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40 phene records found

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OMIA ID Phene Species Scientific Name Species Common Name Gene Year Key Mutation First Reported Date Last Modified
OMIA:001636-9031 Ametapodia-2 Gallus gallus chicken 2021-08-26
OMIA:000146-9031 Brachydactyly Gallus gallus chicken 2013-08-05
OMIA:000242-9031 Crippled Gallus gallus chicken 2005-09-06
OMIA:001546-9031 Diplopodia-1 Gallus gallus chicken 2020-05-14
OMIA:001149-9031 Diplopodia-2 Gallus gallus chicken 2011-02-26
OMIA:001148-9031 Diplopodia-3 Gallus gallus chicken 2011-10-17
OMIA:001254-9031 Diplopodia-4 Gallus gallus chicken 2011-10-17
OMIA:000289-9031 Diplopodia-5 Gallus gallus chicken 2022-10-13
OMIA:000350-9031 Eudiplopodia Gallus gallus chicken 2022-10-22
OMIA:001734-9031 Hock burn Gallus gallus chicken 2012-11-23
OMIA:000579-9031 Lameness Gallus gallus chicken 2023-06-15
OMIA:000585-9031 Leg weakness Gallus gallus chicken 2024-09-02
OMIA:002353-9031 Limb movement, synchronic, EFNB3-related Gallus gallus chicken 2021-06-17
OMIA:000602-9031 Limbless Gallus gallus chicken 2021-09-07
OMIA:001735-9031 Long-bone deformities Gallus gallus chicken 2012-11-23
OMIA:000648-9031 Micromelia Gallus gallus chicken 2005-09-06
OMIA:000671-9031 Multiple spurs Gallus gallus chicken 2005-09-06
OMIA:000702-9031 Nanomelia Gallus gallus chicken ACAN 1994 2012-08-31
OMIA:001612-9031 Oligozeugodactyly Gallus gallus chicken LMBR1 2011 2012-01-04
OMIA:000788-9031 Perosis Gallus gallus chicken 2022-10-20
OMIA:000810-9031 Polydactyly Gallus gallus chicken SHH 2010 2022-04-08
OMIA:001536-9031 Polydactyly, Dorking Gallus gallus chicken 2010-11-19
OMIA:001226-9031 Polymelia Gallus gallus chicken 2013-09-13
OMIA:002843-9031 Ptilopody (Feathered shank), generic Gallus gallus chicken 2024-08-28
OMIA:002270-9031 Ptilopody (Feathered shank), PITX1-related Gallus gallus chicken PITX1 2020 2020-06-09
OMIA:000839-9031 Ptilopody (Feathered shank), TBX5-related Gallus gallus chicken TBX5 2020 2020-06-09
OMIA:002654-9031 Robinow syndrome, DVL1-related Gallus gallus chicken 2023-12-18
OMIA:001633-9031 Rumpless Gallus gallus chicken Rum 2023 2024-04-16
OMIA:001635-9031 Shankless Gallus gallus chicken 2011-10-17
OMIA:000943-9031 Splitfoot Gallus gallus chicken 2005-09-06
OMIA:000963-9031 Syndactyly Gallus gallus chicken 2011-10-17
OMIA:002845-9031 Tail feathers, absent Gallus gallus chicken 2024-04-16
OMIA:000978-9031 Talpid-2 Gallus gallus chicken 2011-02-26
OMIA:001145-9031 Toes, crooked Gallus gallus chicken 2005-09-06
OMIA:001024-9031 Twisted leg Gallus gallus chicken 2023-05-05
OMIA:001073-9031 Wingless Gallus gallus chicken 2019-09-24
OMIA:001550-9031 Wingless with scoliosis Gallus gallus chicken 2011-02-26
OMIA:001549-9031 Wingless, Japanese Gallus gallus chicken 2019-09-24
OMIA:001548-9031 Wingless, sex-linked Gallus gallus chicken 2011-02-26
OMIA:001547-9031 Wingless-2 Gallus gallus chicken RAF1 2019 2019-09-24