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103 phene records found

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OMIA ID Phene Species Scientific Name Species Common Name Gene Year Key Mutation First Reported Date Last Modified
OMIA:002656-259920 Adaptation to a blue-shifted light environment Rhincodon typus whale shark 2023 2023-03-23
OMIA:002209-7950 Adaptation to a red-shifted light environment Clupea harengus Atlantic herring rho 2019 2019-09-13
OMIA:002637-9646 Adaptation, environment, generic Ailuropoda melanoleuca giant panda 2023-10-21
OMIA:002637-234626 Adaptation, environment, generic Allactaga sibirica Mongolian five-toed jerboa 2024-08-26
OMIA:002637-8845 Adaptation, environment, generic Anser cygnoides swan goose 2024-01-11
OMIA:002637-7994 Adaptation, environment, generic Astyanax mexicanus Mexican tetra 2024-05-07
OMIA:002637-135647 Adaptation, environment, generic Barbatula barbatula stone loach 2024-01-24
OMIA:002637-30521 Adaptation, environment, generic Bos grunniens domestic yak 2024-03-09
OMIA:002637-9915 Adaptation, environment, generic Bos indicus indicine cattle (zebu) 2023-11-21
OMIA:002637-9913 Adaptation, environment, generic Bos taurus taurine cattle 2023-04-08
OMIA:002637-89462 Adaptation, environment, generic Bubalus bubalis water buffalo 2023-10-18
OMIA:002637-9837 Adaptation, environment, generic Camelus bactrianus Bactrian camel 2023-02-27
OMIA:002637-9838 Adaptation, environment, generic Camelus dromedarius Arabian camel 2024-01-17
OMIA:002637-9615 Adaptation, environment, generic Canis lupus familiaris dog 2023-10-03
OMIA:002637-9925 Adaptation, environment, generic Capra hircus goat 2023-02-27
OMIA:002637-159716 Adaptation, environment, generic Champsocephalus esox pike icefish 2023-02-24
OMIA:002637-52775 Adaptation, environment, generic Ciconia boyciana oriental stork 2024-11-14
OMIA:002637-7950 Adaptation, environment, generic Clupea harengus Atlantic herring 2024-07-01
OMIA:002637-129043 Adaptation, environment, generic Cololabis saira Pacific saury 2024-11-16
OMIA:002637-9728 Adaptation, environment, generic Delphinus delphis saddleback dolphin 2024-05-23
OMIA:002637-13489 Adaptation, environment, generic Dicentrarchus labrax European seabass 2024-12-05
OMIA:002637-30648 Adaptation, environment, generic Dipodidae jerboas 2023-09-01
OMIA:002637-329620 Adaptation, environment, generic Ellobius talpinus Northern mole vole 2023-08-18
OMIA:002637-9793 Adaptation, environment, generic Equus asinus ass (donkey) 2024-06-04
OMIA:002637-9796 Adaptation, environment, generic Equus caballus horse 2024-02-27
OMIA:002637-94398 Adaptation, environment, generic Equus kiang kiang 2024-06-04
OMIA:002637-8049 Adaptation, environment, generic Gadus morhua Atlantic cod 2023-10-12
OMIA:002637-9031 Adaptation, environment, generic Gallus gallus chicken 2023-02-27
OMIA:002637-63631 Adaptation, environment, generic Hydrodamalis gigas Steller's sea cow 2023-06-02
OMIA:002637-8686 Adaptation, environment, generic Hydrophis cyanocinctus Asian annulated sea snake 2023-07-19
OMIA:002637-48086 Adaptation, environment, generic Lepus americanus snowshoe hare 2023-04-06
OMIA:002637-62621 Adaptation, environment, generic Lepus timidus Mountain hare 2023-10-05
OMIA:002637-63225 Adaptation, environment, generic Lepus townsendii white-tailed jackrabbit 2023-03-31
OMIA:002637-37349 Adaptation, environment, generic Mammuthus primigenius woolly mammoth 2023-04-10
OMIA:002637-75352 Adaptation, environment, generic Megalobrama amblycephala Wuchang bream 2023-03-09
OMIA:002637-10047 Adaptation, environment, generic Meriones unguiculatus Mongolian gerbil 2023-10-12
OMIA:002637-61452 Adaptation, environment, generic Neofelis nebulosa Clouded leopard 2023-10-08
OMIA:002637-37699 Adaptation, environment, generic Notoryctes typhlops marsupial mole 2025-01-03
OMIA:002637-8205 Adaptation, environment, generic Notothenioidei Southern cod-icefishes 2023-09-21
OMIA:002637-130825 Adaptation, environment, generic Ochotona curzoniae black-lipped pika 2023-10-08
OMIA:002637-8022 Adaptation, environment, generic Oncorhynchus mykiss rainbow trout 2024-10-18
OMIA:002637-37176 Adaptation, environment, generic Ovibos moschatus muskox 2023-06-01
OMIA:002637-9940 Adaptation, environment, generic Ovis aries sheep 2023-02-25
OMIA:002637-469796 Adaptation, environment, generic Ovis orientalis Asiatic mouflon 2023-10-12
OMIA:002637-9557 Adaptation, environment, generic Papio hamadryas hamadryas baboon 2023-06-05
OMIA:002637-9157 Adaptation, environment, generic Parus major Great Tit 2024-02-21
OMIA:002637-41426 Adaptation, environment, generic Phacochoerus africanus Common warthog 2024-02-28
OMIA:002637-693459 Adaptation, environment, generic Phycodurus eques leafy seadragon 2023-10-12
OMIA:002637-8400 Adaptation, environment, generic Rana catesbeiana bullfrog 2023-11-23
OMIA:002637-9870 Adaptation, environment, generic Rangifer tarandus reindeer 2023-06-01
OMIA:002637-542827 Adaptation, environment, generic Rhinopithecus snub-nosed monkeys 2023-09-20
OMIA:002637-61621 Adaptation, environment, generic Rhinopithecus bieti black snub-nosed monkey 2024-09-02
OMIA:002637-8030 Adaptation, environment, generic Salmo salar Atlantic salmon 2024-03-20
OMIA:002637-8032 Adaptation, environment, generic Salmo trutta brown trout 2024-11-06
OMIA:002637-52904 Adaptation, environment, generic Scophthalmus maximus turbot 2023-02-24
OMIA:002637-195335 Adaptation, environment, generic Sphyrna zygaena smooth hammerhead 2024-12-17
OMIA:002637-196075 Adaptation, environment, generic Sprattus sprattus European sprat 2024-07-01
OMIA:002637-9823 Adaptation, environment, generic Sus scrofa pig 2023-03-01
OMIA:002637-36212 Adaptation, environment, generic Trachurus trachurus Atlantic horse mackerel 2023-06-28
OMIA:002637-9187 Adaptation, environment, generic Turdus merula blackbird 2025-01-16
OMIA:002637-29064 Adaptation, environment, generic Uncia uncia snow leopard 2024-09-02
OMIA:002637-29073 Adaptation, environment, generic Ursus maritimus polar bear 2024-09-25
OMIA:002637-9625 Adaptation, environment, generic Vulpes true foxes 2023-06-15
OMIA:002637-9629 Adaptation, environment, generic Vulpes corsac Corsac fox 2023-06-14
OMIA:002286-9739 Bisalbuminaemia Tursiops truncatus bottlenosed dolphin 2020-09-15
OMIA:002593-9685 Cat allergen Felis catus domestic cat CH2 2024 2024-04-08
OMIA:002880-9913 Cattle allergen Bos taurus taurine cattle 2024-08-27
OMIA:002220-9823 Citrullinaemia, lack of Sus scrofa pig 2019-11-19
OMIA:002863-10036 Cold tolerance Mesocricetus auratus golden hamster 2024-08-06
OMIA:001587-9615 Deficiency of cytosolic arylamine N-acetylation Canis lupus familiaris dog 1997 2023-02-23
OMIA:001587-9685 Deficiency of cytosolic arylamine N-acetylation Felis catus domestic cat 1998 2023-02-23
OMIA:002436-9823 Digestive enzyme deficiency Sus scrofa pig 2023-12-18
OMIA:002799-9615 Dog allergen Canis lupus familiaris dog 2024-08-27
OMIA:002650-9031 Egg allergen Gallus gallus chicken 2023 2023-12-18
OMIA:001209-9031 Endogenous viral element 1 Gallus gallus chicken 2005-09-06
OMIA:001715-9793 Gaitedness, DMRT3-related Equus asinus ass (donkey) 2024-09-06
OMIA:001715-319699 Gaitedness, DMRT3-related Equus asinus x caballus mule 2024-06-05
OMIA:001715-9796 Gaitedness, DMRT3-related Equus caballus horse DMRT3 2012 2024-11-26
OMIA:001715-9798 Gaitedness, DMRT3-related Equus przewalskii Przewalski's horse DMRT3 2012 2024-06-05
OMIA:002879-9796 Horse allergen Equus caballus horse 2024-08-27
OMIA:002024-473964 Loss of flight Nannopterum harrisi Galapagos flightless cormorant 2016-08-05
OMIA:000834-9913 Protamine-2 deficiency Bos taurus taurine cattle 2005-09-06
OMIA:000834-9823 Protamine-2 deficiency Sus scrofa pig 2005-09-06
OMIA:001691-8839 Recombination rate Anas platyrhynchos Mallard 2016-09-08
OMIA:001691-9915 Recombination rate Bos indicus indicine cattle (zebu) 2023-09-05
OMIA:001691-9913 Recombination rate Bos taurus taurine cattle 2013-05-22
OMIA:001691-9615 Recombination rate Canis lupus familiaris dog 2016-09-04
OMIA:001691-9925 Recombination rate Capra hircus goat 2016-09-08
OMIA:001691-31869 Recombination rate Daubentonia madagascariensis aye-aye 2025-01-14
OMIA:001691-9796 Recombination rate Equus caballus horse 2019-09-05
OMIA:001691-9685 Recombination rate Felis catus domestic cat 2022-11-29
OMIA:001691-9031 Recombination rate Gallus gallus chicken 2021-08-25
OMIA:001691-366454 Recombination rate Notiomystis cincta hihi 2024-08-06
OMIA:001691-9940 Recombination rate Ovis aries sheep 2016-09-08
OMIA:001691-8030 Recombination rate Salmo salar Atlantic salmon 2023-11-27
OMIA:001691-9823 Recombination rate Sus scrofa pig 2021-09-16
OMIA:001691-48155 Recombination rate Sylvia atricapilla blackcap 2024-01-13
OMIA:001761-9913 Telomere length Bos taurus taurine cattle 2023-03-25
OMIA:001761-9615 Telomere length Canis lupus familiaris dog 2013-01-05
OMIA:001761-9925 Telomere length Capra hircus goat 2024-01-17
OMIA:001761-9796 Telomere length Equus caballus horse 2024-01-17
OMIA:001761-9940 Telomere length Ovis aries sheep 2021-04-23
OMIA:001761-9823 Telomere length Sus scrofa pig 2023-08-27