000629-9823 Megacolon Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:002860-9823 MIR137-deficiency Sus scrofa pig 2024-07-27
OMIA:000662-9823 Motor neuron disease, lower Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:002232-9823 Myopathy, congenital, SPTBN4-related Sus scrofa pig SPTBN4 2019 2020-01-28
OMIA:001472-9823 Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 2 Sus scrofa pig TPP1 2022 2023-12-12
OMIA:002432-9823 Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 3 Sus scrofa pig 2024-09-08
OMIA:000181-9823 Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, generic Sus scrofa pig 2009-12-01
OMIA:001150-9823 Neuropathy, peripheral Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:002488-9823 Parkinson disease, PARK7-related Sus scrofa pig PARK7 2014 2023-12-18
OMIA:002361-9823 Parkinson disease, PINK1-related Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-18
OMIA:002748-9823 Parkinson disease, PRKN-related Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-18
OMIA:002378-9823 Parkinson disease, SNCA-related Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-18
OMIA:000826-9823 Progressive cerebellar abiotrophy Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:001096-9823 Recumbent piglet trait Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:000928-9823 Spastic paresis Sus scrofa pig 2013-08-31
OMIA:002784-9823 Spinal muscular atrophy, SMN1-related Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-10
OMIA:000944-9823 Spongiform encephalopathy, susceptibility/resistance to Sus scrofa pig 2020-05-15
OMIA:001016-9823 Tremor Sus scrofa pig 2005-07-16
OMIA:001020-9823 Tremor type A IV, congenital Sus scrofa pig 2005-07-16
OMIA:000770-9823 Tremor, X-linked Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06