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108 variant records found

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WARNING! Inclusion of a variant in this table does not automatically mean that it should be used for DNA testing. Anyone contemplating the use of any of these variants for DNA testing should examine critically the relevant evidence (especially in breeds other than the breed in which the variant was first described). If it is decided to proceed, the location and orientation of the variant sequence should be checked very carefully.

Since October 2021, OMIA includes a semiautomated lift-over pipeline to facilitate updates of genomic positions to a recent reference genome position. These changes to genomic positions are not always reflected in the ‘acknowledgements’ or ‘verbal description’ fields in this table.

OMIA Variant ID OMIA Phene-Species ID(s) Species Name Breed(s) Variant Phenotype Gene Allele Type of Variant Source of Genetic Variant Deleterious? Reference Sequence Chr. g. or m. c. or n. p. Verbal Description EVA ID Year Published PubMed ID(s) Acknowledgements
1001 OMIA:001271-9796 horse Miniature Horse (Horse) Dwarfism, ACAN-related ACAN D4 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 1 NC_009144.3:g.95257479_95257499del XM_005602799.2:c.7633_7653del XP_005602856.2:p.(F2545_C2551del) Genomic positions were previosuly incorreclty listed in OMIA as g.95257458_95257500del (until 10/01/2022) and g.95257480_95257500del (until 13/06/2024). Coordinates presented in the table reflect the published rs1095048839. IT is thanking Rebecca Bellone for spotting an error in the genomic coordinates which are now corrected (26/11/2024).

rs1095048839 2018 30058072
788 OMIA:001271-9796 horse Miniature Horse (Horse) Shetland Pony (Horse) Dwarfism, ACAN-related ACAN D3* missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 1 NC_009144.3:g.95282140C>G XM_023650286.1:c.1513G>C XP_023506054.1:p.(A505P) ENSECAT00000040213.1:c.1513G>C ENSECAP00000032890.1:p.Ala505Pro This variant was named D3* by Eberth et al. (2018) rs1095048823 2017 27942904 Variant coordinates obtained from Eberth et al. (2018) and EVA_ID link
1000 OMIA:001271-9796 horse Miniature Horse (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Warmblood (Horse) Dwarfism, ACAN-related ACAN D2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 1 NC_009144.3:g.95284530C>T XP_023506054.1:c.1270C>T XP_023506054.1:p.(V424M) rs3091781465 2018 30058072 Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
999 OMIA:001271-9796 horse Miniature Horse (Horse) Dwarfism, ACAN-related ACAN D1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 1 NC_009144.3:g.95291271del XM_023650281.1:c.245del XP_023506054.1:p.(K82Rfs*54) 220110: changed g.95291270del to g.95291271del based on HGVS 3'rule. ENSECAT00000040213.1:c.245del ENSECAP00000032890.1:p.Lys82ArgfsTer54 rs1095048841 2018 30058072
436 OMIA:000991-9796 horse Quarter Horse (Horse) Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) AR regulatory Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 X NC_009175.3:g.52728703A>G NM_001163891.1:c.1A>G  mutation in start codon for  NP_001157363.1; 2012 22095250 The genomic position in EquCab3.0 was provided by Ceara Mulvey, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey in April 2022
1143 OMIA:000991-9796 horse Tennessee Walking Horse (Horse) Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) AR deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 X NC_009175.3:g.52728885del NM_001163891.1:c.183del NP_001157363.1:p.(R63Gfs) published as c.183delT and p.(Ser61fs); c. and p. information in the table has been updated to HGVS nomenclature 2020 31936796 The genomic position in EquCab3.0 was provided by Ceara Mulvey, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey in April 2022
783 OMIA:000991-9796 horse Warmblood (Horse) Androgen insensitivity syndrome AR deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 X NC_009175.3:g.52808634_52808658del NM_001163891.1:c.1630_1654del the deletion is predicted to create a frameshift: "resulting in altered amino acid composition from p.543Lys and a premature stop codon 44 amino acid residues downstream in exon 3 2017 28192783
786 OMIA:000991-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Androgen insensitivity syndrome AR missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 X NC_009175.3:g.52872393G>C NM_001163891.1:c.2042G>C NP_001157363.1:p.(W681S) 2016 27073903 The genomic position in EquCab3.0 was provided by Ceara Mulvey, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey in April 2022; p. coordinates obtained from Villagomez et al. (2019)
1144 OMIA:000991-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) AR missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 X NC_009175.3:g.52878093C>T NM_001163891.1:c.2132C>T NP_001157363.1:p.(A711V) 2020 31936796
509 OMIA:000201-9796 horse American Trotter (Horse) Arab (Horse) Belgian Draft (Horse) Clydesdale (Horse) Freiberger (Horse) Icelandic Horse (Horse) Morgan (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Shetland Pony (Horse) Thoroughbred (Horse) Warmblood (Horse) Welsh Pony (Horse) Coat colour, recessive black ASIP a deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 22 NC_009165.3:g.26067463_26067473del NM_001164017.1:c.187_197del published as g.2174_2184del and c.191_201del - coordinates in the table updated to a recent reference genome. rs3091770233 2001 11353392 Coordinates in EquCab3.0 kindly provided by Haley Rutstein, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey. Breed information based on PMID: 38600096
348 OMIA:000487-9796 horse Belgian Draft (Horse) Friesian (Horse) Warmblood (Horse) Hydrocephalus B3GALNT2 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 1 NC_009144.3:g.76887901C>T XM_001491545.6:c.1423C>T XP_001491595.2:p.(Q475*) XM_001491545; XP_001491595; Ducro et al. (2015): "The nomenclature for the mutation is c.1423C>T [GenBank:XM_001491545] corresponding to p.Gln475* [GenBank:XP_001491595]". As at 25 April 2019, Ensembl's Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) gives the EquCab3 c. and p. coordinates as having not changed from the EquCab2 coordinates reported by Ducro et al. (2015). The Ensembl ref is ENSECAT00000049072 rs3429464524 2015 26452345 c. and p. variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool. EquCab3 g. coordinate provided by Meredith O’Connell, working under the supervision of Professor Ernie Bailey, 24 April 2019. Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
421 OMIA:002068-9796 horse Friesian (Horse) Dwarfism, Friesian B4GALT7 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 14 NC_009157.3:g.3772591C>T XM_023617086.1:c.50G>A XP_023472854.1:p.(R17K) rs3447120064 2016 27793082 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool. FN thanks Elizabeth Huffman, who updated the g. coordinates to EquCab3, working under the supervision of Professor Ernie Bailey; 23 April 2020.
161 OMIA:000698-9796 horse New Forest Pony (Horse) Myotonia CLCN1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 4 NC_009147.3:g.96518592A>C XM_001915636.4:c.1775A>C XP_001915671.3:p.(D592A) c.1775A>C, Genbank acc. XM_001915636; p.D592A, Genbank acc. XP_001915671 (Wijnberg et al., 2014) rs5334475185 2012 22197188 (FN thanks Izabela De Assis Rocha, who provided genomic location in EquCab3.0 and the Genbank acc IDs, working under the supervision of Professor Ernie Bailey; 15 April 2020) Revised genomic location kindly provided by Cord Drögemüller; 21 May 2021
167 OMIA:000735-9796 horse Belgian Draft (Horse) Connemara Pony (Horse) Haflinger (Horse) Rocky Mountain, United States of America (Bighorn sheep) Welsh Pony (Horse) Ocular squamous cell carcinoma DDB2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 12 NC_009155.3:g.11726667C>T XM_023654000.1:c.1013C>T XP_023509768.1:p.(T338M) The EquCab2 coordinates, obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool, are g.11608667, c.1013C>T and p.T338M rs1139682898 2017 28425625 The EquCab3 g. coordinates were provided by by Meredith O’Connell, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey, 5 March 2019. Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
321 OMIA:001715-9796 horse American Trotter (Horse) Bhotia Pony, India (Horse) Chakouyi, China (Horse) French Trotter (Horse) Icelandic Horse (Horse) Kentucky Mountain Saddle, United States of America (Horse) Missouri Fox Trotting Horse (Horse) Morgan (Horse) Paso Fino (Horse) Peruvian Paso (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Rocky Mountain Horse (Horse) Scandinavian Coldblood Trotter (Horse) Spiti Pony, India (Horse) Tennessee Walking Horse (Horse) Thoroughbred (Horse) Zaniskari Pony (Horse) Gaitedness DMRT3 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 23 NC_009166.3:g.22391254C>A NM_001317265.1:c.902C>A NP_001304194.1:p.(S301*) rs1150690013 2012 22932389 Breed information updated based PMID:39571791 on PMID:38600096 and PMID:37149793
160 OMIA:000629-9796 horse American Paint (Horse) Miniature Horse (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Thoroughbred (Horse) Megacolon EDNRB frame overo delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 17 NC_009160.3:g.50503041_50503042delinsCT NM_001081837.2:c.353_354delinsAG NP_001075306.2:p.(I118K) NM_001081837.2; NP_001075306.2 1998 9530628
322 OMIA:000420-9796 horse American Paint (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Glycogen storage disease IV GBE1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 26 NC_009169.3:g.8667651C>A NM_001081940.2:c.102C>A NP_001075409.1:p.(Y34*) NM_001081940.2; NP_001075409.1 rs3437568674 2004 15366377 The genomic position in EquCab3.0 was provided by Elizabeth Clark, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey in April 2022
1552 OMIA:002692-9796 horse American Saddle Horse (Horse) American Trotter (Horse) Miniature Horse (Horse) Missouri Fox Trotting Horse, United States of America (Horse) Morgan (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Racking Horse (Horse) Rocky Mountain, United States of America (Horse) Spotted Saddle Horse (Horse) Tennessee Walking Horse (Horse) Night blindness, congenital stationary, GRM6-related GRM6 missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 14 NC_009157.3:g.2655618C>T XM_001916934.4:c.533C>T XP_001916969.3:p.(T178M) XM_001916934.4; XP_001916969.3; variant initially reported in Tennessee Walking horse and later reported in other breeds [PMID:37815029] rs1138010744 2021 32654228
163 OMIA:001158-9796 horse American Paint (Horse) Appaloosa (Horse) Belgian Draft (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Polysaccharide storage myopathy/Exertional rhabdomyolysis GYS1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 10 NC_009153.3:g.19203501C>T NM_001126125.2:c.926G>A NP_001119597.2:p.(R309H) ENSECAT00000023453.3:c.926G>A ENSECAP00000019426.2:p.Arg309His rs1150416011 2008 18358695 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool. Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
691 OMIA:000081-9796 horse Arab (Horse) Atlanto occipital fusion HOXD3 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 18 "a 2.7-kb deletion located 4.4 kb downstream of the end of HOXD4 and 8.2 kb upstream of the start of HOXD3." 2017 28111759
337 OMIA:001899-9796 horse Quarter Horse (Horse) Warmblood (Horse) Incontinentia pigmenti IKBKG nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 X NC_009175.3:g.126898409C>T NM_001284533.1:c.184C>T NP_001271462.1:p.(R62*) Previously listed as as c.202C>T and p.(R68*), updated in this table to reflect  NM_001284533.1 transcript rs3433281055 2013 24324710 Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
164 OMIA:001000-9796 horse Quarter Horse (Horse) Thoroughbred (Horse) Thrombasthenia ITGA2B missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 11 NC_009154.3:g.19245752G>C NM_001081793.1:c.215G>C NP_001075262.1:p.(R72P) NM_001081793.1; NP_001075262.1; originally published as p.(R41P) and listed by Leite et al. (2019) as c.122G>C; coordinates in this table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2006 16407493
512 OMIA:001000-9796 horse Peruvian Paso (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Thrombasthenia ITGA2B deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 11 NC_009154.3:g.19247983_19247992del g.19247983_19247992delCAGGTGAGGA 2007 17338169 g. coordinates obtained from Dahlgren et al. (2020)
1331 OMIA:000209-9796 horse American Paint (Horse) American Trotter (Horse) Belgian Draft (Horse) Icelandic Horse (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Thoroughbred (Horse) Welsh Pony (Horse) White spotting KIT W32 missense Naturally occurring variant unknown EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79538738C>T NM_001163866.1:c.2878G>A NP_001157338.1:p.(A960T) cDNA position previously listed as c.3214G>A; p.(A1072T) based on transcript ENSECAT00000014037.3 [16/04/2024] rs1141982296 2021 34223905 Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
882 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Süddeutsches Kaltblut, Germany (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W11 splicing Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79540429C>T NM_001163866.1:c.2684+1G>A rs5334475183 2009 19456317 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
939 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W26 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant unknown EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79540694del NM_001163866.1:c.2536del NP_001157338.1:p.(S846Vfs*15) NM_001163866.1; NP_001157338.1; published as c.2536delA rs3101685403 2018 29333746
873 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Oldenburg (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W16 missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79540741T>A NM_001163866.1:c.2489A>T NP_001157338.1:p.(K830I) rs5334475213 2011 21554354 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
883 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Miniature Horse (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Shetland Pony (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W13 splicing Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79544066C>G NM_001163866.1:c.2472+5G>C NM_001163866.1 rs3102773259 2011 21554354 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
889 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W14 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79544098_79544151del NM_001163866.1:c.2392_2445del NP_001157338.1:p.(H798_N815del) NM_001163866.1; NP_001157338.1 2011 21554354 genomic coordinates updated from g.79544151_79544204del to g.79544098_79544151del in EquCab3.0 [17/09/2023]
891 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Icelandic Horse (Horse) White spotting KIT W21 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79544174del NM_001163866.1:c.2369delC NP_001157338.1:p.(A790Efs*20) rs5334475210 2015 26059442 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
885 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Appaloosa (Horse) Haflinger (Horse) Lipizzan horse (Horse) Noric (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT sabino 1 (SB1) splicing Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79544206A>T "SNP AX-103727726 (ECA3:77735520; SB1, SNP KI16+1037A)" (Druml et al., 2018) rs5334475211 2005 16284805 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
893 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Trottatore Italiano, Italy (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W24 splicing Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79545245C>T NM_001163866.1:c.2349+1G>A rs3443588955 2017 28856698
1462 OMIA:000209-9796 horse American Trotter (Horse) Dominant white spotting KIT W33 missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79545248T>A NM_001163866.1:c.2347A>T NP_001157338.1:p.(N783Y) NC_009146.3; previously listed as ENSECAT00000014037.3: c.2783A>T / p.(N895Y) [16/04/2024] 2022 35641888
881 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Icelandic Horse (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W8 splicing Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79545374C>T NM_001163866.1:c.2222-1G>A NM_001163866.1 rs3434854925 2009 19456317
886 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W5 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79545900del NM_001163866.1:c.2193delG NP_001157338.1:p.(T732Qfs*9) rs5334475194 2009 19456317 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
878 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Freiberger (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79545942G>C NM_001163866.1:c.2151C>G NP_001157338.1:p.(Y717*) rs5334475201 2007 17997609 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool; breed and allele information obtained from Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
877 OMIA:000209-9796 horse American Paint (Horse) American Trotter (Horse) Appaloosa (Horse) Arab (Horse) Belgian Draft (Horse) Clydesdale (Horse) Freiberger (Horse) German Riding Pony (Horse) Morgan (Horse) Noric (Horse) Oldenburg (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Shetland Pony (Horse) Thoroughbred (Horse) Tori hobune, Estonia (Horse) Traditional Gypsy Cob, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Horse) Warmblood (Horse) Welsh Pony (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W20 missense Naturally occurring variant unknown EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79548220T>C NM_001163866.1:c.2045G>A NP_001157338.1:p.(R682H) ENSECAT00000014037.3:c.2381A>G ENSECAP00000011188.2:p.His794Arg; reference genome corresponds to g.79548220T and the transcript NM_001163866.1 represents g.79548220C rs1143160924 2013 23659293 Variant coordinates initially gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124. Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
875 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Japanese Draft, Japan (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W17b missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79548244A>G NM_001163866.1:c.2021T>C NP_001157338.1:p.(L674P) rs5334475224 2011 21554354 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
1261 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Berber, Germany (Horse) Extensive coat white patterning KIT W30 missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79548244A>T NM_001163866.1:c.2021T>A NP_001157338.1:p.(L674H) published as g.79548244, c.2020T>A; p.L674H (Martin et al., 2020) - changed to  NM_001163866.1:c.2021T>A [16/042024] rs5334475224 2020 33111383
874 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Japanese Draft, Japan (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT w17a missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79548265T>A NM_001163866.1:c.2000A>T NP_001157338.1:p.(E667D) previously listed as c.2001A>T [16/04/2024] rs5334475222 2011 21554354 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
890 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) White spotting KIT W22 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79548925_79550822del 1898bp deletion 2017 28444912
868 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W2 missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79549540C>T NM_001163866.1:c.1960G>A NP_001157338.1:p.(G654R) rs5334475198 2007 17997609 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool; breed and allele information obtained from Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
869 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Camarillo White Horse, United States of America (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W4 missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79549781G>A NM_001163866.1:c.1805C>T NP_001157338.1:p.(A602V) Previously incorrectly listed as g.79549780G>A [16/04/2024] 2007 17997609 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
871 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Holsteiner (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W9 missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79549797C>T NM_001163866.1:c.1789G>A NP_001157338.1:p.(G597R) rs5334475209 2009 19456317 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
872 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Arab (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W15 missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79550351A>G NM_001163866.1:c.1597T>C NP_001157338.1:p.(C533R) rs5334475202 2011 21554354 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
940 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W27 missense Naturally occurring variant unknown EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79551937A>C NM_001163866.1:c.1473T>G NP_001157338.1:p.(C491W) NM_001163866.1; NP_001157338.1 rs3110307743 2018 29333746
884 OMIA:000209-9796 horse CH-Warmblut, Switzerland (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W18 splicing Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79553751C>T NM_001163866.1:c.1346+1G>A rs5334475221 2013 23659293 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool; breed and allele information obtained from Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
876 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Arab (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W19 missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79553776T>C NM_001163866.1:c.1322A>G NP_001157338.1:p.(Y441C) rs5334475217 2013 23659293 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool; breed and allele information obtained from Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
1476 OMIA:000209-9796 horse American Paint (Horse) American Trotter (Horse) Appaloosa (Horse) Arab (Horse) Mangalarga (Horse) Morgan (Horse) Mustang (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Rocky Mountain, United States of America (Bighorn sheep) Warmblood (Horse) Increased white spotting KIT W34 missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79566881T>C NM_001163866.1:c.1171A>G NP_001157338.1:p.(T391A) Previously listed as ENSECAT00000014037.3:c.1495A>G; ENSECAP00000011188.2:p.(T499A) [16/04/2024] rs1140732842 2022 35953947 Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
887 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Quarter Horse (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W10 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79566923_79566926del NM_001163866.1:c.1126_1129del NP_001157338.1:p.(E376Ffs*3) NM_001163866.1; NP_001157338.1; published as c.1126_1129delGAAC 2009 19456317 Genomic coordinates updated in this table from g.79566926_79566929del in EquCab3.0 after feedback from Micaela Vierra identified that these coordinates were incorrect [27/09/2023].
870 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W6 missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79573754C>T NM_001163866.1:c.856G>A NP_001157338.1:p.(G286R) rs5334475167 2009 19456317 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool; breed and allele information obtained from Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
892 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Arab (Horse) White spotting KIT W23 splicing Naturally occurring variant unknown EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79578484C>G NM_001163866.1:c.756+1G>C rs1095048836 2017 28378922
879 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Arab (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W3 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79578535T>A NM_001163866.1:c.706A>T NP_001157338.1:p.(K236*) rs5334475200 2007 17997609 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool; breed and allele information obtained from Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
938 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W25 missense Naturally occurring variant unknown EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79578573A>G NM_001163866.1:c.668T>C NP_001157338.1:p.(L223P) NM_001163866.1; NP_001157338.1 rs3103992630 2018 29333746
888 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W12 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant unknown EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79579774_79579778del NM_001163866.1:c.559_563del NP_001157338.1:p.(S187Rfs*10) NM_001163866.1; NP_001157338.1; published as c.559_563delTCTGC rs5334475188 2010 Reference not in PubMed; see OMIA 000209-9796 for reference details Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
1091 OMIA:000209-9796 horse German Riding Pony (Horse) White spotting KIT W28 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79579925_79581197del 2019 31463981
880 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Coat colour, dominant white KIT W7 splicing Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79580000C>G NM_001163866.1:c.338-1G>C rs5334475216 2009 19456317 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool; breed and allele information obtained from Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
1330 OMIA:000209-9796 horse Quarter Horse (Horse) White spotting KIT W31 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant unknown EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.79618532_79618533insA NM_001163866.1:c.30_31insT NP_001157338.1:p.(L11Sfs*115) 2021 34223905
856 OMIA:000245-9796 horse Bashkir Curly (Horse) Curly Horse (Horse) Curly coat KRT25 Crd missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 11 NC_009154.3:g.21962991G>A NM_001346190.1:c.266G>A NP_001333119.1:p.(R89H) rs1095048844 2018 29686323 29141579 Variant coordinates obtained from and/or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
658 OMIA:001677-9796 horse American Saddle Horse (Horse) Epidermolysis bullosa, junctionalis, LAMA3-related LAMA3 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 8 NC_009151.3:g.48678342_48684920del "6589-bp deletion spanning exons 24-27 . . . in the LAMA3 gene in American Saddlebred foals" 2009 19016681 Coordinates in EquCab3.0 kindly provided by Haley Rutstein, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey.
599 OMIA:001678-9796 horse Belgian Draft (Horse) Breton, France (Horse) Cavallo Agricolo Italiano da Tiro Pesante Rapido, Italy (Horse) Comtois (Horse) Epidermolysis bullosa, junctionalis, LAMC2-related LAMC2 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 5 NC_009148.3:g.17498175dup NM_001081768.1:c.1372dup NP_001075237.1:p.(R458Pfs) NM_001081768.1; NP_001075237.1; published as c.1368insC; coordinates in the table have been updated to HGVS nomenclature (3'-rule) and recent reference genome and / or transcript inforamtion 1,372 Protein position: 458 2002 12230513 The genomic position in EquCab3.0 was provided by Margaret Higgins, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey [April 2022]
413 OMIA:002021-9796 horse Quarter Horse (Horse) Warmblood (Horse) Coat colour, brindle 1 MBTPS2 splicing Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 X NC_009175.3:g.17286855T>C XM_023634090.1:c.1340+4T>C Published as c.1437+4T>C - updated in this table to reflect XM_023634090.1 transcript coordinates rs3434246715 2016 27449517 Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
154 OMIA:001199-9796 horse American Trotter (Horse) Arab (Horse) Belgian Draft (Horse) Clydesdale (Horse) Freiberger (Horse) Icelandic Horse (Horse) Morgan (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Shetland Pony (Horse) Thoroughbred (Horse) Warmblood (Horse) Welsh Pony (Horse) Coat colour, chesnut MC1R e missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.36979560C>T NM_001114534.1:c.248C>T NP_001108006.1:p.(S83F) rs68458866 1996 8995760 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool. Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
155 OMIA:001199-9796 horse Belgian Draft (Horse) Coat colour, chesnut MC1R e^a missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 3 NC_009146.3:g.36979562G>A NM_001114534.1:c.250G>A NP_001108006.1:p.(D84N) rs3443929753 2000 11086549 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool. Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
1426 OMIA:002197-9796 horse Shetland Pony (Horse) Coat colour, dilution (mushroom) MFSD12 Mu duplication Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 7 NC_009150.3:g.2544518dup XM_023646425.1:c.600dup XP_023502193.1:p.(D201fs) XM_023646425.1; XP_023502193.1; published as NC_009150.3: g.2544512dup (XM_023646425.1:c.600dupC, p.Asp201fs); coordinates in the table have been updated to reflect HGVS nomenclature 2019 31635058
1023 OMIA:000214-9796 horse American Paint (Horse) White spotting, blue eyes and deafness MITF SW5 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 16 NC_009159.3:g.21503211_21566617del "~63-kb deletion spanning exons 6-9 of the MITF gene" 2019 30644113
1180 OMIA:000214-9796 horse American Paint (Horse) Splashed white MITF SW6 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 16 NC_009159.3:g.21551060_21559770del NC_009159.3:g.21551060-21559770del (Magdesian et al., 2020) 2020 32242630
1626 OMIA:000214-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Splashed white MITF SW8 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 16 NC_009159.3:g.21555811_21558139delinsAAAT 2023 37697831
166 OMIA:000214-9796 horse American Trotter (Horse) White MITF MITF^244Glu missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 16 NC_009159.3:g.21556522C>T NM_001163874.1:c.1031G>A NP_001157346.1:p.(G344E) Published as XM_005600318.1:c.731G>A; XP_005600375.1:p.Gly244Glu) - updated in this table to reflect recent transcript ID rs3435075789 2017 27592871 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool; breed and allele information obtained from Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
1606 OMIA:000214-9796 horse Purebred Spanish (Horse) Splashed white MITF SW9 missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 16 NC_009159.3:g.21559940T>A NM_001163874.1:c.961A>T NP_001157346.1:p.(N321Y) NM_001163874.1; NP_001157346.1; published as c.993A>T, variant associated with increased depigmentation 2023 37406837
1488 OMIA:000214-9796 horse American Paint (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Splashed white MITF SW7 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 16 NC_009159.3:g.21559953_21559955del NM_001163874.1:c.949_951del NP_001157346.1:p.R317del NM_001163874.1; NP_001157346.1; published as c.949_951delTCT 2022 35672910
156 OMIA:000214-9796 horse Freiberger (Horse) Macchiato MITF macchiato missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 16 NC_009159.3:g.21564980T>C NM_001163874.1:c.629A>G NP_001157346.1:p.(N310S) rs5334475186 2012 22511888 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124 
793 OMIA:000214-9796 horse Quarter Horse (Horse) Splashed white MITF SW3 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 16 NC_009159.3:g.21567245_21567249del NM_001163874.1:c.837_841del NP_001157346.1:p.(C280Sfs*20) NM_001163874.1; NP_001157346.1; published as c.837_841delGTGTC 2012 22511888
792 OMIA:000214-9796 horse American Miniature Horse (Horse) American Paint (Horse) Appaloosa (Horse) Icelandic Horse (Horse) Morgan (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Shetland Pony (Horse) Tori hobune, Estonia (Horse) Trakehner (Horse) Splashed white MITF SW1 delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 16 NC_009159.3:g.21579201delinsATAATAACCTA g.20117302Tdelins11 rs5334475212 2012 22511888 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
806 OMIA:000214-9796 horse American Trotter (Horse) Arab (Horse) Belgian Draft (Horse) Cavall Menorquí, Spain (Horse) Clydesdale (Horse) Freiberger (Horse) Icelandic Horse (Horse) Morgan (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Shetland Pony (Horse) Thoroughbred (Horse) Warmblood (Horse) Welsh Pony (Horse) White splashing MITF regulatory Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 16 NC_009159.3:g.21608936C>T Published as g.20147039C>T (EquCab2.0); may not be causal as the variant was identified to be a common variant across multiple breeds in a later study: PMID: 38600096 2017 28084638 Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
437 OMIA:000175-9796 horse Arab (Horse) Bashkir Curly (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Trakehner (Horse) Welsh Pony (Horse) Cerebellar abiotrophy MUTYH not known Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 2 NC_009145.3:g.13122415C>T ENSECAT00000009202.3:c.541-13539C>T ENSECAT00000009202.3:c.541-13539C>T ENSECAT00000024892.2:c.284G>A ENSECAP00000020698.1:p.Arg95His A SNP "located in exon 4 of TOE1 and approximately 1200 base pairs upstream of MUTYH, adjacent to a possible binding site for the transcription factor GATA2" (Brault et al., 2011). EquCab3.1 coordinate provided by Meredith O’Connell, working under the supervision of Professor E. Bailey. Additional breeds added based on supplementary table 6 of Durward-Akhurst et al. (2024, PMID: 38600096).  rs397160943 2011 21126570
973 OMIA:002141-9796 horse Belgian Draft (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Welsh Pony (Horse) Immune-mediated myositis MYH1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 11 NC_009154.3:g.53345548T>C NM_001081759.1:c.959A>G NM_001081759.1:p.(E320G) The location of this likely causal variant was given as chr11:52,993,878T>C by Finno et al. (2018) in relation to the EquCab2.0 assembly. Applying NCBI's remap gives the EquCab3.0 coordinate as chr11:53,345,548 and p.(E320G) rs3435577028 2018 29510741 Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
510 OMIA:001501-9796 horse Arab (Horse) Lavender foal syndrome MYO5A deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 1 NC_009144.3:g.139290592del XM_023617258.1:c.4249del XP_023473026.1:p.(R1417Afs*13) XM_023617258.1; XP_023473026.1; published as g.138235715delC; coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome 2010 20419149 The genomic position in EquCab3.0 was provided by Gracie Zinsmeister, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey in April 2022
1605 OMIA:001688-9796 horse Purebred Spanish (Horse) Splashed white PAX3 SW10 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant unknown EquCab3.0 6 NC_009149.3:g.11196181G>A XM_005610643.3:c.583C>T XP_005610700.1:p.(R195*) XM_005610643.3; XP_005610700.1; association with increased depigmentation, published as c.927C>T 2023 37406837
791 OMIA:001688-9796 horse Lipizzan horse (Horse) Noric (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Splashed white PAX3 SW2 missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 6 NC_009149.3:g.11199026C>T XM_001495160.4:c.209G>A XP_001495210.1:p.(C70Y) rs5334475189 2012 22511888 Variant coordinates gleaned from or confirmed by Table S1 of Durig et al. (2017) Anim Genet 48:123-124
978 OMIA:001688-9796 horse Appaloosa (Horse) Splashed white PAX3 SW4 missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 6 NC_009149.3:g.11199140G>C XM_001495160.4:c.95C>G XP_001495210.1:p.(P32R) rs5334475206 2013 23659293
165 OMIA:001982-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Warmblood (Horse) Fragile Foal Syndrome PLOD1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 2 NC_009145.3:g.39927817C>T XM_001491331.6:c.2032G>A XP_001491381.1:p.(G678R) rs1136065234 2015 25637337 rsID and Variant coordinates obtained from Zhang et al. (2020): "g.39927817C>T (rs1136065234; NC_009145.3, Equ-Cab3.0)" c. and p. coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
903 OMIA:001438-9796 OMIA:000733-9796 horse American Miniature Horse (Horse) Ardennes (Horse) Comtois (Horse) Icelandic Horse (Horse) Missouri Fox Trotter, Germany (Horse) Morgan (Horse) Rocky Mountain, United States of America (Bighorn sheep) Shetland Pony (Horse) Coat colour, silver AND Multiple congenital ocular anomalies PMEL missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 6 NC_009149.3:g.74569773G>A NM_001163889.1:c.1849C>T NP_001157361.1:p.(R617C) NM_001163889.1; NP_001157361.1; previously listed in OMIA as g.73665304 and published a C (wild type) to T (Silver) transition, p.Arg618Cys, as well as p.(R625C); coordinates in this table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript rs3448111155 2006 17029645 The genomic position in EquCab3.0 was provided by Mary Katherine Easterwood, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey in April 2022. Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
157 OMIA:000327-9796 horse Quarter Horse (Horse) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome PPIB missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 1 NC_009144.3:g.129307092G>A NM_001099761.1:c.115G>A NP_001093231.1:p.(G39R) rs396329681 2007 17498917 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
511 OMIA:000220-9796 horse Arab (Horse) Severe combined immunodeficiency disease, autosomal PRKDC deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 9 NC_009152.3:g.36395752_36395756del NM_001163858.1:c.9478_9482del NP_001157330.1:p.(N3160fs*3) A 5bp deletion giving rise to a frameshift in PRKDC The following details (from which the coordinate fields were populated) were provided by Meredith O’Connell, Tanya German, Isabella Pisani and Karalie Andrews, under the supervision of Professor Ernie Bailey. 20 Feb 2019 NC_009152.3 g.36395752-36395976del; NM_001163858 c.9478_9482del; NP_001157330 p.N3160fs*3. The g. coordinates were previously listed incorrectly in this table
as g.36395752_36395759del [03/06/2024]
1997 9103416
1369 OMIA:002458-9796 horse Thoroughbred (Horse) Hypoparathyroidism RAPGEF5 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 4 NC_009147.3:g.54108297G>T XM_023639352.1:c.2624C>A XP_023495120.1:p.(S875*) 2020 32986719
159 OMIA:000621-9796 horse Quarter Horse (Horse) Malignant hyperthermia RYR1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 10 NC_009153.3:g.9678680C>G XM_023649662.1:c.7363C>G XP_023505430.1:p.(R2455G) XM_023649662.1; XP_023505430.1; published as c.7360C>G and p.(R2454G); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2004 15318347 The genomic position in EquCab3.0 was provided by Hailey Anderson, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey in April 2022
162 OMIA:000785-9796 horse Quarter Horse (Horse) HYPP SCN4A H missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 11 NC_009154.3:g.15474228C>G NM_001081761.1:c.4248C>G NP_001075230.1:p.(F1416L) NM_001081761.1; NP_001075230.1; ECA11 (NC_009154.3) g.15474228C>G; NM_001081761.1: c.4248C>G; NP_001075230.1: F1416L; Sift Score 0.01. The above information (from which the coordinate fields were populated) was provided by Tatyana German and Meredith O’Connell, working under the supervision of Professor Ernie Bailey. rs1148998534 1992 1338908
965 OMIA:001897-9796 horse Connemara Pony (Horse) Hoof wall separation syndrome SERPINB11 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 8 NC_009151.3:g.83600643_83600644insC XM_001491598.3:c.504_505insC XP_001491648.1:p.(T169Hfs*3) rs3447216148 2015 25875171 FN thanks Daniel J. Schmidt, working under the supervision of Professor Ernie Bailey, for updating the coordinates to EquCab3.0.
686 OMIA:002013-9796 horse Shetland Pony (Horse) Skeletal atavism SHOX Del-1 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes PAR 160−180 kb deletion in the pseudoautosomal region (PAR) of chromosome X/Y; removing the entire coding region of the short stature homeobox (SHOX) gene and parts of the cytokine receptor-like factor 2 (CRLF2) gene located downstream of SHOX 2016 27207956
1455 OMIA:002013-9796 horse Shetland Pony (Horse) Skeletal atavism SHOX Del-2 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes PAR 60−80 kb deletion in the pseudoautosomal region (PAR) of chromosome X/Y; removing parts of the cytokine receptor-like factor 2 (CRLF2) gene located downstream of SHOX 2016 27207956
811 OMIA:002124-9796 horse Paso Fino (Horse) Tiger eye SLC24A5 Tiger-eye 2 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 1 NC_009144.3:g.143129074_143129702del published as a 628bp deletion: chr1:141660611–141661239; ENSECAT00000019866.1:c.875-340_1081 + 82del 2017 28655738
810 OMIA:002124-9796 horse Paso Fino (Horse) Tiger eye SLC24A5 Tiger-eye 1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 1 NC_009144.3:g.143145865A>T XM_023618043.1:c.272A>T XP_023473811.1:p.(F91Y) rs5334475205 2017 28655738 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
152 OMIA:001263-9796 horse American Cream Draft (Horse) American Miniature Horse (Horse) American Paint (Horse) American Saddle Horse (Horse) Appaloosa (Horse) Kentucky Mountain Saddle, United States of America (Horse) Missouri Fox Trotting Horse (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Tennessee Walking Horse (Horse) Coat colour, champagne SLC36A1 missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 14 NC_009157.3:g.26012449G>C XM_023617382.1:c.188C>G XP_023473150.1:p.(T63R) rs5334475190 2008 18802473 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1140 OMIA:001344-9796 horse Traditional Gypsy Cob, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Horse) Coat colour, snowdrop SLC45A2 C^sno missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 21 NC_009164.3:g.31688649G>A XM_001498110.4:c.449G>A XP_001498160.2:p.(R150Q) Bisbee et al. (2020): transcript ENSECAT00000026240.1 in the Ensembl EquCab2.0 assembly, previously listed as c.305G>A and p.(R102Q). Coordinates in this table are based on a recent reference genome and in accordance with HGVS recommendations. rs5334475197 2020 31961951 EquCab3.0 c. and p. coordinates kindly provided by Robin Everts.
153 OMIA:001344-9796 horse Morgan (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Welsh Pony (Horse) Coat colour, cream dilution SLC45A2 C^Cr missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 21 NC_009164.3:g.31690653G>A XM_001498110.4:c.601G>A XP_001498160.2:p.(D201N) Variant published as equCab3  chr21:g. 31,690,653G>A exon 2 c.457G>A p.Asp153Asn; coordinates in this table are based on a recent reference genome and in accordance with HGVS recommendations. rs1140980396 2003 12605854 EquCab3.0 g. coordinates obtained from Table S2 of Holl et al. (2019); c. and p. coordinates kindly provided by Robin Everts. Breed information updated based on PMID: 38600096
1074 OMIA:001344-9796 horse Standardbred x Tennessee Walking Horse cross (Horse) Coat colour, sunshine SLC45A2 C^sun missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 21 NC_009164.3:g.31705404G>A XM_001498110.4:c.712G>A XP_001498160.2:p.(G238R) Variant published as equCab3  chr21:g. 31,705,368G>A exon 3 c.568G>A p.Gly190Arg; genomic coordinates in OMIA were previously incorrectly listed as EquCab3.0 chr21 g.31705726G>A and corrected based on feedback from Robin Everts [12/04/2024]. Coordinates in this table are based on a recent reference genome and in accordance with HGVS recommendations.  rs394940514 2019 31006892 EquCab3.0 g., c. and p. kindly provided by Robin Everts.
1069 OMIA:001344-9796 horse American Paint (Horse) Lusitanian (Horse) Purebred Spanish (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Coat colour, pearl SLC45A2 C^prl missense Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 21 NC_009164.3:g.31709690G>A XM_001498110.4:c.1129G>A XP_001498160.2:p.(A377T) Variant published as equCab3  chr21:g. 31,709,654G>A exon 4 c.985G>A p.Ala329Thr; coordinates in this table are based on a recent reference genome and in accordance with HGVS recommendations. rs3101690631 2019 30968968 EquCab3 g. coordinate kindly provided by Natalia Sevane; c. and p. coordinates kindly provided by Robin Everts.
158 OMIA:001578-9796 horse Dales (Horse) Fell Pony (Horse) Foal immunodeficiency syndrome in the Fell and Dales Pony SLC5A3 missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 26 NC_009169.3:g.31894278C>T NM_001247992.1:c.1352C>T NP_001234921.1:p.(P451L) NM_001247992.1; NP_001234921.1; previously listed in OMIA as g.30660224G>T in EquCab2.0, c.1337G>T and published as p.(P446L); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2011 21750681 Briana Moreno, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey, provided genomic coordinates in EquCab3.0 in April 2022
1040 OMIA:002175-9796 horse Bashkir Curly (Horse) Missouri Fox Trotter, Germany (Horse) Curly coat with/without hypotrichosis SP6 missense Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 11 NC_009154.3:g.24096309C>T XM_023652659.1:c.1090G>A XP_023508427.1:p.(G364S) Thomer et al. (2018): "SP6; NC_009154.2:g.24022045C>T, ss3021042887" with respect to EquCab2. Updated coordinates in this entry obtained from EVA rs1095048852; 14 Mar 2019. Protein coordinates in this table previously inocrrectly shown as p.(D346N); corrected 13/06/2024. rs1095048852 2018 29686323
659 OMIA:001230-9796 horse American Trotter (Horse) XY sex reversal SRY deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes Y "at least the DNA-binding domain of the SRY gene was deleted from the Y chromosome of the XY mare" 1995 7558880
354 OMIA:002096-9796 horse Akhal-Teke (Horse) Naked foal syndrome ST14 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes EquCab3.0 7 NC_009150.3:g.39710628G>T XM_005611718.2:c.388G>T XP_005611775.1:p.(E130*) rs5334475187 2017 28235824 (FN thanks Emily Rogers for providing the genomic location (determined using BLAT with the XM_005611718.2 sequence against Equcab 3.0) and the sequence refs for the cDNA and protein variants, working under the supervision of Professor Ernie Bailey; 24 April 2020)
438 OMIA:001356-9796 horse Coat colour, grey/gray (slow greying) STX17 G2 repeat variation Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3 25 NC_009168.3:g.6625295_6629872dup two tandom copies of a 4.6kb intronic region in STX17, which increase the expression of both STX17 and a neighbouring gene NR4A3 2008 18641652
1732 OMIA:001356-9796 horse Coat colour, grey/gray (fast greying) STX17 G3 repeat variation Naturally occurring variant yes EquCAb3 25 NC_009168.3:g.6625295_6629872[3] three tandom copies of a 4.6kb intronic region in STX17 which increase the expression of both syntaxin-17 and a neighbouring gene NR4A3 2024 39209879
1029 OMIA:001972-9796 horse Non-dun without primitive markings TBX3 nd2 regulatory Naturally occurring variant unknown EquCab3.0 8 allele is represented by the reference genome EquCab3.0 2016 26691985 [IT thanks Haley Rutstein, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey, for contributions to this entry in April 2024]
1701 OMIA:001972-9796 horse Curly Horse (Horse) Fjord (Horse) Icelandic Horse (Horse) Polish Konik (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Vyatka (Horse) Dun TBX3 D regulatory Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 8 NC_009151.3:g.[20665796_20665797insCCTTCTGGC;20665807_20665808ins[1609]] 2016 26691985 [IT thanks Haley Rutstein, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey, for contributions to this entry in April 2024]. Additional breed information based on Stefaniuk-Szmukier et al. (2017) and Belousova et al. (2023).
1028 OMIA:001972-9796 horse American Trotter (Horse) Arab (Horse) Curly Horse (Horse) Faeroes Pony (Horse) Gotland Pony (Horse) Mongolian (Horse) Quarter Horse (Horse) Shetland Pony (Horse) Swedish Warmblood (Horse) Vyatka (Horse) Non-dun with primitive markings TBX3 nd1 regulatory Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 8 NC_009151.3:g.[20665796_20665797insCCTTCTGGC;20665807_20665808ins[1610]] 2016 26691985 [IT thanks Haley Rutstein, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey, for contributions to this entry in April 2024]. Additional breed information based on Belousova et al. (2023).
725 OMIA:001341-9796 OMIA:002139-9796 horse American Miniature Horse (Horse) Appaloosa (Horse) British Spotted Pony, Spotted Pony, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Horse) English Spotted Pony, Australia (Horse) Knabstrupper (Horse) Noric (Horse) Pony Of the Americas, Germany (Horse) Thoroughbred (Horse) Stationary congenital night blindness & Leopard Complex/Appaloosa spotting TRPM1 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant no EquCab3.0 1 NC_009144.3:g.109211964_109211965insN[1378] "a 1378 bp retroviral LTR insertion in intron 1 of TRPM1", EquCab2.0: g.108297929_108297930insN[1378] 2013 24167615 Coordinates in EquCab3.0 kindly provided by Haley Rutstein, working under the guidance of Professor Ernie Bailey.
Overall Statistics
Total number of variants 108
Variants with genomic location 104 (96.3% )
Variants in a variant database, i.e. with rs ID 66 (61.1%)
Variant Type Count Percent
deletion, gross (>20) 14 13.0%
deletion, small (<=20) 13 12.0%
delins, small (<=20) 2 1.9%
duplication 1 0.9%
insertion, gross (>20) 1 0.9%
insertion, small (<=20) 3 2.8%
missense 47 43.5%
nonsense (stop-gain) 9 8.3%
not known 1 0.9%
regulatory 5 4.6%
repeat variation 2 1.9%
splicing 10 9.3%
Year First Reported Count Percent
1992 1 0.9%
1993 0 0.0%
1994 0 0.0%
1995 1 0.9%
1996 1 0.9%
1997 1 0.9%
1998 1 0.9%
1999 0 0.0%
2000 1 0.9%
2001 1 0.9%
2002 1 0.9%
2003 1 0.9%
2004 2 1.9%
2005 1 0.9%
2006 2 1.9%
2007 6 5.6%
2008 3 2.8%
2009 8 7.4%
2010 2 1.9%
2011 8 7.4%
2012 7 6.5%
2013 6 5.6%
2014 0 0.0%
2015 4 3.7%
2016 8 7.4%
2017 13 12.0%
2018 8 7.4%
2019 5 4.6%
2020 6 5.6%
2021 3 2.8%
2022 3 2.8%
2023 3 2.8%
2024 1 0.9%