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567 variant records found

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WARNING! Inclusion of a variant in this table does not automatically mean that it should be used for DNA testing. Anyone contemplating the use of any of these variants for DNA testing should examine critically the relevant evidence (especially in breeds other than the breed in which the variant was first described). If it is decided to proceed, the location and orientation of the variant sequence should be checked very carefully.

Since October 2021, OMIA includes a semiautomated lift-over pipeline to facilitate updates of genomic positions to a recent reference genome position. These changes to genomic positions are not always reflected in the ‘acknowledgements’ or ‘verbal description’ fields in this table.

OMIA Variant ID OMIA Phene-Species ID(s) Species Name Breed(s) Variant Phenotype Gene Allele Type of Variant Source of Genetic Variant Deleterious? Reference Sequence Chr. g. or m. c. or n. p. Verbal Description EVA ID Year Published PubMed ID(s) Acknowledgements
1050 OMIA:002179-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Stargardt disease 1 ABCA4 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 6 g.55146556dup c.4176dup p.(F1393Lfs*3) Mäkeläinen et al. (2019): "ENSCAFT00000005367 exon28 4170dupC* V1390fs" Importantly, the same authors also explain in Table S3 that "*The insertion is found in a cytosine mononucleotide-repeat region [55,146,550–55,146,556] and it is arbitrary at what position the actual insertion occurs. In the text we have denoted the insertion as c.4176insC, p.F1393Lfs*1395)." Variant information changed to reflect HGVS nomenclature 2019 30889179
607 OMIA:001402-9615 dog Border Collie (Dog) Adverse reaction to certain drugs ABCB1 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 14 CanFam3.1 published as c.73insAAT - the allele is reflected by the reference sequence CanFam3.1 and NM_001003215.2 as reference: g.13737172_13737174; c.73_75, p.N25; causality of this variant should be reviewed 2010 21113104
469 OMIA:001402-9615 dog Australian Shepherd (Dog) Border Collie (Dog) Collie (Dog) German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Long-Haired Whippet (Dog) Miniature Australian Shepherd Dog (Dog) Old English Sheepdog (Dog) Shetland Sheepdog (Dog) Silken Windhound (Dog) Waller (Dog) White Swiss Shepherd Dog (Dog) Adverse reaction to certain drugs ABCB1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 14 NC_006596.3:g.13726596_13726599del NM_001003215.2:c.228_231del NM_001003215.2:p.(D77Afs*16) 2001 11692082 Variant information initially gleaned from or confirmed by Donner et al. (2016) PLoS One 11:e0161005 and later updated to reflect HGVS nomenclature.
442 OMIA:001402-9615 dog Border Collie (Dog) Adverse reaction to certain drugs ABCB1 regulatory Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 14 NC_006596.3:g.13742402A>C published as Canfam2 chr14:16692274T>G, c.-6-180T>G, possible regulatory variant associated with resistance to phenobarbital treatment in epileptic Border Collies; an association between the variant and the phenotype was not supported in a different study: PMID: 31685133 rs852787132 2011 21488961 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 and EVA ID provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
572 OMIA:001524-9615 dog Shetland Sheepdog (Dog) Gallbladder mucoceles ABCB4 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 14 g.13584928_13584929insC c.1660_1661insG p.(L554Rfs) XM_539403.6; XP_539403.3; published as c.1583_1584G, the association between this variant and disease was later disproven and this variant should not be used as a diagnostic marker for GBM (Cullen et al. 2014) 2010 20598156
1574 OMIA:002710-9615 dog Manchester Terrier (Dog) Cardiomyopathy, dilated, ABCC9-related ABCC9 SCDY/DCM missense Naturally occurring variant unknown Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 27 NC_006609.4:g.21042635C>T XM_022410972.2:c.3557G>A XP_022266680.2:p.(R1186Q) XM_022410972.2; XP_022266680.2 2023 37239348
1388 OMIA:002368-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Ichthyosis, ABHD5-related ABHD5 ICH2 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 23 g.2587000_2587013del c.1006_1019del p.(D336Sfs*6) XM_542689.5; XP_542689.2 2022 34791225
1497 OMIA:002585-9615 dog Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Dog) medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase ACADM delins, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 6 g.71401388_71401389delinsCATAATTCTTAGACAATATTGAGAATTAAC c.444_445delinsGTTAATTCTCAATATTGTCTAAGAATTATG p.(T150Ifs*6) XM_038541645.1; XP_038397573.1 2022 36292732
972 OMIA:002140-9615 dog German Hunting Terrier (Dog) Exercise induced metabolic myopathy ACADVL nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 NC_006587.3:g.32193689C>A XM_546581.5:c.1728C>A XP_546581.3:p.(Y576*) XM_546581.5; XP_546581.3 2018 29491033
1045 OMIA:002177-9615 dog Akita (Dog) American Akita (Dog) Amelogenesis imperfecta, ACP4-related ACPT insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 1 g.106051997dupC c.1189dupG p.(A397Gfs) XM_541473.2; XP_541473.2; ACPT is a synonym of ACP4 2019 30877375
1259 OMIA:002226-9615 dog Australian Kelpie (Dog) Intestinal lipid malabsorption ACSL5 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 28 g.23380074_23483377del NC_006610.3CFA28:g.23380074_23483377del (O/Brien et al., 2020) 2020 33106515
633 OMIA:001520-9615 dog Glen of Imaal Terrier (Dog) Cone-rod dystrophy 3 ADAM9 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 16 "a deletion of exons 15 and 16 which alters the reading frame leading to a premature stop codon" in the ADAM9 gene 2010 20691256
43 OMIA:001870-9615 dog Beagle (Dog) Glaucoma, primary open angle ADAMTS10 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 NC_006602.3:g.53096339C>T XM_022406266.1:c.1981G>A XP_022261974.1:p.(G661R) XM_849227.3; XP_854320.1 2011 21379321
101 OMIA:001870-9615 dog Norwegian Elkhound (Dog) Glaucoma, primary open angle ADAMTS10 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 NC_006602.3:g.53101896C>T XM_022406266.1:c.1159G>A XP_022261974.1:p.(A387T) XM_849227.3; XP_854320.1 2014 25372548 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
685 OMIA:001976-9615 dog Basset Hound (Dog) Glaucoma, primary open angle, ADAMTS17-related ADAMTS17 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 g.40614853_40614872del c.194_213del p.(L68Gfs*) XM_022416850.1; XP_022272558.1 2015 26474315
1086 OMIA:001976-9615 dog Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (Dog) Glaucoma, primary open angle, ADAMTS17-related ADAMTS17 inversion Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 g.40812274_45768123inv c.1721+2668_*4831255inv XM_545825.4; Forman et al. (2015): "a 4.96 Mb inversion . . . with breakpoints in intron 12 of ADAMTS17 (chr3:40,812,274) and a downstream intergenic region (chr3:45,768,123) [Canfam3.1]… Analysis of RNAseq data revealed novel exon expression for ADAMTS17 due to cryptic splicing occurring 3’ of the exons located immediately upstream of the inversion event." 2015 26683476
942 OMIA:000588-9615 OMIA:001976-9615 dog Chinese Shar-Pei (Dog) Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), primary lens luxation (PLL), or both ADAMTS17 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 g.40935387_40935392del c.3069_3074del p.(V1024_V1025del) XM_014112382.2; XP_013967857.1; published as c.3070_3075delCGTGGT; p.(V1025_V1026del) 2018 29287154
365 OMIA:000588-9615 dog American Toy Terrier (Dog) Chinese Crested (Dog) German Hunting Terrier (Dog) Jack Russell Terrier (Dog) Lancashire Heeler (Dog) Miniature Bull Terrier (Dog) Parson Russell Terrier (Dog) Patterdale Terrier (Dog) Rat Terrier (Dog) Sealyham Terrier (Dog) Tenterfield Terrier (Dog) Tibetan Terrier (Dog) Toy Fox Terrier (Dog) Volpino Italiano (Dog) Welsh Terrier (Dog) Wire Fox Terrier (Dog) Yorkshire Terrier (Dog) Lens luxation ADAMTS17 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 NC_006585.3:g.40782144G>A XM_022416850.1:c.1473+1G>A XM_022416850.1; additional breeds reported by PMID:22050825 and PMID:37582787 rs1152388408 2010 20375329 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
96 OMIA:001976-9615 dog Basset Fauve de Bretagne (Dog) Glaucoma, primary open angle, ADAMTS17-related ADAMTS17 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 NC_006585.3:g.40808345G>A XM_022416851.1:c.1552G>A XP_022272559.1:p.(G518S) XM_022416851.1; XP_022272559.1 2015 26474315 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1513 OMIA:000328-9615 dog Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog (Dog) American Pit Bull Terrier (Dog) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type VII (Dermatosparaxis) ADAMTS2 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 11 g.2280117delC c.10delC p.(P4Rfs*175) 2022 36421833
1117 OMIA:000328-9615 dog Doberman Pinscher (Dog) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type VII (Dermatosparaxis) ADAMTS2 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 11 NC_006593.3:g.2408978C>T XM_843844.4:c.769C>T XP_848937.1:p.(R257*) 2019 31294848
1514 OMIA:000328-9615 dog Catahoula Leopard Dog (Dog) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type VII (Dermatosparaxis) ADAMTS2 missense Genome-editing (CRISPR-Cas9) yes CanFam3.1 11 NC_006593.3:g.2491238G>A XM_843844.4:c.2897G>A XP_848937.1:p.(R966H) 2022 36421833
537 OMIA:001140-9615 dog Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Dog) Cleft lip with or without cleft palate ADAMTS20 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 27 g.10553479_10553480del c.1358_1359del p.(K453Ifs*4) XM_022410988.1; XP_022266696.1; published as c.1360_1361delAA and p.(K453Ifs*3); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript and HGVS nomenclature 2015 25798845 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Mateo Etcheveste and Robert Kuhn.
1084 OMIA:001893-9615 dog Norwich Terrier (Dog) Upper airway syndrome ADAMTS3 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 13 g.61287796G>A c.2786G>A p.(R929H) 2019 31095560
60 OMIA:001509-9615 dog Beagle (Dog) Musladin-Lueke syndrome ADAMTSL2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.49931561C>T XM_014116955.2:c.661C>T XP_013972430.1:p.(R221C) 2010 20862248 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
466 OMIA:001577-9615 dog Curly Coated Retriever (Dog) Glycogen storage disease IIIa AGL deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 6 g.50050457del c.4223del p.(K1408Sfs*6) NM_001048096.1; NP_001041561.1; published as c.4223delA; genomic position adjusted to HGVS 3' rule 2007 17338148 Genomic and protein coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
75 OMIA:001672-9615 dog Coton de Tulear (Dog) Primary hyperoxaluria type I (Oxalosis I) AGXT missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 25 g.50968854G>A c.304G>A p.(G102S) XP_003639939.1:p.Gly102Ser rs397510072 2012 22486513 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1094 OMIA:002205-9615 dog Collie Rough (Dog) Recurrent inflammatory pulmonary disease AKNA deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 11 g.68576241_68576244del c.2717_2720delACAG p.(D906Afs*173) XM_014117950.2: c.2717_2720delACAG; XP_013973425.1:p.(Asp906Alafs*173) 2019 31357536
1240 OMIA:002250-9615 dog Saluki (Dog) Succinic Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase Deficiency ALDH5A1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 35 NC_006617.3:g.22572768G>A XM_014110599.2:c.866G>A XP_013966074.2:p.(G288D) XM_014110599.2: c.866G>A; XP_013966074.2: p.(Gly288Asp) (Vernau et al., 2020) 2020 32887425
1021 OMIA:002162-9615 dog Karelian Bear Dog (Dog) Hypophosphatasia ALPL missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 NC_006584.3:g.77561953A>C XM_005617214.3:c.1301T>G XP_005617271.1:p.(V434G) XM_005617214.3; XP_005617271.1 2019 30700765
1129 OMIA:001868-9615 dog Siberian Husky (Dog) Blue eyes ALX4 duplication Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 18 g.44791414_44890185dup Deane-Coe et al. (2018): "a 98.6-kb duplication directly upstream of the Homeobox gene ALX4" 2018 30286082 g. coordinates kindly provided by Anna Letko and Cord Drögemüller (7th Oct 2019)
280 OMIA:002775-9615 dog Miniature Schnauzer (Dog) Persistent Mullerian duct syndrome AMHR2 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 27 NC_006609.3:g.1794738G>A XM_543632.6:c.262C>T XP_543632.4:p.(R88*) XM_543632.6; XP_543632.4; published as c.241C>T; coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2009 18723470
639 OMIA:000565-9615 dog Giant Schnauzer (Dog) Intestinal cobalamin malabsorption, AMN-related AMN deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 8 g.70807271_70807303del c.1113_1145del p.(G372_A382del) NM_001002960.1; NP_001002960.1 2005 15845892 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn and Mateo Etcheveste.
426 OMIA:000565-9615 dog Australian Shepherd (Dog) Intestinal cobalamin malabsorption, AMN-related AMN start-lost Naturally occurring variant yes ROS_Cfam_1.0 8 NC_051812.1:g.71077084G>A NM_001002960.1:c.3G>A NP_001002960.1:p.(M1?) NM_001002960.1; NP_001002960.1 2005 15845892
1677 OMIA:002838-9615 dog Cirneco dell'Etna (Dog) Cirneco oculo-neurological syndrome AMPD2 CONS deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 6 g.42698170del c.2131del p.(D711Mfs12*)  XM_038541065.1; XP_038396993.1; NC_049227.1 2024 38397227
353 OMIA:002539-9615 dog Dalmatian (Dog) Respiratory distress syndrome ANLN nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 14 NC_006596.3:g.47812143C>T XM_005628719.3:c.31C>T XP_005628776.1:p.(R11*) 2017 28222102 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
422 OMIA:001353-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Platelet receptor for factor X, deficiency of ANO6 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 27 NC_006609.3:g.8912219C>T XM_005636953.1:c.1934+1G>A XM_005636953.1 2015 26414452 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
580 OMIA:000248-9615 dog Collie (Dog) Neutropenia, cyclic AP3B1 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 g.28663129_28663130insA c.2407_2408insA p.(T803Nfs*5) NM_001002974.2; NP_001002974.1; a single base pair (A) insertion in exon 20 of the AP3 beta gene (AP3B1) rs1152388405 2003 12897784
1206 OMIA:001916-9615 dog Jack Russell Terrier (Dog) Familial Adenomatous Polyposis APC delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 g.312131_312132delinsAA c.[462_463delinsTT] p.(K155X) XM_014111995.2; XP_013967470.1 2020 32445578 Reference assembly and genomic location kindly provided by Kyoko Yoshizaki, 17 Dec 2020
960 OMIA:001917-9615 dog Leonberger (Dog) Saint Bernard (Dog) Polyneuropathy, ARHGEF10-related ARHGEF10 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 16 g.54349199_54349208del c.1955_1958+6del XM_005630036.3; XP_005630093.1; published as c.1955_1958+6delCACGGTGAGC - eliminating the 3'-splice junction of exon 17 and creating an alternate splice site leading to a truncated protein 2014 25275565 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
56 OMIA:000666-9615 dog Miniature Schnauzer (Dog) Mucopolysaccharidosis VI ARSB deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 g.27870127_27870182del c.-24_32del NM_001048133.1 2020 32985704 g. coordinate kindly provided by Karthik Raj 29 Oct 2020
640 OMIA:000666-9615 dog Poodle, Miniature (Dog) Mucopolysaccharidosis VI ARSB deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 g.27870253_27870274del c.103_124del p.(A35Gfs*108) NM_001048133.1; NP_001041598.1 2012 22329490 Variant information initially provided by Karthik Raj and Urs Giger
859 OMIA:000666-9615 dog Great Dane (Dog) Mucopolysaccharidosis VI ARSB nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 NC_006585.3:g.27870445C>T NM_001048133.1:c.295C>T NP_001041598.1:p.(Q99*) NM_001048133.1; NP_001041598.1 2018 29157190 Variant information initially provided by Karthik Raj and Urs Giger, and confirmed by Ensembl's VEP
1258 OMIA:000666-9615 dog Miniature Pinscher (Dog) Mucopolysaccharidosis VI ARSB missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 NC_006585.3:g.27950471G>A NM_001048133.1:c.910G>A NP_001041598.1:p.(G304R) NM_001048133.1; NP_001041598.1 2020 32985704 g. coordinate kindly provided by Karthik Raj 29 Oct 2020
67 OMIA:001503-9615 dog American Staffordshire Terrier (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 4A ARSG missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.15071276G>A XM_005624176.3:c.296G>A XP_005624233.1:p.(R99H) 2010 20679209 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1382 OMIA:000201-9615 dog Dominant yellow ASIP DY reference sequence allele Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 24 CanFam3.1 The reference sequence CanFam3.1 represents the dominant yellow phenotype. 2021 34385618
1386 OMIA:000201-9615 dog Black saddle ASIP BS delins, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 24 g.23378062_23379640delins[MT319116.1:424_663] Likely causal regulatory promoter variant 2021 34385618
1385 OMIA:000201-9615 dog Black back 3 ASIP BB3 haplotype Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 24 g.[23353288_23353472del;23354716_23354751A[4];23377890_23378086del;23378320_23378343del;g.23378858_2 Haplotype containing a likely causal regulatory promoter variant 2021 34385618
1380 OMIA:000201-9615 dog Agouti ASIP AG haplotype Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 24 g.[23353288_23353472del;23354716_23354751A[4];23377890_23378086del;23378320_23378343del] Haplotype containing a likely causal regulatory promoter variant 2021 34385618
1383 OMIA:000201-9615 dog Black back 1 ASIP BB1 haplotype Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 24 g.[23353288_23353472del;23354716_23354751A[4];23378062_23378231delins[MT319115.1:424_674] Haplotype containing a likely causal regulatory promoter variant 2021 34385618
1384 OMIA:000201-9615 dog Black back 2 ASIP BB2 haplotype Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 24 g.[23353288_23353472del;23354716_23354751A[4];23378062_23379640delins[MT319116.1:424_663]] Haplotype containing a likely causal regulatory promoter variant 2021 34385618
1381 OMIA:000201-9615 dog Shaded yellow ASIP SY haplotype Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 24 g.[23353288_23353472del;23354716_23354751A[4]] Haplotype containing a likely causal regulatory promoter variant 2021 34385618
30 OMIA:000201-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Recessive black ASIP missense Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 24 NC_006606.3:g.23393552C>T NM_001007263.1:c.286C>T NP_001007264.1:p.(R96C) rs851336386 2004 15520882 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
111 OMIA:002099-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Ichthyosis, ASPRV1-related ASPRV1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 NC_006592.3:g.68587027A>G XM_014117456.1:c.1052T>C XP_013972931.1:p.(L351P) XM_014117456.1; XP_013972931.1 2017 28249031 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn and Mateo Etcheveste.
1673 OMIA:002099-9615 dog Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Dog) Ichthyosis, non-epidermolytic ASPRV1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 10 NC_049231.1:g.69888722_69888723del XM_038551592.1:c.594_595del XP_038407520.1:p.(L199Rfs*342) 2024 38549226
65 OMIA:001471-9615 dog Poodle, Standard (Dog) Neonatal encephalopathy with seizures ATF2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 36 NC_006618.3:g.19078954A>C XM_005640334.3:c.152T>G XP_005640391.1:p.(M51R) 2008 18074159 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
94 OMIA:001954-9615 dog Lagotto Romagnolo (Dog) Neurodegenerative vacuolar storage disease ATG4D missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 NC_006602.3:g.50618958C>T XM_542069.6:c.1288G>A XP_542069.1:p.(A430T) 2015 25875846 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1067 OMIA:001552-9615 dog Australian Cattle Dog (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 12 ATP13A2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 NC_006584.3:g.81208162C>T XM_005617949.3:c.1118C>T XP_005618006.1:p.(T373I) XM_005617949.3; XP_005618006.1 2019 30956123
400 OMIA:001552-9615 dog Tibetan Terrier (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 12 ATP13A2 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 NC_006584.3:g.81210367del XM_005617949.3:c.1623del XM_005617949.3; XP_005618006.1; variant was published as c.1623delG p.P541fs*597 by Farias et al. (2011); Wöhlke et al. (2011) provided an alternate transcript position c.1620delG and proposed that the variant causes exon 16 skipping in NCL-affected Tibetan terriers. The sequence information provided by Wöhlke et al. (2011) corresponds to XM_005617949.3:c.1623del 2011 21362476 22022275
734 OMIA:002110-9615 dog Belgian Shepherd Dog (Dog) Ataxia, cerebellar, ATP1B2-related ATP1B2 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 g.32551064_32551065ins[LT796559.1:g.50_276] c.130_131ins[LT796559.1:g.50_276] XM_546597.5; "a 227 bp SINE insertion into exon 2 of the ATP1B2 gene" 2017 28620085
1192 OMIA:002265-9615 dog Irish Terrier (Dog) Darier disease ATP2A2 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 26 g.8200944_8200945insN[(205)] c.2098-3_2098-2insN[(205)] p.(T700Vfs*6) NM_001003214.1; NP_001003214.1; Linek et al. (2020): "a heterozygous SINE insertion [~205bp] into the ATP2A2 gene, at the end of intron 14, close to the boundary of exon 15", giving rise to NP_001003214.1:p.(Thr700Valfs*6) 2020 32354065
1533 OMIA:002265-9615 dog Shih Tzu (Dog) Darier disease ATP2A2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 26 NC_049247.1:g.8434781A>C NM_001003214.1:c.2425A>C NP_001003214.1:p.(N809H) NM_001003214.1; NP_001003214.1 2023 36883421
107 OMIA:002608-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Modifier of copper toxicosis ATP7A missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.60279238C>T XM_005641519.2:c.980C>T XP_005641576.1:p.(T327I) rs852523339 2016 26747866 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool. The phenotype was renamed from 'Menkes disease' to 'Modifier of copper toxicosis' based on feedback from Tom Nagels [10/01/2023].
106 OMIA:001071-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Wilson disease ATP7B missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 22 NC_006604.3:g.225112G>A XM_005633828.3:c.4151G>A XP_005633885.1:p.(R1384Q) XM_005633831.3; XP_005633888.1; variant published as c.4358G>A / p.(R1453Q) and the variant coordinates in this table have been changed to reflect recent transcript IDs; conflicting evidence in regard to causality of this variant are reported in the literature - see for details rs851958524 2016 26747866 30 Dec 2020: correct genomic location provided by Angelica K Kallenberg
1391 OMIA:002484-9615 dog Shetland Sheepdog (Dog) Bardet-Biedl syndrome 2 BBS2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 g.59693737G>C c.1222G>C p.(A408P) ENSCAFT00000014523.5; ENSCAFP00000013435.4 2021 34828377
356 OMIA:002045-9615 dog Puli (Dog) Bardet-Biedl syndrome 4 BBS4 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 30 g.36063748A>T c.58A>T p.(K20*) 2017 28533336
635 OMIA:001592-9615 dog Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Dog) Episodic falling BCAN deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 g.41325010_41340731delinsAAGGCC c.-13991_466+85delinsGGCCTT XM_005622698.1; a 15.7kb deletion in the BCAN gene removing the first 3 exons 2012 21821125
737 OMIA:001554-9615 dog Finnish Lapphund (Dog) Lapponian Herder (Dog) Multifocal retinopathy 3 BEST1 cmr3 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 g.54470590del c.1388del p.(P463Hfs) NM_001097545.1; NP_001091014.1; published as c.1388delC; variant initially identified in Lapponian Herder and later reported in additional breeds: PMID:27525650 rs397509969 2010 21197113 Variant information and allele abbreviation gleaned from or confirmed by Donner et al. (2016) PLoS One 11:e0161005 and genomic position in CanFam3.1 and EVA ID provided by Mateo Etcheveste and Robert Kuhn.
59 OMIA:001553-9615 dog Coton de Tulear (Dog) Multifocal retinopathy 2 BEST1 cmr2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 NC_006600.3:g.54476143C>T NM_001097545.1:c.482G>A NP_001091014.1:p.(G161D) NM_001097545.1; NP_001091014.1 2007 17460247 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
275 OMIA:001444-9615 dog Boerboel (Dog) Bull Mastiff (Dog) English Mastiff (Dog) Great Pyrenees (Dog) Multifocal retinopathy 1 BEST1 cmr1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 NC_006600.3:g.54478586G>A NM_001097545.1:c.73C>T NP_001091014.1:p.(R25*) NM_001097545.1; NP_001091014.1 2007 17460247 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
398 OMIA:001660-9615 dog Great Dane (Dog) Inherited myopathy of Great Danes BIN1 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 19 NC_006601.3:g.23522400A>G XM_014121413.2:c.786-2A>G XP_013976888.1:p.(R262_K263insASASRPFPQ) XM_014121413.2; XP_013976888.1; published as IVS10-2A>G, updated in this table to HGVS nomenclature 2013 23754947
1770 OMIA:002917-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Biliverdinuria BLVRA deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 18 NC_049239.1:g.6532022_6551313del XP_038418561.1:p.[K117_K296del] 2024 39766828
1771 OMIA:002917-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Biliverdinuria BLVRA deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 18 NC_049239.1:g.6543863_6545908 XP_038418561.1:p.[A154fs] 2024 39766828
862 OMIA:001551-9615 dog Brachycephaly BMP3 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 32 g.5231894C>A c.1344C>A p.(F448L) rs851217657 2012 22876193 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
93 OMIA:001512-9615 dog Invasive transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder BRAF missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 16 g.8296284T>A c.1643T>A p.(V548E) XM_005629551.3; XP_005629608.1; published as somatic mutation p.(V594E) 2015 25767210
851 OMIA:002132-9615 dog German Shorthaired Pointer (Dog) Abortion (embryonic lethality), BTBD17-related BTBD17 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 g.6048201_6048202insG c.85+206_85+207insG ROS_Cfam_1.0:g.6720627_6720628insG ENSCAFT00845033049.1:c.85+206_85+207insG; the homozygous variant genotype is associated with embryonic lethality in German Shorthaired Pointer, but may not be causal as the variant was observed at a high frequency in both heterozygous and homozygous form across normal dogs from multiple breeds (PMID:37582787) rs852549625 2017 29053721
455 OMIA:000155-9615 dog Brittany Spaniel (Dog) C3 deficiency C3 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 g.53573746del c.2136del p.(F712Lfs*11) XM_038428862.1; XP_038284790.1 "a deletion of a cytosine at position 2136 (codon 712), leading to a frameshift that generates a stop codon 11 amino acids downstream" 1998 9510185
105 OMIA:001820-9615 dog Parson Russell Terrier (Dog) Ataxia, spinocerebellar CAPN1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 NC_006600.3:g.52009339C>T XM_540866.5:c.344G>A XP_540866.2:p.(C115Y) XM_540866.5; XP_540866.2 2013 23741357 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
1692 OMIA:002854-9615 dog Miniature Schnauzer (Dog) Immunodeficiency, susceptibility to Mycobacterium avium complex CARD9 deletion, small (<=20) yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.49115079_49115081del XM_844178.5:c.493_495del XP_849271.2: p.(K165del) 2024 38710903
1674 OMIA:002835-9615 dog Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Dog) Immunodeficiency, CARMIL2-related CARMIL2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 NC_006587.3:g.81801920G>A XM_022419456.1:c.871C>T XP_022275164.1:p.(R291*) NC_006587.3; XM_022419456.1; XP_022275164.1 rs3330142729 2024 38535207
49 OMIA:001138-9615 dog American Foxhound (Dog) Beagle (Dog) English Foxhound (Dog) Harrier (Dog) Poodle, Miniature (Dog) Treeing Walker Coonhound (Dog) Hypocatalasia CAT missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 NC_006600.3:g.33397548C>T NM_001002984.1:c.979G>A NP_001002984.1:p.(A327T) Variant initially identified in Beagle and later reported in additional breeds: PMID:29708978, PMID27525650 2000 11137458 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
458 OMIA:001416-9615 dog Coat colour, dominant black CBD103 ΔG23 = K^B deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 16 g.58965449_58965451del c.231_233del p.(G78del) "a 3-base pair (bp) deletion in the second exon of CBD103, the ortholog of human DEFB103, that predicts an in-frame glycine deletion (ΔG23)" rs851502010 2007 17947548 Genomic location provided by Professor Claire Wade August 2018. Allele designations taken from Ollivier et al. (2013)
266 OMIA:001540-9615 dog Old English Sheepdog (Dog) Ciliary dyskinesia, primary CCDC39 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 34 NC_006616.3:g.13952270G>A XM_545213.6:c.286C>T XP_545213.3:p.(R96*) 2011 21131972 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1274 OMIA:001521-9615 dog Portuguese Water Dog (Dog) Progressive retinal atrophy, early onset CCDC66 EOPRA insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 g.33717704_33717705insT c.2262_c.2263insA p.(V747Sfs*8) 2020 33273526
574 OMIA:001521-9615 dog Schapendoes (Dog) Generalized PRA CCDC66 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 g.33745452_33745453insT c.521_522insA p.(N174Kfs*2) NM_001168012.1; NP_001161484.1; genomic coordinates in accordance with HGVS 3'-rule 2010 19777273 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
1496 OMIA:002584-9615 dog Beauceron (Dog) Deafness, CDH23-related CDH23 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 4 g:22340631C>T c.700C>T p.(P234S) ON462053; XM_022417544.1; XP_022273252.1 2023 36308003 The UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 genomic variant coordinate is: g.Chr4:23074925C>T
61 OMIA:002072-9615 dog Old Danish Pointing Dog (Dog) Myasthenic syndrome, congenital CHAT missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 28 NC_006610.3:g.1484906G>A XM_005637485.3:c.85G>A XP_005637542.1:p.(V29M) XM_005637485.3; XP_005637542.1 2007 17586598 20181218 Thanks to Maarten de Groot for advising FN of the genomic location of this variant.
614 OMIA:000685-9615 dog Jack Russell Terrier (Dog) Myasthenic syndrome, congenital, due to CHRNE CHRNE insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 NC_006587.3:g.31705136dup XM_014113502.2:c.729dup XP_013968977.2:p.(G244Rfs*274) published as c.633_634insC, previously reported in OMIA as c.636_637insC; coordinates in the table updated to NCBI trancript IDs and in accordance to HGVS rules (3'-rule and reported as duplication) [27/08/2024] 2015 26429099
804 OMIA:000685-9615 dog Heideterrier (Dog) Smooth Fox Terrier (Dog) Myasthenic syndrome, congenital, due to CHRNE CHRNE duplication Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 NC_006587.3:g.31707450dup XM_014113502.2:c.1508dup XP_013968977.2:p.(S503Rfs*14)
published as Chr5:31,707,450_31,707,451insG, XM_014113502.1:c.1436_1437insG, XP_013968977.1:p.Ser479ArgfsTer14; in Heideterrier; information in the table updated to new transcript and in accordance with HGVS recommendations [27/08/2024]; for additional breed inforamtion see Pubmed:38853290
2017 28508416
1729 OMIA:000685-9615 dog English Springer Spaniel (Dog) Myasthenic syndrome, congenital, CHRNE-related CHRNE missense Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 5 NC_049226.1:chr5:31915101C>A XM_038536566.1:c.1509C>A XP_038392494.1:p.(S503R) reported in two affected dogs 2024 38853290
609 OMIA:000698-9615 dog Australian Cattle Dog (Dog) Border Collie (Dog) Myotonia CLCN1 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 16 NC_006598.3:g.6344748_6344749insT NM_001003124.2:c.2647_2648insA NP_001003124.1:p.(R883Qfs*18) published as c.2665insA; p.(R889fs); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2007 17552451
1041 OMIA:000698-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Myotonia CLCN1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 16 NC_006598.3:g.6348929T>A NM_001003124.2:c.2275A>T NP_001003124.1:p.(R759X) published as "Chr16:6348929 T A CLCN1 ENSCAFG00000003619.3 stopgain"

2018 29934119
62 OMIA:000698-9615 dog Miniature Schnauzer (Dog) Myotonia CLCN1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 16 NC_006598.3:g.6366383G>A NM_001003124.2:c.803C>T NP_001003124.1:p.(T268M) 1999 10452529 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1364 OMIA:000698-9615 dog American Bulldog (Dog) Myotonia CLCN1 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 16 NC_006598.3:g.6369245_6369246insAGAG NM_001003124.2:c.436_437insCTCT NP_001003124.1:p.(Y146Sfs*49) 2020 33246886
1570 OMIA:000698-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Myotonia CLCN1 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 16 NC_006598.3:g.[6367458_6367478del;6367482del;6367485A>C] NM_001003124.2:c.[703T>G;706del;710_730del] NP_001003124.1:p.[(F235V;V236fs)] published as c.[705T>G; 708del; 712_732del], coordinates in the table have been updated to the CanFam3.1 reference genome and reflect correction in PMID:37212506.
2023 37212506
1678 OMIA:000698-9615 dog French Bulldog (Dog) Myotonia CLCN1 duplication Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 16 NC_049237.1:g.6074128_6074135dup NM_001003124.2:c.2423_2430dup NP_001003124.1:p.(F811Lfs*39) 2024 38473107
1757 OMIA:000698-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Myotonia CLCN1 delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 16 NC_049237.1:g.[6080653T>A;6080658_6080661delinsCCCGTT] NM_001003124.2:c.[1636_1639delinsAACGGG;1644A>T] NP_001003124.1:p.(C546Nfs*5) 2024 39559538
541 OMIA:001482-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 5 CLN5 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 22 g.30574953_30574954del c.935_936del p.(E312Vfs*6) NM_001011556.1; NP_001011556.1,published as CLN5:c.934_935delAG; coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2015 25934231 Breed information obtained from Katz et al. (2017) Neurobiol Dis. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2017.08.017; Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
279 OMIA:001482-9615 dog Australian Cattle Dog (Dog) Border Collie (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 5 CLN5 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 22 NC_006604.3:g.30574637C>T NM_001011556.1:c.619C>T NP_001011556.1:p.(Q207*) rs1152388418 2005 16033706 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool 30 Dec 2020: g. coordinate corrected, with thanks to Angelica K Kallenberg
68 OMIA:001443-9615 dog Australian Shepherd (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 6 CLN6 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 30 NC_006612.3:g.32247875A>G NM_001011888.1:c.829T>C NP_001011888.1:p.(W277R) alternative coordinates: ROS_Cfam_1.0:g.32443458A>G ENSCAFT00845033654.1:c.829T>C ENSCAFP00845026347.1:p.Trp277Arg rs1152388420 2011 21234413
1703 OMIA:001443-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 6 CLN6 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 30 NC_006612.4:g.32185406C>T 2024 38927597
1702 OMIA:001443-9615 dog Schapendoes (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 6 CLN6 missense Naturally occurring variant unknown UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 30 NC_049251.1:g.32682554A>G XM_038580811.1:c.386T>C XP_038436739.1:p.(L129P) 2024 38866396
690 OMIA:001506-9615 dog Alpine Dachsbracke (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 8 CLN8 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 37 g.30852988_30902901del c.-14679_*18669del NM_001012343.1; a homozygous deletion encompassing the entire CLN8 gene 2017 28024876 g. information obtained from Katz et al. (2017) Neurobiol Dis. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2017.08.017
971 OMIA:001506-9615 dog Saluki (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 8 CLN8 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 37 g.30874636dupT c.349dupT p.(E117*) "an insertion of 1 bp (T) in the CLN8 gene (Fig. S2) in a short T repeat, thereby changing the stretch of 9 T's to a stretch consisting of 10 T's. The exact position of the inserted base could obviously not be verified, given that this was an insertion of a single base in a stretch of nine repeats of the same base (CFA37:g.30874628–30874636). According to the recommended nomenclature, the T insertion was noted as a T duplication in the T farthest in the 3′ direction (g.30874636dupT; c.349dupT)" 2018 29446145
69 OMIA:001506-9615 dog English Setter (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 8 CLN8 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 37 NC_006619.3:g.30874779T>C NM_001012343.1:c.491T>C NP_001012343.1:p.(L164P) 2005 15629147 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
338 OMIA:001506-9615 dog Australian Shepherd (Dog) German Shorthaired Pointer (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 8 CLN8 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 37 NC_006619.3:g.30883950G>A NM_001012343.1:c.585G>A NP_001012343.1:p.(W195*) NM_001012343: c.585G>A (Guo et al., 2014) 2014 24953404 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool; confirmed by Guo et al. (2019, pages 3, 4, 5 and 6), assuming that the g. coordinate (g.30,895,648) in the abstract of Guo et al. (2019) is a typo.
547 OMIA:001977-9615 dog Shetland Sheepdog (Dog) Progressive retinal atrophy, due to CNGA1 mutations CNGA1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 13 g.43831897_43831900del c.1752_1755del p.(T585Sfs*7) NM_001003222.1; published as c.1752_1755delAACT 2015 26202106 Genomic and protein coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
548 OMIA:001481-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Achromatopsia-2 CNGA3 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 g.44234198_44234200del c.1931_1933del p.(V644del) NM_001301112.1; published as c.1931_1933delTGG rs852784090 2015 26407004 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 and EVA ID provided by Robert Kuhn
97 OMIA:001481-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Achromatopsia-2 CNGA3 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 NC_006592.3:g.44234861C>T NM_001301112.1:c.1270C>T NP_001288041.1:p.(R424W) NM_001301112.1; NP_001288041.1 2015 26407004 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Mateo Etcheveste.
918 OMIA:002723-9615 dog Papillon (Dog) Phalène (Dog) Progressive retinal atrophy CNGB1 delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 g.58622673_58622675delinsCTAGCTAC c.2387_2389delinsCTAGCTAC p.(Y796Sfs*7) NM_001284462.1; NP_001271391.1; published as c.2685delA2687_2688insTAGCTA and p.(Y889Sfs*5); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript and updated to HGVS recommendations rs1152388403 2013 24015210
631 OMIA:001365-9615 dog Alaskan Malamute (Dog) Miniature Australian Shepherd Dog (Dog) Achromatopsia (cone degeneration, hemeralopia), AMAL CNGB3 cd^AMAL deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 29 "deletion removing all exons of canine CNGB3" 2002 12140185
27 OMIA:001365-9615 dog German Shorthaired Pointer (Dog) Achromatopsia (cone degeneration, hemeralopia), GSPT CNGB3 cd^GSPT missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 29 NC_006611.3:g.32837065C>T NM_001003030.1:c.784G>A NP_001003030.1:p.(D262N) 2002 12140185 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool 30 Dec 2020 Chromosome corrected, thanks to Angelica K Kallenberg
1502 OMIA:002591-9615 dog Dalmatian (Dog) Lysosomal storage disease, CNP-related CNP deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 9 g.20350240del c.1107del p.(K370Nfs*11) ENSCAFT00000102206 2022 35447247
1680 OMIA:002591-9615 dog Weimaraner (Dog) Lysosomal storage disease, CNP-related CNP missense Naturally occurring variant yes Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 9 NC_006591.4:g.20355460G>A XM_844467.6:c.125C>T XP_849560.2:p.(T42M) XM_844467.6; XP_849560.2; NC_006591.4 2024 38397235
1273 OMIA:002301-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Leonberger (Dog) Pyrenean Shepherd (Dog) Saint Bernard (Dog) Laryngeal paralysis and polyneuropathy CNTNAP1 LPPN3 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.20298261C>T XM_548083.6:c.2810G>A XP_548083.3:p.(G937E) XM_548083.6:c.2810G>A; XP_548083.3:p.Gly937Glu; variant initially identified in Labrador Retriever, Leonberger and Saint Bernard and later reported in a Pyrenean Shepherd (PMID: 37582787) rs24587752 2020 33261176
1657 OMIA:002811-9615 dog Old English Sheepdog (Dog) Multiocular defect COL11A1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 6 g.47611886T>C c.1775T>C p.(F1592S) 2023 38153936
78 OMIA:001772-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Skeletal dysplasia 2 (SD2) COL11A2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 12 NC_006594.3:g.2652874C>G XM_538855.5:c.143G>C XP_538855.2:p.(R48P) ROS_Cfam_1.0:g.2983602C>G ENSCAFT00845034709.1:c.143G>C ENSCAFP00845027184.1:p.Arg48Pro rs851399084 2013 23527306 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
959 OMIA:002126-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Osteogenesis imperfecta, type III, COL1A1-related COL1A1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.26193593C>G NM_001003090.1:c.1145G>C NP_001003090.1:p.(G382A) NM_001003090.1; NP_001003090.1; published as c.1276G>C, p.(G208A); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript rs1152388502 2000 11147834
762 OMIA:002112-9615 dog Beagle (Dog) Osteogenesis imperfecta, COL1A2-related COL1A2 delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 14 g.(19918265_19918268delinsTGTCATTGG) c.3656_3859delinsTGTCATTGG p.(L1286Cfs*31) NM_001003187.1; NP_001003187.1; "a mutation in which nucleotides 3991-3994 ("CTAG") were replaced with "TGTCATTGG." The first seven bases of the inserted sequence were identical to nucleotides 4002-4008 of the normal canine COL1A2 sequence. The resulting frameshift changed 30 amino acids and introduced a premature stop codon." The genomic information is presented in brackets as the variant was detected in cDNA and the genomic position is predicted. Coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and or transcripts. 2001 11393792
1114 OMIA:002112-9615 dog Lagotto Romagnolo (Dog) Osteogenesis imperfecta, COL1A2-related COL1A2 duplication Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 14 g.19898279_19898281dup c.877_879dup p.(P293dup) NM_001003187.1; NP_001003187.1 2019 31468557
852 OMIA:002112-9615 dog Chow Chow (Dog) Osteogenesis imperfecta, COL1A2-related COL1A2 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 14 NC_006596.3:g.19898487G>A NM_001003187.1:c.936+1G>A 2018 29036614
278 OMIA:002618-9615 dog English Springer Spaniel (Dog) Nephropathy COL4A4 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 25 NC_006607.3:g.39893376G>A NM_001031818.1:c.2713C>T NP_001026988.1:p.(Q905*) NM_001031818.1; NP_001026988.1; published as c.2806C>T and p.(Q904*) 2012 22369189
277 OMIA:002618-9615 dog English Cocker Spaniel (Dog) Nephropathy COL4A4 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 25 NC_006607.3:g.39953906T>A NM_001031818.1:c.115A>T NP_001026988.1:p.(K39*) 2007 17552442 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
471 OMIA:001112-9615 dog Navasota (mixed breed) (Dog) Nephritis, X-linked COL4A5 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.82134508_82134517del c.513_522del p.(N172Ifs) XM_005640969.3; XP_005641026.1; a 10 base pair (TAATCCAGGA) deletion in exon 9 of COL4A5 2003 12879362
276 OMIA:001112-9615 dog Samoyed (Dog) Nephritis, X-linked COL4A5 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.82196868G>T NM_001002979.1:c.3079G>T NP_001002979.1:p.(G1027*) 1994 8171024 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1124 OMIA:002165-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classic type, 1 COL5A1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.50806169del XM_022423936.1:c.3038del XP_022279644.1:p.(G1013Vfs*260) XM_022423936.1; XP_022279644.1; published as c.3038delG - "variant arose by a de novo mutation event during the development of the mother." (Bauer et al., 2019) 2019 31546637
1125 OMIA:002165-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classic type, 1 COL5A1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.50832936G>A XM_022423936.1:c.4711G>A XP_022279644.1:p.(G1571R) XM_022423936.1,c.4711G>A; XP_022279644.1,p.(Gly1571Arg) 2019 31546637
1722 OMIA:002165-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classic type 1 COL5A1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 9 NC_006591.4:g.50091843C>T XM_038615652.1:c.2512C>T XP_038471580.1:p.(R838*) ENSCAFT00000031582.6:c.2500C>T, p.(Arg834Ter) 2024 39175162
1719 OMIA:002165-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classic type 1 COL5A1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 9 NC_006591.4:g.50109824del XM_038615652.1:c.3371del XP_038471580.1:p.(E1124Lfs*364) ENSCAFT00000031582.6:c.3360del, p.(E1121Lfs*364)  2024 39175162
1721 OMIA:002165-9615 dog Dachshund, Miniature (Dog) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classic type 1 COL5A1 duplication Naturally occurring variant yes Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 9 NC_006591.4:g.50111993dup XM_038615652.1:c.3675dup XP_038471580.1:p.(G1226Rfs*62) Published as g.50111986insC, ENSCAFT00000031582.6:c.3663_3664insC, p.(Gly1222Argfs*62). Coordinates in this table have been adjusted in accordance with the HGVS recommendations.  2024 39175162
1720 OMIA:002165-9615 dog Scottish Terrier (Dog) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classic type 1 COL5A1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 9 NC_006591.4:g.50114284del XM_038615652.1:c.3908del XP_038471580.1:(P1303Rfs*186) Published as g.50114279delC; ENSCAFT00000031582.6:c.3891del; p.(P1299Rfs*186). Coordinates in this table have been adjusted in accordance with the HGVS 3'rule. 2024 39175162
1724 OMIA:002165-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classic type 1 COL5A1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 9 NC_006591.4:g.50116228G>A XM_038615652.1:c.4117G>A XP_038471580.1:p.(G1373R) ENSCAFT00000031582.6:c.4105G>A, p.(Gly1369Arg) 2024 39175162
1723 OMIA:002165-9615 dog Beagle (Dog) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classic type 1 COL5A1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 9 NC_006591.4:g.50131170_50131172del XM_038615652.1:c.5320_5322del XP_038471580.1:p.G1774del Published as chr9:50131166delGAG, ENSCAFT00000031582.6:c.5296_5298del,  p.(Glu1766del). Coordinates in this table have been adjusted in accordance with the HGVS 3'rule.
2024 39175162
1460 OMIA:002295-9615 dog Chihuahua (Dog) Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classic type, 2 COL5A2 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 36 g.30548697_30548723del c.3388_3414del p.(Lys1130_Asp1138del) XM_005640393.3; XP_005640450.1 2022 35627319
340 OMIA:001967-9615 dog Landseer (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Ullrich type COL6A1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 31 NC_006613.3:g.39303964G>T XM_003434001.5:c.289G>T XP_003434049.2:p.(E97*) XM_003434001.5; XP_003434049.2; previously incorrectly listed in this table as c.289C>T; p.(Q97*) - corrected 8/2/2022 2015 26438297
1625 OMIA:002274-9615 dog American Staffordshire Terrier (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, COL6A3-related COL6A3 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 25 g.48005972del c.6398del p.(P2133Rfs*109) NM_001103215.1; NP_001096685.1; published as g.48287602CG>C in CanFam4 2023 37706358
1208 OMIA:002274-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, COL6A3-related COL6A3 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 25 NC_006607.3:g.48007994C>T NM_001103215.1:c.6210+1G>A NM_001103215.1; CanFam3.1 chr25:48,007,994C > T; NM_001103215.1 c.6210 + 1G > A (Bolduc et al., 2020) 2020 32439203
1207 OMIA:002274-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, COL6A3-related COL6A3 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 25 NC_006607.3:g.48014962G>A NM_001103215.1:c.4726C>T NP_001096685.1:p.(R1576*) NM_001103215.1; NP_001096685.1; CanFam3.1 chr25:48,014,962G > A; NM_001103215.1 c.4726C > T, p.R1576* (Bolduc et al., 2020) 2020 32439203
1276 OMIA:000341-9615 dog Basset Hound (Dog) Epidermolysis bullosa, dystrophic COL7A1 complex rearrangement Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 g.[40524302_40524308del;40524267_40524380dup] c.[2028_2034del;1993_2050+56dup] p.(V677Sfs*11) NM_001002980.1; NP_001002980.1; complex duplication event spanning parts of exon 15 and intron 15 of the COL7A1 gene, starting at position 40,524,267 and ending at 40,524,380 on chromosome 20 (CanFam3.1 assembly) (Garcia et al., 2020). 2020 33291836
357 OMIA:000341-9615 dog Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Dog) Epidermolysis bullosa, dystrophic COL7A1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 NC_006602.3:g.40532043C>T XM_022406202.1:c.4579C>T XP_022261910.1:p.(R1527*) 2017 28493971 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
38 OMIA:000341-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Epidermolysis bullosa, dystrophic COL7A1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 NC_006602.3:g.40538034G>A XM_022406202.1:c.5716G>A XP_022261910.1:p.(G1906S) rs1152388417 2003 12874109 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
641 OMIA:001523-9615 dog Samoyed (Dog) Oculoskeletal dysplasia 2 COL9A2 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 15 a 1,267 bp deletion that eliminates part of the 5’UTR, all of exon 1 and part of intron 1 2010 20686772
581 OMIA:001522-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Oculoskeletal dysplasia 1 COL9A3 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 24 g.46653422_46653423insG c.10_11insG p.(A4Gfs*46) NM_001197171.1; NP_001184100.1; published as "a 1-base insertion (guanine) in exon 1 that changes a string of four guanines (CFA24: 49,699,847–49,699,850; CanFam2) to a string of five guanines (c.7–10insG). ... (p.A4GX46)" Goldstein et al. (2010). Information in this table has been changed in accordance to HGVS 3'rule and updated to the current reference genome. 2010 20686772
1092 OMIA:001522-9615 dog Northern Inuit Dog (Dog) Oculoskeletal dysplasia 1 COL9A3 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 24 NC_006606.3:g.46660067C>T NM_001197171.1:c.700C>T NP_001184100.1:p.(R234*) 2019 31415586
643 OMIA:001988-9615 dog Bedlington Terrier (Dog) Wilson disease, COMMD1 type COMMD1 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 10 deletion "breakpoints were positioned at 65.3091 and 65.3489 Mb of dog chromosome 10, in intron 1 and intron 2 of COMMD1 respectively, a deletion of 39.7 kb" 2005 16293123
66 OMIA:001505-9615 dog American Bulldog (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 10 CTSD missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 NC_006600.3:g.46013354C>T NM_001025621.1:c.597G>A NP_001020792.1:p.(M199I) 2006 16386934 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
529 OMIA:001786-9615 dog Beagle (Dog) Intestinal cobalamin malabsorption due to CUBN mutation CUBN deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 NC_006584.3:g.19796293del NM_001003148.1:c.786del NP_001003148.1:p.(D262Efs*47) NM_001003148.1; NP_001003148.1; deletion C rs1152388404 2014 24164695
447 OMIA:001786-9615 dog Border Collie (Dog) Intestinal cobalamin malabsorption due to CUBN mutation CUBN deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 NC_006584.3:g.19974334del NM_001003148.1:c.8392del NP_001003148.1:p.(Q2798Rfs*3) NM_001003148.1; NP_001003148.1; deletion C 2013 23613799
1036 OMIA:001786-9615 dog Komondor (Dog) Intestinal cobalamin malabsorption, CUBN-related CUBN splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 NC_006584.3:g.19981457G>A NM_001003148.1:c.8746+1G>A NM_001003148.1 2018 30591068
850 OMIA:002131-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Methaemoglobinaemia, CYB5R3-related CYB5R3 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 g.22832962G>A c.227G>A p.(G72S) NM_001048084.1; NP_001041549.1; published as g.22832963G>A, c.214G>A - coordinates updated based on Table 1, Jaffey et al. (2020), reported in a single dog 2017 28963729 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1700 OMIA:002131-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Methaemoglobinaemia, CYB5R3-related CYB5R3 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 NC_006592.3:22836975A>G NM_001048084.1:c.604A>C NP_001041549.1:p.(T202A) reported in a single dog 2020 33293645
1699 OMIA:002131-9615 dog American Pit Bull Terrier (Dog) Mixed Breed (Dog) Methaemoglobinaemia, CYB5R3-related CYB5R3 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 NC_006592.3:22841895G>C NM_001048084.1:c.656G>C NP_001041549.1:p.(R219P) 2020 33293645
967 OMIA:002131-9615 dog Chihuahua (Dog) Mixed Breed (Dog) Pomeranian (Dog) Rat Terrier (Dog) Methaemoglobinaemia, CYB5R3-related CYB5R3 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 NC_006592.3:g.22836951A>C NM_001048084.1:c.580A>C NP_001041549.1:p.(I194L) NM_001048084.1; NP_001041549.1 2018 29356095 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
274 OMIA:001405-9615 dog Beagle (Dog) Metabolizer of a cognitive enhancer CYP1A2 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 30 NC_006612.3:g.37821686C>T NM_001008720.1:c.1117C>T NP_001008720.1:p.(R373*) rs852922442 2004 15564884 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1576 OMIA:000837-9615 dog Pug (Dog) Vitamin D-deficiency rickets, type IA CYP27B1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 10 NC_049231.1:g.2182971G>T XM_038549826.1:c.261C>A XP_038405754.1:p.(Y87*) XM_038549826.1; XP_038405754.1 2023 37293695
52 OMIA:002684-9615 dog Australian Cattle Dog (Dog) Shetland Sheepdog (Dog) Leucodystrophy CYTB missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 M m.14474G>A c.14474G>A p.(V98M) 2006 16026996 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
565 OMIA:002095-9615 dog Rhodesian Ridgeback (Dog) Epilepsy, generalized myoclonic, with photosensitivity DIRAS1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 g.56474668_56474671del c.564_567del p.(D189Afs*11) XM_005633100.3; XP_005633157.1; published as DIRAS1:c.564_567delAGAC 2017 28223533 Genomic and protein coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
728 OMIA:001919-9615 dog Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Dog) Cleft palate 1 DLX6 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 14 g.22068082_22068083insN[2056] "2056 bp insertion [including LINE1] . . within a highly conserved region of DLX6 intron 2 at cfa14.25016716"[CanFam2.0] 2014 24699068
680 OMIA:001081-9615 dog German Shorthaired Pointer (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes X a "deletion encompassing the entire dystrophin [DMD] gene" 1999 10407848
681 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Tibetan Terrier (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes X "a large deletion of exons 8-29" 2012 22218699
729 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes X "184 nucleotide [pseudoexon] insertion between exon 19 and exon 20, which results in a premature stop codon at the next codon downstream of the insertion" 2012 22218699 Reference not in PubMed; see OMIA 001081-9615 for reference details
957 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Rottweiler (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes X "nonsense mutation in exon 58" 1994 Reference not in PubMed; see OMIA 001081-9615 for reference details
989 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Poodle, Miniature (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes X "a >5 Mb deletion on the X chromosome, encompassing the entire DMD gene" 2018 29474464
536 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Cocker Spaniel (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes X deletion of four nucleotides in exon 65, with a reading frame shift predicting a premature stop codon at the site of the deletion 2012 22218699
562 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.27442996_27443002del c.6057_6063del p.(N2021Pfs) NM_001003343.1; NP_001003343.1; published as c.6051_6057delTCTCAAT based on different transcript 2016 28028563
542 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Norfolk Terrier (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.27606021del c.3084delG p.(G1029Nfs*30) 2015 26401335
1249 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Jack Russell Terrier (Dog) Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy DMD deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.27615280_27982912del c.94-10346_2807-6207del XM_005641029.1 2020 33049940
1234 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Labrador Retriever muscular dystrophy (LRMD) DMD inversion Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.27622834_29823788inv c.-1490357_2626-947inv XM_005641029.1 2020 32767978
1235 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Border Collie (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne DMD deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.27626466del c.2841delT 2018 29843823
750 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Japanese Spitz (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD inversion Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.27631972_33069482inv c.-4736051_2384-5339inv XM_005641029.1; "an inversion of a 5.4-Mb fragment of the X chromosome, with one break point (BP1) in the DMD gene . . . and a second break point (BP2) in a gene farther toward the centromere, the RPGR gene". 2015 25644216
708 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.27721607_27721608insN[(4800)] "a long interspersed repetitive element-1 (LINE-1) insertion in intron 13, which introduced a new exon containing an in-frame stop codon" 2011 20714321
1492 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD duplication Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.27851768_28247504dup Shelton et al. (2022): "chrX:27,851,768-27,852,122 bp position (Intron 7 . . .) and chrX:28,247,150-28,247,504 bp position (Intron 1 . . .)" 2022 36041985
367 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.26956239G>A NM_001003343.1:c.7294+5G>T NM_001003343.1; NP_001003343.1; experimentally confirmed splice defect; a single nucleotide variant in the 5'-splice site of intron 51 that results in skipping of exon 50 in mRNA transcripts and a predicted premature truncation of the translated protein 2010 20072625
1236 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Australian Labradoodle (Dog) Australian Labradoodle dystrophinopathy DMD nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.27621845G>A NM_001003343.1:c.2668C>T NP_001003343.1:p.(R890*) NM_001003343.1; NP_001003343.1; "a C to T transition at base pair 43 in exon 21 of the dystrophin gene" (Shrader et al., 2018) 2018 30286978
366 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.27926946T>C NM_001003343.1:c.531-2A>G NM_001003343.1; a point mutation in the consensus splice acceptor site in exon 6 , such that exon 7 is skipped rs1152388423 1992 1577476
1714 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Border Collie (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, X-linked DMD insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant unknown ROS_Cfam_1.0 X NC_051843.1:g.26431863_26431864insN[162] NM_001003343.1:c.9271_9272insN[162] NP_001003343.1:p.(Ala3091fs*21) likely de-novo variant present in a single affected dog 2024 39152696
1615 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Brittany Spaniel (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne DMD insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 X RSPYR1 retrogene insertion in intron 20; reported in a single dog; reported in a single dog 2023 37628610
1616 OMIA:001081-9615 dog French Bulldog (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne DMD insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 X g.27774668_27774669insT c.3371_3372insA p.(F1125fs) NM_001003343.1; NP_001003343.1; published as p.(F1125*), reported in a single dog 2023 37628610
1614 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Brittany Spaniel (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne DMD nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 X NC_049260.1:g.26939052G>A NM_001003343.1:c.8059C>T NP_001003343.1:p.(Q2687*) NM_001003343.1; NP_001003343.1; reported in 2 related dogs 2023 37628610
1744 OMIA:001081-9615 dog Entlebucher Mountain Dog (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne type DMD duplication Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 X NC_049260.1:g.27027497_27,036112dup8616 NM_001003343.1:c.7528-4048_7645+4450dup NP_001003343.1:p.(I2549Sfs*3) 2024 39307576
1687 OMIA:002847-9615 dog Portuguese Water Dog (Dog) Microphthalmos with hematopoietic defects, congenital DNAJC21 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 4 NC_049225.1:g.74274883ins[T70]TGCTGCTTGGATT 2024 38682429
39 OMIA:001466-9615 dog Boykin Spaniel (Dog) Chesapeake Bay Retriever (Dog) Curly Coated Retriever (Dog) Labrador Retriever (Dog) Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Dog) Exercise-induced collapse DNM1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.55282762C>A NM_001131049.1:c.767G>T XP_001124521.1:p.(R256L) ROS_Cfam_1.0:g.56204742C>A ENSCAFT00845051951.1:c.767G>T ENSCAFP00845040760.1:p.Arg256Leu rs852832685 2008 18806795 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1434 OMIA:002534-9615 dog Border Collie (Dog) Centronuclear myopathy 1 DNM2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 NC_006602.3:g.50423497G>A XM_005632882.3:c.1393C>T XP_005632939.1.:p.(R465W) XM_005632882.3; XP_005632939.1. 2022 35244154
1194 OMIA:002266-9615 dog Rottweiler (Dog) Hyperkeratosis, palmoplantar, DSG1-related DSG1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 g.58163636_58163640del c.2541_2545del p.(G848Wfs*2) NM_001002939.1; NP_001002939.1; published as c.2541_2545delGGGCT 2020 32344723
1710 OMIA:002243-9615 dog Poodle, Miniature (Dog) Ichthyosis, syndromic DSP deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant unknown UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 35 NC_049256.1:g.8804542_8804544del XM_038584124.1:c.1821_1823del XP_038440052.1:p.(N608del) de novo variant in one dog 2024 39136317
1056 OMIA:002186-9615 dog Boston Terrier (Dog) Bulldog (Dog) French Bulldog (Dog) Screw tail DVL2 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 g.32195051del c.2051del p.(P684Lfs*26) XM_005619960.3; XP_005620017.1; published as g.32195043_32195044del; c.2044delC and changed to HGVS nomenclature in this table 2018 30521570
1458 OMIA:000543-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia EDA splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X r.385_487del p.M129fs*112 NM_001014770.2; NP_001014770.1; EDA transcript lacks 103 nucleotides encoded by exon 2, exon skipping is likely to be caused by an intronic splice variant 2016 27449516
1017 OMIA:000543-9615 dog Dachshund (Dog) X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia EDA deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.54509504del c.842delT p.(L281Hfs*22) 2018 30276836
361 OMIA:000543-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia EDA splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.54511433G>A NM_001014770.2:c.910-1G>A NM_001014770.2 rs1152388425 2005 16151697 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 und EVA Id provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
1481 OMIA:002564-9615 dog English Springer Spaniel (Dog) Dyserythropoietic anemia and myopathy syndrome (DAMS) EHBP1L1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 18 g.52123541delG c.3120delC p.(F1041Sfs*30) XM_038563927.1; XP_038419855.1 2022 36140701
1483 OMIA:002564-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia and polymyopathy EHBP1L1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 18 NC_049239.1:g.52128140G>A XM_038563927.1:c.388C>T XP_038419855.1:p.(R130*) XM_038563927.1; 2022 36011338
452 OMIA:001805-9615 dog Italian Greyhound (Dog) Amelogenesis imperfecta ENAM deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 13 g.59946493_59946497del c.1991_1995delTTTCC p.(F665Rfs*3) XM_539305.4; XP_539305.3; published as c.1991_1995delTTTCC 2013 23638899 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
1044 OMIA:001805-9615 dog Parson Russell Terrier (Dog) Amelogenesis imperfecta ENAM missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 13 NC_006595.3:g.59945218C>T XM_539305.4:c.716C>T XP_539305.3:p.(P239L) XM_539305.4; XP_539305.3 2019 30877375 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn and Zoe Shmidt.
1454 OMIA:002550-9615 dog Rhodesian Ridgeback (Dog) Early onset adult deafness EPS8L2 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UMICH_Zoey_3.1/canFam5 18 g.25868739_25868750del c.1033_1044del p.(V345_L348del) XM_038500406.1; XP_038356334.1; published as 12-bp inframe deletion in EPS8L2 (CFA18:25,868,739-25,868,751 in the UMICH_Zoey_3.1) corresponding to deletion of amino acids VHFL 2022 35385474
980 OMIA:001214-9615 dog American Staffordshire Terrier (Dog) Osteochondromatosis EXT2 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 NC_006600.3:g.45101754G>T XM_014121199.2:c.924C>A XP_013976674.1:p.(Y308*) XM_014121199.2; XP_013976674.1; published as c.969C>A and p.(Y323*); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2018 29485212
702 OMIA:000363-9615 dog Kerry Blue Terrier (Dog) Factor XI deficiency F11 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 16 g.44477343_44477344ins90 c.819_820ins90 NM_001135123.1 "an insertion of 90 bp (SINE) inside of coding exon 7" resulting in a "30 amino acids insertion in the A3 domain of FXI serine protease" (Tcherneva et al., 2007). 2007 Reference not in PubMed; see OMIA 000363-9615 for reference details g. and c. coordinates kindly provided by Professor Urs Giger (27 August 2022)
40 OMIA:000361-9615 dog Airedale Terrier (Dog) Alaskan Husky (Dog) Alaskan Klee Kai (Dog) American Foxhound (Dog) Basset Hound (Dog) Beagle (Dog) Catahoula Leopard Dog (Dog) Dachshund, Miniature Smooth-Haired (Dog) English Foxhound (Dog) Finnish Hound (Dog) German Shorthaired Pointer (Dog) German Wirehaired Pointer (Dog) Giant Schnauzer (Dog) Harrier (Dog) Irish Water Spaniel (Dog) Japanese Spitz (Dog) Miniature Schnauzer (Dog) Papillon (Dog) Phalène (Dog) Redbone Coonhound (Dog) Scottish Deerhound (Dog) Sealyham Terrier (Dog) Welsh Springer Spaniel (Dog) Whippet (Dog) Factor VII deficiency F7 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 22 NC_006604.3:g.60578895G>A NM_001048033.1:c.407G>A NP_001041498.1:p.(G136E) 2006 16961583 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool; variant initially identified in Beagle and later reported in additional breeds: PMID:17939552; PMID: 27525650; PMID:34544496; PMID:29708978
363 OMIA:000437-9615 dog Irish Setter (Dog) Miniature Schnauzer (Dog) Haemophilia A F8 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes X intronic inversion that results in "aberrant splicing and premature termination" 2002 12008949
1655 OMIA:000437-9615 dog Border Collie (Dog) Haemophilia A F8 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.122956942delA c.3206delA NM_001003212.1 2023 38104983
350 OMIA:000437-9615 dog Old English Sheepdog (Dog) Haemophilia A F8 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.122973422G>A NM_001003212.1:c.1786C>T NP_001003212.1:p.(R596*) 2016 27780008 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
100 OMIA:000437-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Haemophilia A F8 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.122975611C>T NM_001003212.1:c.1700G>A NP_001003212.1:p.(C567Y) NM_001003212.1; NP_001003212.1; published as c.1643G>A & p.(C548Y); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript. 2014 25040606
99 OMIA:000437-9615 dog Boxer (Dog) Haemophilia A F8 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.122981181G>C NM_001003212.1:c.1469C>G NP_001003212.1:p.(P490R) NM_001003212.1; NP_001003212.1; published as c.1412C>G & p.(P471R); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and/ or transcript 2014 25040606
272 OMIA:000437-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Haemophilia A F8 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.123043081C>T NM_001003212.1:c.98G>A NP_001003212.1:p.(W33*) 2011 21949058 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1284 OMIA:000437-9615 dog Rhodesian Ridgeback (Dog) Haemophilia A F8 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 X g.124073876_124073877insN[221] c.4824_4825insN[221] NM_001003212.1; published as c.4824_25ins221, genomic coordinates published as chrX: 1240738676_77. After review of the position in the reference genome on the 17/7/2023 the genomic coordinates have been updated to g.124073876_124073877insN[221] in this table. 2021 33494213
1588 OMIA:000437-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Haemophilia A F8 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 X g.124075777_124075778del c.2923_2924del p.(E975Kfs*8) NM_001003212.1; NP_001003212 2023 37438956
636 OMIA:000438-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Haemophilia B F9 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes X a deletion of the entire gene 1997 9394892
637 OMIA:000438-9615 dog American Pit Bull Terrier (Dog) Haemophilia B F9 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes X Gu et al. (1999): "A large deletion mutation was found in 1 breed variant, spanning the entire 5' region of the factor IX gene extending to exon 6". 1999 10544912 Following Table 3 from Kuder et al. (2021), the breed for this variant has been changed to Pit Bull Terrier. (18th October 2021)
1039 OMIA:000438-9615 dog Hovawart (Dog) Haemophilia B F9 regulatory Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.109501492del c.-73del NM_001003323.2; Brenig et al. (2019): NC_006621.3:g.109501492delC; "The deletion is located 73 bp upstream of the F9 start codon in the conserved overlapping DNA binding sites of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha and androgen receptor." 2019 30846504
705 OMIA:000438-9615 dog German Wirehaired Pointer (Dog) Haemophilia B F9 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.109521130_109521131insN[(1500)] NM_001003323.2; published as "insert consists of a 5' truncated canine Line-1 followed by an approximately 200-bp 3' poly (A) tract, flanked by a 15-bp direct repeat"; g. coordinate of insertion obtained from Brenig et al. (2019) 2003 14722728 CanFam3.1 coordinates copied from Table 3 of Kuder et al. (2021) (18 Oct 2021)
467 OMIA:000438-9615 dog Lhasa Apso (Dog) Haemophilia B F9 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.109521356_109521361delinsT c.548_553delinsT p.(R183Lfs*3) NM_001003323.2; NP_001003323.1; published as "a deletion including nucleotides 772-776 and a C-->T transition at nucleotide 777", coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript and to HGVS nomenclature 1996 8896410 CanFam3.1 coordinates copied from Table 3 of Kuder et al. (2021) (18 Oct 2021)
1363 OMIA:000438-9615 dog Newfoundland (Dog) Haemophilia B F9 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.109531586_109531587insA c.821_822insA p.(N274Kfs*23) NM_001003323.2; NP_001003323.1 2021 34680886
704 OMIA:000438-9615 dog Airedale Terrier (Dog) Haemophilia B F9 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.109532012_109532013insN[(5000)] c.1247_1248insN[(5000)] NM_001003323.2; Gu et al. (1999): "An approximately 5 kb insertion disrupted exon 8 ... associated with alternative splicing between a donor site 5' and acceptor site 3' to the normal exon 8 splice junction, with introduction of a new stop codon. The resultant transcript lacked most of the factor IX catalytic domain and 3' untranslated region." 1999 10544912 CanFam3.1 coordinates copied from Table 3 of Kuder et al. (2021) (18 Oct 2021)
47 OMIA:000438-9615 dog Rhodesian Ridgeback (Dog) Haemophilia B F9 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.109530868G>A NM_001003323.2:c.731G>A NP_001003323.1:p.(G244E) NM_001003323.2; NP_001003323.1; published as p.(G244E) by Mischke et al. (2011), g. and p. coordinates were copied on the 18th October 2021 from Table 3 of Kuder et al. (2021) (relating to NP_001003323.1 ) as g.109530847G>A and p.(G237E). These g. and p. positions were incorrect. After review of Figure 1 published by Mischke et al. (2011) it was confirmed that the published p. coordinates are consistent with NM_001003323.2:c.731G>A and NP_001003323.1:p.(G244E). The g. coordinates have been updated to a recent reference genome (5th April 2022) 2011 20303304 Thank you to Agustín Arasanz for identifying that the coordinates published by Kuder et al. (2021) were inconsistent with the originally published information by Mischke et al. (2011) (5th April 2022).
46 OMIA:000438-9615 dog Cairn Terrier (Dog) Haemophilia B F9 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.109532018G>A NM_001003323.2:c.1253G>A NP_001003323.1:p.(G418E) NM_001003323.2; NP_001003323.1, published as p.(G379E) by Evans et al. (1989), coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 1989 2481310 c. and p. coordinates updated from Kuder et al. (2021)
752 OMIA:002032-9615 dog Border Collie (Dog) Mixed Breed (Dog) Neuropathy, sensory FAM134B inversion Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 4 g.80439639_86910352inv "6.47 Mb inversion was identified with breakpoints in intron 3 of FAM134B (chr4:86,910,352) and in an upstream intergenic region (chr4:80,439,639) ... … Analysis of RNAseq data revealed FAM134B was majorly disrupted by the inversion, with novel exons occurring 3′ of the final normally transcribed exon before the inversion, due to cryptic splicing." 2016 27527794
1342 OMIA:002032-9615 dog German Spitz (Dog) Mixed Breed (Dog) Neuropathy, sensory FAM134B missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 4 NC_049225.1:G.88169941C>T NM_001314111.1:c.656C>T NP_001301040.1:p.(P219L) Initially reported in a mixed breed dog, later reported in a German Spitz (PMID: 39377488). 2021 34387380
925 OMIA:001918-9615 dog Tibetan Spaniel (Dog) Tibetan Terrier (Dog) Retinal atrophy, progressive, type 3, FAM161A-related FAM161A PRA3 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 g.61822372_61822373insN[(230)] A ~230bp insertion containing a 132bp short interspersed nuclear element (SINE), near the splice acceptor site of exon 5 CanFam2.0 coordinate published as g.64974130 2014 24705771
1706 OMIA:001918-9615 dog English Shepherd (Dog) Retinal atrophy, progressive, type 6, FAM161A-related FAM161A PRA6 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 10 NC_049231.1:g.63116065_63116066ins[N[210];63116051_63116065] XM_038551371.1:c.1728_1729ins[N[210];1714-1728] XP_038407299.1:p.(Q576_M577ins*50)) published as XP_005626197.1 c.17929_ins210 2024 39062732
102 OMIA:002015-9615 dog Border Collie (Dog) Dental hypomineralization FAM20C missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 6 g.16452327G>A c.899C>T p.(A300V) 2016 27187611 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
89 OMIA:001327-9615 dog Bedlington Terrier (Dog) Irish Terrier (Dog) Kromfohrlander (Dog) Hyperkeratosis, palmoplantar FAM83G missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 NC_006587.3:g.41055619G>C XM_003434636.3:c.155G>C XP_003434684.1:p.(R52P) 2014 24832243 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool. Additional breed informationbased on Makri et al. (2021)
460 OMIA:001683-9615 dog Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Dog) Congenital keratoconjunctivitis sicca and ichthyosiform dermatosis FAM83H deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 13 g.37328057del c.977del p.(P326Hfs*258) NM_001289427.1; NP_001276356.1; genomic position in accordance with HGVS 3'-rule 2012 22253609 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
683 OMIA:002683-9615 dog Basenji (Dog) Fanconi syndrome FAN1 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 3 NC_049224.1:g. 38383631_38383947del XM_038532604.1:c.2954_3090+181del XP_038388532.1:p.(L985Vfs19*) "317 bp of exon 14 were deleted starting at the second exon14 nucleotide and extending into the 3' untranslated region of FAN1"; details reported by Farias et al. (2024; PMID:39596669) 2011 Reference not in PubMed; see OMIA 002683-9615 for reference details
576 OMIA:001525-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Leukocyte adhesion deficiency, type III FERMT3 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 g.52835932_52835933insGGCAGCCGTCTT c.1349_1350insAAGACGGCTGCC p.(L450_A451insRRLP) XM_038425194.1; XP_038281122.1; 12-base pair insertion 2010 20126836
1336 OMIA:002382-9615 dog Dachshund, Miniature Wire-Haired (Dog) Afibrinogenaemia FGA deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 15 NC_006597.3:g.52240694del XM_532697.6:c.1665delT XP_532697.6:p.(I555Mfs*33) Transcript XM_532697.6 / ENSCAFT00000043702.3 rs1152388481 2021 34356081
929 OMIA:000272-9615 dog Rhodesian Ridgeback (Dog) Thai Ridgeback (Dog) Ridge & dermoid sinus FGF3 Ridge allele duplication Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 g.48372578_48505893dup133316 A large ~133,000 bp duplication on chromosome 18, encompassing three FGF genes (FGF3, FGF4, FGF19) and another gene ORAOV1. There is an additional single T inserted between the two copies of the duplication. This is not indicated in the genomic variant designation. 2007 17906623
694 OMIA:002542-9615 dog Basset Hound (Dog) Cairn Terrier (Dog) Cardigan Welsh Corgi (Dog) Dachshund (Dog) Dandie Dinmont Terrier (Dog) Lancashire Heeler (Dog) Norwich Terrier (Dog) Pekingese (Dog) Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Dog) Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (Dog) Shih Tzu (Dog) Skye Terrier (Dog) Swedish Vallhund (Dog) Tibetan Spaniel (Dog) West Highland White Terrier (Dog) Chondrodysplasia FGF4 retrogene CFA18 FGF4L1 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 18 a 5kb insertion containing a FGF4 retrogene, i.e. a processed pseudogene of FGF4: The insertion containing the FGF4 retrogene starts at 23,431,136 on CFA18, which is 25Mb away from the complete (original) FGF4 gene, which is located at CFA18 48413479-48415205 2009 19608863
855 OMIA:000157-9615 dog American Cocker Spaniel (Dog) Basset Hound (Dog) Beagle (Dog) Cardigan Welsh Corgi (Dog) Chesapeake Bay Retriever (Dog) Chihuahua (Dog) Coton de Tulear (Dog) Dachshund (Dog) English Springer Spaniel (Dog) French Bulldog (Dog) Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Dog) Intervertebral disc disease, type I FGF4 retrogene in CFA12 FGF4L2 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 12 " the insertion on CFA12 is 3,209 bp long (GenBank accession no. MF040221) and includes parental FGF4 cDNA (i.e., FGF4 exons spliced without introns) . . . ." 200922: g. info moved here (g.33710178_33710179insMF040221) until it can be standardised 2017 29073074
853 OMIA:002133-9615 dog Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Dog) Skeletal dysplasia, FGF4-retrogene-related FGF4 retrogene on CFA12 FGF4L2 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 12 " the insertion on CFA12 is 3,209 bp long (GenBank accession no. MF040221) and includes parental FGF4 cDNA (i.e., FGF4 exons spliced without introns) . . . ." 200922: g. info moved here (g.33710178_33710179insMF040221) until can be standardised 2017 29073074
952 OMIA:000439-9615 dog Eurasier (Dog) Long hair FGF5 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 32 g.4528617_4528632del c.556_571del p.(A186Tfs*71) NM_001048129.1; NP_001041594.1; published as c.556_571del16; p.(A186Tfs*69) rs397509816 2013 23384345 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
950 OMIA:000439-9615 dog Afghan Hound (Dog) Eurasier (Dog) Long hair FGF5 duplication Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 32 g.4528620_4528621dup c.559_560dup p.(R188Afs*75) NM_001048129.1; NP_001041594.1; published as c.559_560dupGG and p.(R188Afs*73) rs397512451 2013 23384345 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
48 OMIA:000439-9615 dog Afghan Hound (Dog) Border Collie (Dog) Cocker Spaniel (Dog) Collie (Dog) Dachshund (Dog) German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Golden Retriever (Dog) Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Dog) Pomeranian (Dog) Samoyed (Dog) Long hair FGF5 missense Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 32 NC_006614.3:g.4509367G>T NM_001048129.1:c.284G>T NP_001041594.1:p.(C95F) ROS_Cfam_1.0:g.4533621G>T ENSCAFT00845031580.1:c.290G>T ENSCAFP00845024720.1:p.Cys97Phe rs851828354 2006 16879338 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
418 OMIA:000439-9615 dog Afghan Hound (Dog) Long hair FGF5 splicing Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 32 NC_006614.3:g.4517257T>A NM_001048129.1:c.368-11T>A ROS_Cfam_1.0:g.4541511T>A ENSCAFT00845031580.1:c.368-11T>A rs397511324 2013 23384345 30 Dec 2020: g. coordinate corrected: thanks to Angelica K Kallenberg
104 OMIA:000439-9615 dog Akita (Dog) Samoyed (Dog) Long hair FGF5 missense Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 32 NC_006614.3:g.4528639C>T NM_001048129.1:c.578C>T NP_001041594.1:p.(A193V) NM_001048129.1; NP_001041594.1 2013 23384345 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
77 OMIA:001335-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Renal cystadenocarcinoma and nodular dermatofibrosis FLCN missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 NC_006587.3:g.42186445A>G XM_005619508.3:c.764A>G XP_005619565.1:p.(H255R) rs1152388411 2003 14532326 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
531 OMIA:000526-9615 dog Weimaraner (Dog) Hypomyelination of the central nervous system FNIP2 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 15 g.55928287del c.1078del p.(I360Lfs*3) XM_005629382.3; XP_005629439.1; published as CanFam2:58974928delA, XM_532705:c.880delA and p.(I294fs*296) - coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript and HGVS nomenclature 2014 24272703
571 OMIA:000323-9615 dog Chinese Crested (Dog) Peruvian Hairless Dog (Dog) Xoloitzcuintli (Dog) Ectodermal dysplasia FOXI3 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes ROS_Cfam_1.0 17 g.38764875_38764881dup c.57_63dup p.(A23Rfs*219) NM_001135646.1; NP_001129118.1 2008 18787161
461 OMIA:000396-9615 dog English Springer Spaniel (Dog) Fucosidosis, alpha FUCA1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 g.75665866_75665879del c.379_392del p.(A127Vfs*26) NM_001003250.1; NP_001003250.1; a 14-bp deletion at the 3' end of exon 1 1996 8730282
1436 OMIA:002536-9615 dog Wirehaired Pointing Griffon (Dog) Juvenile cataract FYCO1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 20 g.42952995del c.2024delG p.(S675Tfs*5) XM_038566669.1; XP_038422597.1 2022 35205377
1361 OMIA:000418-9615 dog German Pinscher (Dog) Glycogen storage disease Ia G6PC insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 g.20134857_20134858insN[76] c.634_635insN[76] XM_038676372.1; insertion of 60 consecutive adenines and an additional 16 bp duplication of the integration site (Christen et al., 2021) 2021 34610166
44 OMIA:000418-9615 dog Maltese (Dog) Glycogen storage disease Ia G6PC missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.20138777C>G NM_001002993.2:c.363G>C NP_001002993.2:p.(M121I) NM_001002993.2; NP_001002993.2; published as c.450G>C; coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 1997 9259982 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
270 OMIA:000419-9615 dog Finnish Lapphund (Dog) Swedish Lapphund (Dog) Glycogen storage disease II GAA nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.1603730C>T XM_845556.5:c.2237G>A XP_850649.1:p.(W746*) 2013 23457621 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
953 OMIA:000578-9615 dog Irish Setter (Dog) Krabbe disease GALC insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 8 g.59294611_59294612insN[78] c.790_791insN[78] NM_001003238.1; NP_001003238.1; the 78 bp insertion includes a 16-bp insertion site duplication and a 62 bp U4 snRNA-derived sequence; the downstream reading frame is preserved (for sequence details see McGraw et al., 2006) 2006 16490723
51 OMIA:000578-9615 dog Cairn Terrier (Dog) West Highland White Terrier (Dog) Krabbe disease GALC missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 8 NC_006590.3:g.59311801T>G NM_001003238.1:c.473A>C NP_001003238.1:p.(Y158S) NM_001003238.1; NP_001003238.1 1996 8661004 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
1607 OMIA:000578-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Krabbe disease GALC missense Naturally occurring variant yes Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 8 NC_006590.4:g.58893972G>A NM_001003238.1:c.149C>T NP_001003238.1:p.(A50V) NM_001003238.1; NP_001003238.1; published as NC_006590.4:g.58893972G>A 2023 37593836
1150 OMIA:002362-9615 dog Entlebucher Mountain Dog (Dog) Fecundity GDF9 missense Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 11 g.21147009G>A c.229C>T p.(P77S) NM_001168013.1; NP_001161485.1 2020 31802524
444 OMIA:001514-9615 dog English Pointer (Dog) English Springer Spaniel (Dog) French Spaniel (Dog) German Shorthaired Pointer (Dog) Acral mutilation syndrome GDNF regulatory Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 4 NC_006586.3:g.70875561C>T "This variant, located 90 kb upstream of the GDNF gene, a highly relevant neurotrophic factor candidate gene, lies in [the last exon of] a long intergenic non-coding RNAs (lincRNA), GDNF-AS." 2016 28033318
114 OMIA:001208-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Alexander disease GFAP missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.18572769G>A XM_022422887.1:c.719G>A XP_022278595.1:p.(R240H) rs850986067 2016 26486469 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1232 OMIA:001473-9615 dog Chihuahua (Dog) Dwarfism, growth-hormone deficiency GH1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 g.11832438_11832443del c.573_578del p.(K191_D193delinsN) NM_001003168.1; NP_001003168.1; variant initially identified in Chihuahuas and later reported in additional breeds: PMID: 37582787 2020 32646299 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
794 OMIA:002119-9615 dog Leonberger (Dog) Polyneuropathy (LPN2) GJA9 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 15 g.3863524_3863525del c.1107_1108delAG p.(A370Nfs*12) 2017 28841859
462 OMIA:000402-9615 dog Shiba Inu (Dog) Gangliosidosis, GM1 GLB1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 23 g.3796317delC c.1649delC p.(P550Rfs*50) 2002 12555949 The variant coordinates are those reported by Pervin et al. (2022) Animals 12(10), 1242.
573 OMIA:000402-9615 dog Alaskan Husky (Dog) Gangliosidosis, GM1 GLB1 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 23 g.3796356_3796374dup c.1688_1706dup p.(T570Pfs*22) NM_001037641.1; NP_001032730.1; 19 base pair duplication in exon 15. Two different aberrant mRNA transcripts are produced from the mutant allele. The protein variant designation refers to one of these transcripts that includes the mutant exon 15. In the other aberrant transcript, the mutant exon 15 is skipped and a different truncated protein is encoded. 2005 15944348
41 OMIA:000402-9615 dog Portuguese Water Dog (Dog) Gangliosidosis, GM1 GLB1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 23 NC_006605.3:g.3754313G>A NM_001037641.1:c.179G>A NP_001032730.1:p.(R60H) NM_001037641.1; NP_001032730.1; published as c.200G>A; coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2000 11032334
1571 OMIA:000689-9615 dog Miniature Australian Shepherd Dog (Dog) Hyperekplexia GLRA1 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 4 g.58338954_58338989del published as a 36-bp deletion encompassing part of the intron 1 and exon 2 (chr4:g.58,338,953); coordinates in the this table are in accordance with HGVS nomenclature 2023 37222814
1097 OMIA:002207-9615 dog Cocker Spaniel (Dog) Bernard-Soulier syndrome, type C GP9 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 g.3025814_3028273del c.127_*2052del XM_846924.3; Gentilini et al. (2019): "The [2460bp] deletion truncates 104 (71%) of the 146 codons of the wildtype canine reading frame." 2019 31484196
1487 OMIA:002569-9615 dog Poodle (Dog) Coat colour, dark red GPR22 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant no 18 insertion of a full length SNN retrocopy within the intron of COG5 and 2.8kbp upstream of GPR22 is incompletely associated with the phenotype 2022 36047852
693 OMIA:000078-9615 dog Coton de Tulear (Dog) Ataxia, cerebellar GRM1 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 1 "a 62-bp truncated retrotransposon insert in exon 8" 2011 21281350
1536 OMIA:002646-9615 dog German Spitz (Dog) Progressive retinal atrophy GUCY2D insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 g.32849537_32849538insT c.1598_1599insT p.(S534Efs*20) NM_001003207.1; NP_001003207.1 2023 36872573
58 OMIA:000667-9615 dog Brazilian Terrier (Dog) Mucopolysaccharidosis VII GUSB missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 6 NC_006588.3:g.740428G>A NM_001003191.1:c.866C>T NP_001003191.1:p.(P289L) 2012 22815736 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
57 OMIA:000667-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Mucopolysaccharidosis VII GUSB missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 6 NC_006588.3:g.741429C>T NM_001003191.1:c.497G>A NP_001003191.1:p.(R166H) ROS_Cfam_1.0:g.546709C>T ENSCAFT00845023689.1:c.482G>A ENSCAFP00845018598.1:p.Arg161His rs1152388412 1998 9521879 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
924 OMIA:001374-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Centronuclear myopathy, HACD1-related HACD1 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 g.19371988_19371989ins[N[236];CACACAAAGGTTT] c.203_204ins[N[236];CACACAAAGGTTT] NM_001025269.1; published as insertion of a 236 bp antisense canine tRNA-like SINE (EMBL accession no. AJ876906), flanked on both sides by a 13 bp direct duplication of the insertion site; resulting in multiple splicing defects 2005 15829503
1421 OMIA:002522-9615 dog Norwegian Elkhound (Dog) Ataxia, HACE1-related HACE1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 12 g.62282767del c.1001del p.(G334Vfs*34) ENSCAFT00000072236.1; ENSCAFP00000049888.1 2022 35061740
709 OMIA:001561-9615 dog Chinese Shar-Pei (Dog) Periodic Fever Syndrome HAS2 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 13 "several copies of a the "meatmouth" (CNV-E) duplication upstream of the HAS2 gene", variant is associated with the disease but may not be causal 2011 21437276
419 OMIA:000703-9615 dog Doberman Pinscher (Dog) Narcolepsy HCRTR2 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 12 g.22603767_22603768insN[226] c.647-36_647-35insN[226] NM_001002933.1; a 226 bp SINE insertion in intron 3 of the HCRTR2 gene leads to skipping of exon 4 1999 10458611
64 OMIA:000703-9615 dog Dachshund (Dog) Narcolepsy HCRTR2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 12 NC_006594.3:g.22517939G>A NM_001002933.1:c.160G>A NP_001002933.1:p.(E54K) NM_001002933.1; NP_001002933.1 2001 11282968 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
368 OMIA:000703-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Narcolepsy HCRTR2 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 12 NC_006594.3:g.22620881G>A NM_001002933.1:c.1105+5G>A NM_001002933.1; NP_001002933.1; experimentally confirmed splice defect; skipping of exon 6 in the HCRTR2 mRNA transcript due to a G to A transition at position +5 in the 5′-splice site of intron 6 rs1152388413 1999 10458611
535 OMIA:001944-9615 dog Miniature Schnauzer (Dog) Spondylocostal dysostosis, autosomal recessive HES7 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 NC_006587.3:g.32945846del XM_014113578.2:c.126delG XP_013969053.2:p.(T43Pfs*24) 2015 25659135
26 OMIA:001461-9615 dog Japanese Chin (Dog) Gangliosidosis, GM2, type I HEXA missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 30 NC_006612.3:g.35841247C>T XM_544758.6:c.967G>A XP_544758.2:p.(E323K) 2013 23266199 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
798 OMIA:001462-9615 dog Shiba Inu (Dog) Gangliosidosis, GM2, type II (Sandhoff or variant 0) HEXB deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 g.57243656_57243658del c.849_851del p.(L284del) XM_022414769.1; XP_022270477.1; published by Kolicheski et al. (2017) as p.Leu317del and reported by Wang et al. (2018) as p.(L207del) 2017 28833537
463 OMIA:001462-9615 dog Poodle, Toy (Dog) Gangliosidosis, GM2, type II (Sandhoff or variant 0) HEXB deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 NC_006584.3:g.57225684del XM_022414769.1:c.391del XP_022270477.1:p.(V131*) XM_022414769.1; XP_022270477.1; published as c.283delG and p.(V59fs); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2012 22766310
1170 OMIA:001311-9615 dog Miniature Schnauzer (Dog) Progressive retinal atrophy, Miniature Schnauzer, type 1 HIVEP3 probably not causal, can be used as linked marker for genetic testing not known Naturally occurring variant unknown CanFam3.1 15 NC_006597.3:g.1432293G>A "intronic variant in HIVEP3/ENSCAFG00000035604" (Kaukonen et al., 2020). The genetic evidence is unable to distinguish between the HIVEP3 and PPT1 variants as potential causes of PRA. ... functional considerations favor causality of the coding PPT1 structural variant over the intronic HIVEP3 SNV" (Aguirre et al. 2020). 2020 32150541
1215 OMIA:002275-9615 dog French Bulldog (Dog) Coat colour, Cocoa HPS3 HPS3^co nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 23 NC_006605.3:g.43969695G>A XM_542830.6:c.2420G>A XP_542830.3:p.(T807*) XM_542830.6:c.2420G>A; XP_542830.3:p.(Trp807*) 2020 32526956
1095 OMIA:002777-9615 dog Dachshund (Dog) Disorder of sexual development, HSD17B3-related HSD17B3 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 1 g.70554301_70554302del c.159_160del p.(T54Wfs*13) XM_003638870.2; XP_003638918.1; deletion CA 2019 31476086
456 OMIA:001758-9615 dog Australian Shepherd (Dog) Cataract, early onset HSF4 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 g.82198114del c.971del p.(P324Hfs*87) NM_001048121.1; NP_001041586.1; published as g.85286582delC 2006 16939467
568 OMIA:001758-9615 dog Boston Terrier (Dog) Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Dog) Cataract, early onset HSF4 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 g.82198114_82198115insG c.971_972insC p.(L325Tfs*28) NM_001048121.1; NP_001041586.1; published as g.85286582_85286583insC 2006 16939467
1604 OMIA:000706-9615 dog Nederlandse Kooikerhondje (Dog) Necrotising myelopathy IBA57 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 14 g.801179G>A c.439C>T p.(R147W) XM_038686047.1; XP_038541975.1 2023 37588046
1237 OMIA:000664-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Mucopolysaccharidosis I IDUA deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 g.91523238_91523524del c.1400-76_1521+89del p.(G467_E507del) NM_001313883.1; NP_001300812.1 2020 32785987
1190 OMIA:000664-9615 dog Boston Terrier (Dog) Mucopolysaccharidosis I IDUA insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 g.91534556_91534557insGGGGGCCG c.19_20insCGGCCCCC p.(R7Pfs) NM_001313883.1; NP_001300812.1 2020 32300136
911 OMIA:000664-9615 dog Plott Hound (Dog) Mucopolysaccharidosis I IDUA splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 NC_006585.3:g.91534420C>T NM_001313883.1:c.155+1G>A NM_001313883.1 rs1152388407 1992 1339393
1301 OMIA:002320-9615 dog Lapponian Herder (Dog) Progressive retinal atrophy IFT122 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 NC_006602.3:g.5648046C>T XM_533734.6:c.3176G>A XP_533734.2:p.(R1059H) Protein and CDS positions based on XP_533734.2 and XM_533734.6 2021 33606121
1422 OMIA:002524-9615 dog Height, IGF1-AS related IGF1-AS (LOC111090066) regulatory Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 15 g.41219654T>C r.1043T>C XR_002614246.1; C allele associated with smaller height, T allele associated with larger height rs22397284 2022 35090588
584 OMIA:000899-9615 dog Cardigan Welsh Corgi (Dog) Severe combined immunodeficiency disease, X-linked IL2RG insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.55483461_55483462insG c.583_584insC p.(R195Pfs*5) NM_001003201.1; NP_001003201.1; "a single nucleotide insertion causing a frameshift". The variant could also be described as a duplication of a cytosine (c.583dup). 1995 8571541
476 OMIA:000899-9615 dog Basset Hound (Dog) Severe combined immunodeficiency disease, X-linked IL2RG deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.55484657_55484660del c.30_33del p.(L11Yfs) NM_001003201.1; NP_001003201.1; c.30_33delCCTC 1994 7829104
1253 OMIA:002289-9615 dog Lhasa Apso (Dog) Progressive retinal atrophy 4 (PRA4) IMPG2 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 33 " LINE-1 insertion was identified within the critical region in this PRA-affected LA, situated within 200 bp upstream of the interphotoreceptor matrix proteoglycan 2 (IMPG2) gene within the following coordinates: CANFA33: 7,785,475-7,785,491" (Hitti-Malin et al., 2020) 2020 32894063
1034 OMIA:002173-9615 dog Norwich Terrier (Dog) Diffuse cystic renal dysplasia and hepatic fibrosis INPP5E splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.49069064G>A XM_005625109.3:c.1572+5G>A Dillard et al. (2018): "the identified variant introduces a novel splice site in INPP5E causing a frameshift and formation of a premature stop codon." 2018 30235266
606 OMIA:001675-9615 dog American Pit Bull Terrier (Dog) Cone-rod dystrophy 2 IQCB1 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 33 g.25078909_25078910insC c.952_53insC p.(S319Ifs*12) 2013 24045995
336 OMIA:001886-9615 dog Chinook (Dog) Karelian Bear Dog (Dog) Norwegian Elkhound (Dog) Chondrodysplasia, disproportionate short-limbed ITGA10 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 17 NC_006599.3:g.58703935G>A XM_845262.4:c.2083C>T XP_850355.1:p.(R695*) XM_845262.4; XP_850355.1, additional breed inforamtion based on PMID:27525650 2013 24086591 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
1569 OMIA:001000-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Thrombastenia ITGA2B deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes 9 Published in a conference proceeding as (1924delC) 2017 Reference not in PubMed; see OMIA 001000-9615 for reference details
369 OMIA:001000-9615 dog Great Pyrenees (Dog) Thrombasthenia ITGA2B splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 g.19057144_19057157dup c.1360_1373dup NM_001003163.2; NP_001003163.1; experimentally confirmed splice defect; a 14-base duplication in exon 13 and defective splicing of intron 13 2000 11105947
80 OMIA:001000-9615 dog Otterhound (Dog) Thrombasthenia ITGA2B missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.19054488G>C NM_001003163.2:c.1192G>C NP_001003163.1:p.(D398H) NM_001003163.2; NP_001003163.1; published as c.1193G>C / c.1100G>C; substitution of histidine for aspartic acid at position 398 (367). Coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and or transcripts. 2001 11703027 Breed was incorrectly listed as Scottish Deerhound. Changed to Otterhound [19/5/2023]
1568 OMIA:001000-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Thrombasthenia ITGA2B nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.19057141C>T 1357C>T NP_001003163.1:p.(R453*) NM_001003163.2; NP_001003163.1; published as (C1264T) and (R422X), coordinates in this table have been updated to a recent reference genome 2016 26764135
53 OMIA:000595-9615 dog Irish Red and White Setter (Dog) Irish Setter (Dog) Leukocyte adhesion deficiency, type I ITGB2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 31 NC_006613.3:g.38537012C>G XM_014109833.2:c.107G>C XP_013965308.1:p.(C36S) ROS_Cfam_1.0: g.38142116C>G ENSCAFT00845038113.1:c.107G>C ENSCAFP00845029856.1:p.Cys36Ser rs1152388503 1999 10512685 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
754 OMIA:002097-9615 dog Italian Spinone (Dog) Ataxia, spinocerebellar ITPR1 complex rearrangement Naturally occurring variant yes 20 Forman et al. (2015) identified an expanded GAA-repeat in intron 35 of the ITPR1 gene in affected dogs. The wildtype sequence contains 8 GAA repeats. The expanded disease-associated alleles carry an estimated 318-651 GAA repeats. 2015 25354648
1769 OMIA:002916-9615 dog Lancashire Heeler (Dog) Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1J with amelogenesis imperfecta ITPR3 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 12 NC_049233.1:g.12:3214076C>T XM_038553756.1:c.5002C>T XP_038409684:p.Q1668X 2025 39804930
739 OMIA:000809-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Polycythemia JAK2 delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 1 g.93416506_93416510delinsTTCCT c.1849_1853delinsTTCCT p.(V617_C618delinsFL) XM_022421838.1; XP_022277546.1; published as a three-base change in codons 617 and 618 of JAK2 giving rise to V617F and C618L, SOMATIC MUTATION/MOSAICISM 2011 21320566
1154 OMIA:002240-9615 dog Norwegian Buhund (Dog) Ataxia, cerebellar, KCNIP4-related KCNIP4 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 NC_006585.3:g.88890674T>C XM_005618660.3:c.436T>C XP_005618717.1:p.(T146R) XM_005618660.3; XP_005618717.1 2020 31999692
612 OMIA:002089-9615 dog Jack Russell Terrier (Dog) Ataxia, cerebellar, KCNJ10-related KCNJ10 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 38 g.22141027insC c.*214_*215insC XM_005640901.1; Gast et al. (2016) "Bioinformatic analysis using RegRNA indicated the KCNJ10:g.22141027insC affecting regulation of gene expression via a regulatory RNA motif or miRNA target site." rs1152388457 2016 27724896
945 OMIA:002089-9615 dog Dachshund (Dog) Jack Russell Terrier (Dog) Parson Russell Terrier (Dog) Smooth Fox Terrier (Dog) Ataxia, cerebellar, KCNJ10-related KCNJ10 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 38 NC_006620.3:g.22140300C>G XM_545752.6:c.627C>G XP_545752.3:p.(I209M) XM_545752.6; XP_545752.3; reference for Dachshund is PMID:37905444 rs1152388456 2014 24708069 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 and EVA ID provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
947 OMIA:002089-9615 dog Belgian Shepherd Dog, Malinois (Dog) Spongy degeneration with cerebellar ataxia 1 (SDCA1) KCNJ10 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 38 NC_006620.3:g.22140659T>C XM_545752.6:c.986T>C XP_545752.3:p.(L329P) XM_545752.6; XP_545752.3 2017 27966545 28007838 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
1596 OMIA:002332-9615 dog English Springer Spaniel (Dog) Long QT syndrome KCNQ1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 NC_006600.3:g.46604412C>A XM_022405121.1:c.770C>A XP_022260829.1:p.(T257K) XM_022405121.1; XP_022260829.1; published as "Genbank KF439050, KCNQ1_T377K" - coordinates in this table are updated to a recent reference genome. 2015 25779927
570 OMIA:001737-9615 dog Coat colour, white spotting, KIT-related KIT insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 13 g.47144513_47144514insA c.140_141insA p.(L48Vfs*10) NM_001003181.1; NP_001003181.1; "a 1-bp insertion of an adenine 70 bases downstream of the beginning of exon 2." The variant represents a duplication of an adenine and could also be described as c.140dup. 2013 23134432
464 OMIA:001516-9615 dog Gastrointestinal stromal tumor KIT deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 13 g.47178531_47178536del c.1664_1669del NM_001003181.1; deletion of AGTGGA; SOMATIC MUTATION 2010 20950418
465 OMIA:001516-9615 dog Gastrointestinal stromal tumor KIT deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 13 g.47178534_47178539del c.1667_1672del NM_001003181.1; deletion of GGAAGG; SOMATIC MUTATION 2010 20950418
459 OMIA:001737-9615 dog Coat colour, white spotting, KIT-related KIT deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 13 g.47179174_47179176del c.1936_1938del p.(L646del) NM_001003181.1; NP_001003181.1; published as c.1960_1962delCTC; p.(L654del); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2013 23659249 Dr. Wanda M. Gerding provided additional sequence information to facilitate identification of the genomic position in CanFam3.1
757 OMIA:001787-9615 dog Poodle, Standard (Dog) Squamous cell carcinoma of the digit KITLG repeat variation Naturally occurring variant yes 15 a copy number variant (CNV) of KITLG 2013 23555311
1145 OMIA:002228-9615 dog Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Dog) Poodle (Dog) Pigment intensity KITLG repeat variation Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 15 Weich et al. (2020): "the reference genome shows two tandem copies of the CNV spanning a region of approximately 12 kb. The CNV is located in an intergenic region about 152 kb upstream from the closest gene, KITLG." 200922: g. info moved here (g.29821450_29832950) until it can be standardised 2020 31936656
74 OMIA:000819-9615 dog Shih Tzu (Dog) Prekallikrein deficiency KLKB1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 16 NC_006598.3:g.44501415A>T XM_022403603.1:c.988T>A XP_022259311.1:p.(F330I) 2011 20736516 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1495 OMIA:002425-9615 dog Chinese Shar-Pei (Dog) Ichthyosis, KRT1-related KRT1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 27 g.44229728_44229730del c.567_569del p.(N190del) NM_001003392.1; NP_001003392.1 2022 36251712
364 OMIA:001415-9615 dog Norfolk Terrier (Dog) Hyperkeratosis, epidermolytic KRT10 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.21866234G>T XM_014116588.2:c.1125+1G>T XM_038676544.1; XP_038532472.1; experimentally confirmed splice defect; a single base GT>TT change in the consensus 5'-splice site of intron 5 2005 16029326
1579 OMIA:001415-9615 dog Chihuahua (Dog) Ichthyosis, epidermolytic KRT10 missense Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 9 NC_049230.1:g.21814695G>A XM_038547368.1:c.437G>A XP_038403296:p.(R146H) XM_038547368.1; XP_038403296 2023 37332248
936 OMIA:002088-9615 dog Dogue de Bordeaux (Dog) Palmoplantar keratoderma, nonepidermolytic, focal 1 KRT16 delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 g.[21170012_21170013delinsCGGA;21170030del] c.[1147_1148delinsCGGA;1165del] p.(V383Rfs) XM_548101.4; XP_548101.2; published as p.(E392*) - protein coordinates updated to HGVS nomenclature 2015 25521457
1480 OMIA:002081-9615 dog Cardigan Welsh Corgi (Dog) Epidermolysis bullosa, simplex, KRT5-related KRT5 missense Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 27 NC_049248.1:g.44080887C>T NM_001346035.1:c.1426G>A NP_001332964.1:p.(E476K) NM_001346035.1; NP_001332964.1 2022 36004757
1697 OMIA:002081-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Epidermolysis bullosa simplex, localized, KRT5-related KRT5 delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 27 NC_049248.1:g.44081942_44091959del NM_001346035.1:c.988_1005del NP_001332964.1:p.(N330_D335del) 2024 38742646
1043 OMIA:000245-9615 dog Bichon Frise (Dog) Chesapeake Bay Retriever (Dog) Curly Coated Retriever (Dog) Irish Terrier (Dog) Lagotto Romagnolo (Dog) Spanish Water Dog (Dog) Curly coat KRT71 c^2 delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 27 g.2543230_2543237delinsACA c.1266_1273delinsACA p.(S422Rfs) NM_001197029.1; NP_001183958.1 2019 30444027 30456859 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Mateo Etcheveste and Robert Kuhn.
35 OMIA:000245-9615 dog Portuguese Water Dog (Dog) Curly coat KRT71 c^1 missense Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 27 NC_006609.3:g.2539211C>T NM_001197029.1:c.451C>T NP_001183958.1:p.(R151W) NM_001197029.1; NP_001183958.1 rs23373415 2009 19713490 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 and EVA ID provided by Robert Kuhn
735 OMIA:001371-9615 dog Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Dog) L-2-hydroxyglutaricacidemia L2HGDH delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 8 g.26723470_26723472delinsAAG c.1298_1300delinsCTT p.(L433_H434delinsPY) XM_858437.5; XP_863530.2; published as ENSCAFG00000014237; CanFam1.0: (c[1297T→C; 1299c→t]; p[Leu433Pro; His434Tyr]; coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2007 17475916
427 OMIA:001371-9615 dog Yorkshire Terrier (Dog) L-2-hydroxyglutaricacidemia L2HGDH missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 8 NC_006590.3:g.26760351T>C XM_858437.5:c.1A>G XP_013971359.1:p.(M1?) XM_858437.5; published as p.(Met1?) 2012 22843824 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
1399 OMIA:002459-9615 dog Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Dog) Congenital muscular dystrophy LAMA2 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 1 g.67734331_67736575del c.610-1412_789+653del XM_003432522.2; 2022 34854126
1389 OMIA:002459-9615 dog Italian Greyhound (Dog) Congenital muscular dystrophy LAMA2 CMD nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 1 NC_006583.3:g.67883271G>A XM_022419950.1:c.3285G>A XP_022275658.1:p.(W1095*) XM_022419950.1; XP_022275658.1 2021 34828429
701 OMIA:001677-9615 dog German Pointer (Dog) Epidermolysis bullosa, junctionalis, LAMA3 LAMA3 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 7 "insertion (4818+207ins6.5 kb) of repetitive satellite DNA within intron 35 of the gene (LAMA3)" 2005 15737193
1324 OMIA:001677-9615 dog Australian Cattle Dog X Epidermolysis bullosa, junctionalis, LAMA3 LAMA3 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 g.64427161T>A c.8615T>A p.(D2867V) cDNA and protein positions based on XM_537297.6 and XP_537297.2, respectively 2021 34250689
1239 OMIA:002269-9615 dog Australian Shepherd (Dog) Epidermolysis bullosa, junctionalis, LAMB3-related LAMB3 JEB missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 NC_006589.3:g.8286613A>G XM_014115071.2:c.1174T>C XP_013970546.1:p.(C392R) NC_006589.3:g.8286613A>G; XM_014115071.2:c.1174T>C; XP_013970546.1:p.Cys392Arg 2020 32906717
1168 OMIA:002251-9615 dog Airedale Terrier (Dog) Surfactant metabolism dysfunction, pulmonary LAMP3 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 34 NC_006616.3:g.16092728C>T XM_843796.4:c.1159G>A XP_848889.2:p.(E387K) 2020 32150563
1371 OMIA:002460-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Muscular dystrophy-dystroglycanopathy LARGE nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 NC_006592.3:g.30357716C>T XM_531751.6:c.1363C>T XP_531751.3:p.(R455*) 2021 34654610
269 OMIA:001596-9615 dog Lagotto Romagnolo (Dog) Epilepsy, benign familial juvenile LGI2 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 NC_006585.3:g.85210442A>T XM_022416405.1:c.1558A>T XP_022272113.1:p.(K520*) XM_022416405.1; XP_022272113.1; published as c.1552A>T & p.(K518*); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2011 21829378
362 OMIA:002314-9615 dog Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (Dog) German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Saarloos Wolfhond (Dog) Tibetan Terrier (Dog) Pituitary dwarfism LHX3 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes 9 "a deletion of one of six 7 bp [GTGTTTT] repeats in intron 5 of LHX3" 2011 22132174
608 OMIA:002314-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Pituitary dwarfism LHX3 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.49252491_49252493dup NM_001197187.1:c.545_547dup NP_001184116.1:p.(N182dup) published as c.545_547dupACA 2011 22132174 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
1583 OMIA:002700-9615 dog Australian Shepherd (Dog) Hyposegmentation of granulocytes LMBR1L splicing Naturally occurring variant unknown UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 27 NC_049248.1:g.41169674C>T XM_038577534.1:c.191+1G>A XM_038577534.1 2023 37347778
1638 OMIA:002796-9615 dog Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Dog) Cardiomyopathy, dilated, LMNA-related LMNA deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 7 g.41688530del c.1726del p.(D576Tfs*124) NM_001287151.1; NP_001274080 2023 37925523
108 OMIA:002071-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Macular corneal dystrophy LOC489707 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 g.75279699C>A c.814C>A p.(R272S) 2016 26585178 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1151 OMIA:001928-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Myasthenic syndrome, congenital, COLQ-related LOC608697 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 23 NC_006605.3:g.27175559G>A XM_858278.5:c.880G>A XP_863371.1:p.(G294R) 2020 31769119
900 OMIA:001928-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Myasthenic syndrome, congenital LOC608697 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 23 NC_006605.3:g.27176737T>C XM_858278.5:c.1010T>C XP_863371.1:p.(I337T) XM_858278.5; XP_863371.1 2014 25166616 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
1314 OMIA:002336-9615 dog Rottweiler (Dog) Nonsyndromic hearing loss LOXHD1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 g.44806821G>C c.5747G>C p.(G1914A) XM_022421426.1, c.5747G>C; J9PAE4, p.(G1914A) (Hytönen et al., 2021) 2021 33983508
1260 OMIA:001486-9615 dog Beagle (Dog) Night blindness, congenital stationary, LRIT3-related LRIT3 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 32 g.30038863del c.763del p.(K245Nfs*5) c.763delG 2019 31578364
1628 OMIA:000625-9615 dog Doberman Pinscher (Dog) Mannosidosis, alpha MAN2B1 missense Naturally occurring variant unknown Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 20 NC_006602.4:g.49320989A>G XM_005632833.4:c.311A>G XP_005632890.1:p.(D104G) XM_005632833.4; XP_005632890.1 2023 37761886
1093 OMIA:000626-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Beta mannosidosis MANBA duplication Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 32 g.24057654_24057658dup c.2377_2381dup p.(H794Hfs) XM_005639236.3; XP_005639293.1; published as c.2377_2381dupTATCA 2019 31439511 Genomic and protein coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
1072 OMIA:000626-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Beta mannosidosis MANBA missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 32 NC_006614.3:g.24147500A>T XM_005639236.3:c.560T>A XP_005639293.1:p.(I187N) 2019 30983534
943 OMIA:001432-9615 dog Dachshund, Miniature Long-Haired (Dog) Cone-rod dystrophy 4 MAP9 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 15 g.52905336_52927296del c.75+181_1378-215del XM_005629374.1; An approximately 22kb deletion "approximately 30 Mb upstream of RPGRIP1 . . . The deletion breakpoints were identified in MAP9 intron 10 and in a downstream partial MAP9 pseudogene." … " The size of the deletion based on genome build CanFam3.1 MAP9_corrected is 21,961 bp, with deletion breakpoints in intron 10 of MAP9 and MAP9." See PMID:38752391 for additional breed information. 2016 27017229
997 OMIA:001199-9615 dog Alaskan Husky (Dog) Siberian Husky (Dog) White coat colour MC1R e^3 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 5 g.63694433_63694434del c.816_817del p.(I272Mfs*22) NM_001014282.2; NP_001014304.2; published as c.816_817delCT 2018 29932470 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
34 OMIA:001590-9615 dog Belgian Shepherd Dog, Malinois (Dog) Leonberger (Dog) Black melanistic mask MC1R E^M missense Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 5 g.63694460C>T c.790A>G p.(M264V) rs24201590 2003 12692165 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool. Correction to genomic details provided by Professor Claire Wade.
343 OMIA:001199-9615 dog Irish Setter (Dog) Labrador Retriever (Dog) Red/yellow coat MC1R e^1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 5 NC_006587.3:g.63694334G>A NM_001014282.2:c.916C>T NP_001014304.2:p.(R306*) NM_001014282.2; NP_001014304.2; ROS_Cfam_1.0:g.63922309A>G rs851563576 2000 10602988 Genomic location provided by Professor Claire Wade
1645 OMIA:001199-9615 dog Alaskan Klee Kai (Dog) Alaskan Malamute (Dog) Basenji (Dog) Basset Fauve de Bretagne (Dog) Beagle (Dog) Chesapeake Bay Retriever (Dog) Chihuahua (Dog) Chinese Crested (Dog) Chinook (Dog) English Foxhound (Dog) Finnish Hound (Dog) Finnish Lapphund (Dog) Finnish Spitz (Dog) Karelian Bear Dog (Dog) Lapponian Herder (Dog) Peruvian Hairless Dog (Dog) Phalène (Dog) Plott Hound (Dog) Saarloos Wolfhond (Dog) Siberian Husky (Dog) Tamaskan Dog (Dog) Coat colour, reduced expression of eumelanin MC1R e^A missense Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 5 NC_006587.3:g.63694349G>A NM_001014282.2:c.901C>T NP_001014304.2:p.(R301C) NM_001014282.2; NP_001014304.2; variant was initially identified in ancient canids and later reported in additional breeds PMID:33292722 2013 24098367
1681 OMIA:001199-9615 dog English Cocker Spaniel (Dog) Coat colour, sable MC1R e^H missense Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 5 NC_006587.3:g.63695000C>T NM_001014282.2:c.250G>A NP_001014304.2:p.(D84N) NM_001014282.2; NP_001014304.2; NC_006587.3 2024 38282569
32 OMIA:001495-9615 dog Afghan Hound (Dog) Saluki (Dog) Grizzle MC1R E^G missense Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 5 NC_006587.3:g.63695017C>A NM_001014282.2:c.233G>T NP_001014304.2:p.(G78V) NM_001014282.2; NP_001014304.2 2010 20525767 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
998 OMIA:001199-9615 dog Australian Cattle Dog (Dog) Cream coat colour MC1R e^2 regulatory Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 5 NC_006587.3:g.63695679C>G NM_001014282.1:c.-432G>C NM_001014282.1 2018 29932470
1603 OMIA:002750-9615 dog reduced hair shedding MC5R missense Naturally occurring variant unknown UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 1 NC_049222.1:g.24541931C>T XM_038525579.1:c.709G>A XP_038381507.1:p.(A237T) XM_038525579.1; XP_038381507.1; the variant is reported to be associated with reduced hair shedding and shorter hair length and may not be causal 2016 26795439
1437 OMIA:002716-9615 dog German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Congenital idiopathic megaesophagus, risk factor MCHR2 repeat variation Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 12 Bell et al. (2022): "Within the first intron of MCHR2, we identified a 33 bp variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) containing a consensus binding sequence for the T-box family of transcription factors. Across dogs and wolves, the major allele includes two copies of the repeat, whereas the predominant alleles in GSDs have one or three copies. The single-copy allele is strongly associated with CIM (P-val = 1.32x10-17), with homozygosity for this allele posing the most significant risk". 2022 35271580
1658 OMIA:002814-9615 dog Eurasier (Dog) Polioencephalopathy MECR missense Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 2 NC_049223.1:g.70793040A>G XM_038531348.1:c.823A>G XP_038387276.1:p.(M275V) XM_038531348.1; XP_038387276.1, variant reported in 3 affected dogs 2023 38041431
819 OMIA:001932-9615 dog Swedish Vallhund (Dog) Progressive retinal atrophy, MERTK-related MERTK insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 17 An insertion of "a full-length [6.401 kb] LINE-1 element comprising the 15 bp target site duplication [indicated by 'ins' in the g. notation], a 5’UTR, 900 bp 5’ ORF1, a 49 bp intergenic spacer, a 3,828 bp 3’ ORF2, a 3’UTR and poly(A) tail. The LINE-1 element has been inserted in the same orientation as the MERTK gene.". 200922: g. info has been moved to here (g.36338043-36338057ins) until it can be standardised 2017 28813472 Genomic location provided by Sally Ricketts
1489 OMIA:002551-9615 dog Bull Mastiff (Dog) Mitochondrial fission encephalopathy MFF delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 25 g.40322999_40323003delinsCGCTCT c.471_475delinsCGCTCT p.(E158Afs*14) XM_038574000.1; XP_038429928.1 2022 36085405
472 OMIA:002153-9615 dog Schnauzer-Beagle Cross (Dog) Neuroaxonal dystrophy MFN2 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 g.84289962_84289964del c.1617_1619del p.(E539del) NM_001284441.1; NP_001271370.1; published as c.1617_1619delGGA; genomic position considers 3' rule of the HGVS 2011 21643798 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn.
1081 OMIA:002197-9615 dog Afghan Hound (Dog) Akita (Dog) Alaskan Malamute (Dog) Bichon Frise (Dog) Coton de Tulear (Dog) German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Leonberger (Dog) Poodle (Dog) Pug (Dog) Puli (Dog) Saluki (Dog) Samoyed (Dog) Schnauzer (Dog) Scottish Terrier (Dog) West Highland White Terrier (Dog) White Swiss Shepherd Dog (Dog) Coat colour, white or cream MFSD12 missense Naturally occurring variant no UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 20 NC_049241.1:g.56252402C>T XM_038567816.1:c.151C>T XP_038423744.1:p.(R51C) rs22915955 2019 31117290 The cDNA coordinate kindly provided by Tosso Leeb [19/05/23] and genomic coordinates were corrected by Claire Wade [30/05/24] ; the previously linked EVA ID (rs22915955) was removed as incorrect [30/05/2024]
551 OMIA:001962-9615 dog Chihuahua (Dog) Chinese Crested (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 7 MFSD8 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 19 g.13010761del c.846del p.(F282Lfs*13) XM_014121438.2;XP_013976913.1; published as c.843delT; coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2015 25551667 Breed and p. information obtained from Katz et al. (2017) Neurobiol Dis. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2017.08.017; genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
1754 OMIA:001962-9615 dog Small Swiss Hound (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 7 MFSD8 duplication Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 19 NC_049240.1:g.13811543_13830361dup XM_038564680.1:c.202-519_1365dup 2024 39434657
1374 OMIA:002465-9615 dog Italian Cane Corso (Dog) Dental-skeletal-retinal anomaly MIA3 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 38 g.16920529_16920530del c.3822+3_3822+4del p.(V1238_K1274del) XM_005640835.3; XP_005640892.1; published as g.16920529_16920530delAT, leads to skipping of two exons: XM_005640835.3:r.3712_3822del 2021 34680893
1085 OMIA:001040-9615 dog Rhodesian Ridgeback (Dog) Ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death MICOS13 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 g.54343438G>A c.325G>A p.(G109S) ENSCAFG00000018796: g.54343438 G>A. ENSCAFT00000029838.4:c.325G>A ENSCAFP00000027731.3:p.G109S) rs852200012 2019 30795627
424 OMIA:000214-9615 dog Coat colour, white spotting MITF regulatory Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 20 g.21836232_21836427delinsN[198] This 198bp SINEC-Cf insertion is the first of three possible regulatory variants described by Karlsson et al. (2007). 2007 17906626 The genomic location was kindly provided by Professor Claire Wade in August 2018.
976 OMIA:002146-9615 dog Bull Terrier (Dog) Miniature Bull Terrier (Dog) Lethal acrodermatitis MKLN1 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 14 g.5731405T>G c.400+3A>C p.(G105Sfs*10) This variant is "located within the 5’-splice site of intron 4 of the MKLN1 gene" 2018 29565995
1216 OMIA:000031-9615 dog Chihuahua (Dog) Italian Greyhound (Dog) Mudi (Dog) Pekingese (Dog) Pumi (Dog) Shetland Sheepdog (Dog) Shih Tzu (Dog) Tibetan Mastiff (Dog) Yorkshire Terrier (Dog) Dilute MLPH d^3 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 25 g.48150749_50insC c.667_668insC p.(H223Pfs*41) "(NM_001103219.2: c.667_668insC or chr25: g.48150749_50insC" (van Buren et al. (2020) 2020 32531980
360 OMIA:000031-9615 dog American Staffordshire Terrier (Dog) Beagle (Dog) Belgian Shepherd Dog, Malinois (Dog) Doberman Pinscher (Dog) German Pinscher (Dog) Large Munsterlander (Dog) Miniature Pinscher (Dog) Rhodesian Ridgeback (Dog) Dilute MLPH d^1 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 25 NC_006607.3:g.48121642G>A NM_001103219.2:c.-22G>A 2007 17519392 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
948 OMIA:000031-9615 dog Chow Chow (Dog) Sloughi (Dog) Thai Ridgeback (Dog) Dilute MLPH d^2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 25 NC_006607.3:g.48150787G>C NM_001103219.2:c.705G>C NP_001096689.2:p.(Q235H) 2018 29349785
1355 OMIA:001819-9615 dog Manchester Terrier (Dog) Xanthinuria, type II MOCOS splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 g.53995018C>A c.232G>T p.(G48_Y77del) ENSCAFT00000028243.4; “Ensembl VEP determined the consequence of the variant to be a missense, splice region variant … the variant results in the removal of all 90 bp (30 amino acids) of exon 2 (p.Gly48_Tyr77del); the genomic position is based on supplementary table S3 (Tate et al., 2021)”; transcript ENSCAFT00000028243.4 2021 34584846
1356 OMIA:001819-9615 dog Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Dog) English Cocker Spaniel (Dog) Xanthinuria, type II MOCOS deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 NC_006589.3:g.53989863del XM_547604.6:c.383del XP_547604.4:p.(A128Gfs*30) c.383delC; transcript ENSCAFT00000028243.4; genomic position based on supplementary table S3 (Tate et al., 2021) 2021 34584846
1357 OMIA:001819-9615 dog Dachshund (Dog) Xanthinuria, type II MOCOS missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 NC_006589.3:g.54001790A>G XM_547604.6:c.137T>C XP_547604.4:p.(L46P) transcript ENSCAFT00000028243.4; genomic position based on supplementary table S3 (Tate et al., 2021) 2021 34584846
342 OMIA:002028-9615 dog Italian Hound (Dog) Myeloperoxidase deficiency MPO nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.32929382G>A XM_847352.4:c.1936C>T XP_852445.2:p.(R646*) XM_847352.4; XP_852445.2; published as c.1987C>T (Ensembl transcript ID:ENSCAFT00000027699) 2016 27296514
1592 OMIA:002739-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Polyneuropathy, hypomyelinating, MPZ-related MPZ missense Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 38 NC_049259.1:g.22037876T>C XM_038585926.1:c.434T>C XP_038441854.1:p.(I145T) XM_038585926.1; XP_038441854.1; heterozygous in a single affected dog 2023 37400349
470 OMIA:000683-9615 dog Whippet (Dog) Muscular hypertrophy (double muscling) MSTN deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 37 g.729362_729363del c.939_940delTG p.(C313*) NM_001002959.1; NP_001002959.1; published as c.939_940delTG; genomic coordinates in accordance with HGVS 3'-rule 2007 17530926 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
112 OMIA:001561-9615 dog Chinese Shar-Pei (Dog) Periodic Fever Syndrome MTBP missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 13 NC_006595.3:g.19383758G>A XM_846283.4:c.2623G>A XP_851376.1:p.(E875K) rs1152388482 2017 28472921 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1459 OMIA:001508-9615 dog Boykin Spaniel (Dog) Myotubular myopathy 1 MTM1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.118903496C>T c.1467C>T p.(R512*) ENSCAFP00000028221.3 2020 32417001
63 OMIA:001508-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Myotubular myopathy 1 MTM1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.118885117C>A XM_005641935.3:c.465C>A XP_005641992.1:p.(N155K) XM_005641935.3; XP_005641992.1 rs1152388426 2010 20682747 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 and EVA ID provided by Robert Kuhn
91 OMIA:001508-9615 dog Rottweiler (Dog) Myotubular myopathy 1 MTM1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.118901282A>C XM_005641935.3:c.1151A>C XP_005641992.1:p.(Q384P) XM_005641935.3; XP_005641992.1 2015 25664165 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn and Mateo Etcheveste.
1591 OMIA:002727-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Polyneuropathy, hypomyelinating, MTMR2-related MTMR2 splicing Naturally occurring variant unknown UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 21 NC_049242.1:g.5387227G>A XM_038568229.1:c.1479+1G>A XM_038568229.1, reported in two dogs 2023 37400349
1524 OMIA:001467-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Neuropathy, sensory ataxic MTTY deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes M m.5304del 2009 19492087
55 OMIA:001608-9615 dog Pug (Dog) May-Hegglin anomaly MYH9 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 NC_006592.3:g.28120346G>A NM_001110767.1:c.5521G>A NP_001104237.1:p.(E1841L) NM_001110767.1; NP_001104237.1; previously incorrectly listed in OMIA as p.(Q1841L) (corrected 11/2/2022) 2011 21554370 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn.
1372 OMIA:001501-9615 dog Dachshund, Miniature (Dog) Coat colour dilution and neurological defects MYO5A insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 30 g.18004551_18004552insT c.4973_4974insA p.(N1658Kfs*28). cDNA and protein positions based on XM_022412522.1 and XP_022268230.1, respectively 2021 34680875
1079 OMIA:002148-9615 dog Doberman Pinscher (Dog) Deafness, bilateral, and vestibular dysfunction MYO7A missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 21 NC_006603.3:g.21563111C>T XM_022407643.1:c.3719G>A XP_022263351.1:p.(R1240Q) 2019 31097876
956 OMIA:001342-9615 dog Schipperke (Dog) Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIB NAGLU insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 g.20407670_20407671ins[A[(40_70)];20407660_20407670] c.2110_2111ins[A[(40_70)];2100_2110] XM_548088; an insertion of 40 to 70 A nucleotides and an 11bp duplication of the sequence directly upstream of the poly-A 2020 32081995
986 OMIA:001788-9615 dog Great Dane (Dog) Rottweiler (Dog) Leukoencephalomyelopathy NAPEPLD insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 g.16987327_16987328insC c.345_346insC p.(E116Rfs*186) 2018 29643404
985 OMIA:001788-9615 dog Leonberger (Dog) Leukoencephalomyelopathy NAPEPLD missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 NC_006600.3:g.16987520G>C XM_022405227.1:c.538G>C NP_033360935.2:p.(A180P) 2018 29643404
1315 OMIA:002348-9615 dog English Cocker Spaniel (Dog) Retinal dysplasia NDP insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.37950668_37950668insC c.653_654insC p.(M114Hfs*16) 2021 33945575
474 OMIA:002120-9615 dog Greyhound (Dog) Polyneuropathy NDRG1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 13 g.29691070_29691079del10 c.1080_1089del10 p.(R361Sfs*60) NM_001284434.1; NP_001271363.1 2010 20582309 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn and Mateo Etcheveste.
73 OMIA:002120-9615 dog Alaskan Malamute (Dog) Polyneuropathy NDRG1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 13 NC_006595.3:g.29714606C>A NM_001284434.1:c.293G>T NP_001271363.1:p.(G98V) NM_001284434.1; NP_001271363.1 2013 23393557 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1679 OMIA:002840-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Leigh syndrome NDUFS7 missense Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 20 NC_049241.1:g.57913322G>A XM_038568001.1:c.535G>A XP_038423929.1:p.(V179M) XM_038568001.1; XP_038423929.1 2024 38316835
961 OMIA:002137-9615 dog American Bulldog (Dog) Nemaline myopathy, NEB-related NEB nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 19 g.52734272G>T p.(S8042*) NP_001258137.1 2016 27215641
1083 OMIA:002198-9615 dog Giant Schnauzer (Dog) Progressive retinal atrophy, NECAP1-related NECAP1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 27 NC_006609.3:g.37468611G>A XM_543832.5:c.544G>A XP_543832.2:p.(G182R) 2019 31117272
632 OMIA:000218-9615 dog Collie eye anomaly NHEJ1 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 37 g.25698028_25705826del c.588+462_588+8260del XM_005640671.1; a deletion of 7799bp in the NHEJ1 gene; for limitations on the utility of testing for the published likely causal variant, see the results of Fredholm et al. (2016) and Brown et al. (2018) 2007 17916641
756 OMIA:000690-9615 dog Beagle (Dog) Brussels Griffon (Dog) Chihuahua (Dog) Dachshund, Miniature Wire-Haired (Dog) French Bulldog (Dog) Mixed Breed (Dog) Newfoundland (Dog) Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Dog) Myoclonus epilepsy of Lafora NHLRC1 repeat variation Naturally occurring variant yes 35 19 to 26 copies of a sequence of 12 nucleotides (12-mer; dodecamer) in the canine EPM2B gene (now called NHLRC1) 2005 15637270 Additional breeds based on PMID: 34357061
563 OMIA:001980-9615 dog American Bulldog (Dog) American Bully (Dog) Ichthyosis, NIPAL4-related NIPAL4 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 4 g.52737379del c.744delC p.(I249*) 2017 28122049
622 OMIA:000938-9615 dog Weimaraner (Dog) Spinal dysraphism NKX2-8 delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 8 g.15149895delinsAA c.449delinsTT p.(A150Vfs*6) XM_847109.4; XP_852202.1 2013 23874236
1096 OMIA:002206-9615 dog Alaskan Malamute (Dog) Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, NME5-related NME5 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 11 NC_006593.3:g.25792084del XM_003639378.4:c.43delA XP_003639426.1:p.(T15Lfs*56) XM_003639378.4:c.43delA; XP_003639426.1:p.(Thr15LeufsTer56) 2019 31479451
634 OMIA:001455-9615 dog Dachshund, Miniature Wire-Haired (Dog) Dachshund, Standard Wire-Haired (Dog) Cone-rod dystrophy, Standard Wire-haired Dachshund NPHP4 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 g.59912991_59913168del c.479_526+130del NM_001135788.1; 178-bp deletion in exon/intron 5 of NPHP4 (nephronophthisis 4, also known as nephroretinin) 2008 18687878
1171 OMIA:002254-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Glucocorticoid resistance NR3C1 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes 2 c.2032_2033insN[69] An insertion of "69 nucleotides between nucleotides 2032 and 2033 compared with dog wild type GR [i.e. NR3C1]. These extra 69 nucleotides matched a part of the nucleotide sequence of dog genomic DNA corresponding to intron 6 . . . . Insertion of these extra 69 nucleotides between exons 6 and 7 introduced a frameshift and a premature termination codon (TGA) 15 bp downstream of the insertion. This insertion is thus predicted to result in a truncated protein of 682 amino acids, compared to the normal (wild type) 780 amino acids" (Yamanaka et al., 2019) The cause of this splice variant could not be determined in genomic DNA. 2019 31651346
1264 OMIA:002296-9615 dog Yorkshire Terrier (Dog) XY difference of sexual development, NR5A1-related NR5A1 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 9 "a large deletion consisting of four exons of the NR5A1 gene" (Nowacka-Woszuk et al., 2020) 2020 33128907
790 OMIA:002117-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) CHILD-like syndrome NSDHL deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.120749179_120763577del c.507+220_*9662del XM_005641965.1; deletion of 14,399bp 2017 28739597
1268 OMIA:002117-9615 dog Chihuahua (Dog) Verrucous epidermal keratinocytic nevi NSDHL deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X g.120752486_120752490del c.718_722delGAACA p.(E240Pfs*17) NC_006621.3: g.120,752,486_120,752,490delGAACA; XM_014111859.2:c.718_722delGAACA; XP_013967334.1:p.(Glu240Profs*17) (Christen et al., 2020) 2020 33143176
1243 OMIA:002117-9615 dog Chihuahua (Dog) Verrucous epidermal keratinocytic nevi NSDHL missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.120752468G>A XM_014111859.2:c.700G>A XP_013967334.1:p.(G234R) CanFam3.1 ChrX:120,752,468G>A; XM_014111859.2:c.700G>A; XP_013967334.1: p.Gly234Arg 2019 31571289
1686 OMIA:002117-9615 dog Appenzeller Sennenhund (Dog) Verrucous epidermal keratinocytic nevi NSDHL deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 X UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0;  large heterozygous deletion of at least 120 kb at ChrX:121.96-122.08 Mb; a more complex structural rearrangement is possible 2024 38659285
846 OMIA:002130-9615 dog German Spitz (Dog) Coat colour, oculocutaneous albinism, OCA2-related OCA2 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 NC_006585.3:g.31715704A>C "LOC100855460 (XM_005618224.1:c.377+2T>G LT844587.1:c.-45+2T>G) . . . Comparative sequence analyses revealed that LOC100855460 actually represents the 5'-end of the canine OCA2 gene. The CanFam 3.1 reference genome assembly is incorrect and separates the first two exons from the remaining exons of the OCA2 gene. We amplified a canine OCA2 cDNA fragment by RT-PCR and determined the correct full-length mRNA sequence (LT844587.1)." 2017 28973042
454 OMIA:001564-9615 dog Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (Dog) Bleeding disorder, P2RY12-related P2RY12 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 23 g.45909987_45909989del c.516_518del p.(S173del) NM_001003365.1; NP_001003365.1; c.516_518delCTC; "a 3 base-pair deletion predicted to result in elimination of a serine from the extracellular domain was identified in the gene encoding P2RY12" 2011 21554368
103 OMIA:002031-9615 dog Lundehund (Dog) Lundehund syndrome P3H2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 34 NC_006616.3:g.22046092C>G XM_535843.6:c.1849G>C XP_535843.2:p.(E617Q) XM_535843.6; XP_535843.2 2016 27485430
583 OMIA:001575-9615 dog Gordon Setter (Dog) Irish Setter (Dog) Old Danish Pointing Dog (Dog) Polish Lowland Sheepdog (Dog) Polish Tatra Sheepdog (Dog) Poodle, Miniature (Dog) Poodle, Standard (Dog) Tibetan Terrier (Dog) Rod-cone dysplasia 4 PCARE insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 17 g.22907394_22907395insG c.3149_3150insC p.(C1051Vfs*90) NM_001284459.1; NP_001271388.1; genomic position adjusted based on HGVS 3' rule; EVA variant with equivalent alleles: rs397510935 rs1152388416 2013 22686255
1712 OMIA:002868-9615 dog Shetland Sheepdog (Dog) Paroxysmal exercise-induced dyskinesia PCK2 missense Naturally occurring variant unknown CanFam3.1 8 NC_006590.3:g.4107413G>A XM_537379.6:c.1658G>A XP_537379.2:p.(R553Q) Nessler et al. (2020) concluded "... that the PCK2:p.Arg553Gln missense variant should be considered and further evaluated as potential candidate causal variant for this phenotype."  2020 32660061
1515 OMIA:002606-9615 dog Vizsla (Dog) skeletal dysplasia 3 PCYT1A missense Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 33 NC_049254.1:g.30067814A>G XM_038583131.1:c.673T>C XP_038439059.1:p.Y225H XM_038583131.1; XP_038439059.1 2022 36553621
1662 OMIA:002728-9615 dog Saarloos Wolfhond (Dog) PCYT2 deficiency PCYT2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 9 NC_049230.1:g.1207490A>G XM_038546296.1:c.4A>G XP_038402224.1:p.(I2V) XM_038546296.1; XP_038402224.1 2024 38277988
475 OMIA:001314-9615 dog Cardigan Welsh Corgi (Dog) Chinese Crested (Dog) Pomeranian (Dog) Rod-cone dysplasia 3 PDE6A deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 4 NC_006586.3:g.59145362del NM_001003073.1:c.1847del NP_001003073.1:p.(N616Tfs*29) NM_001003073.1; NP_001003073.1; published as c.1940delA (based on GenBank Z68340); variant initially identified in Cardigan Welsh Corgi and later reported in additional breeds: PMID:27525650 1999 10393029 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
582 OMIA:001669-9615 dog Sloughi (Dog) Rod-cone dysplasia 1a PDE6B insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 g.91747685_91747686insACTTCAGG c.2448_2449insTGAAGTCC p.(K817*) NM_001002934.2; NP_001002934.2; "an 8-bp insertion after codon 816" of the PDE6B gene 2000 11124530
528 OMIA:001674-9615 dog American Staffordshire Terrier (Dog) Cone-rod dystrophy 1 PDE6B deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 g.91747728_91747730del c.2404_2406del p.(802del) NM_001002934.1; NP_001002934.1 2013 24045995
1230 OMIA:002282-9615 dog Spanish Water Dog (Dog) PRA, PDE6B-related PDE6B deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 g.91749865_91749870del c.2218-2223del p.(F740_F741del) NM_001002934.1; NP_001002934.1 2020 32639685
282 OMIA:000882-9615 dog Irish Setter (Dog) Rod-cone dysplasia 1 PDE6B nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 NC_006585.3:g.91747713C>T NM_001002934.1:c.2421G>A NP_001002934.1:p.(W807*) NM_001002934.1; NP_001002934.1 1993 8387203
281 OMIA:001406-9615 dog Clumber Spaniel (Dog) Sussex Spaniel (Dog) Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency PDP1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 29 NC_006611.3:g.38788845C>T XM_005638127.1:c.829C>T XP_005638184.1:p.(Q277*) XM_005638127.1; XP_005638184.1; published as c.754C>T, p.(Q252*); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2007 17095275
271 OMIA:000421-9615 dog American Cocker Spaniel (Dog) English Springer Spaniel (Dog) Whippet (Dog) Glycogen storage disease VII PFKM nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 27 NC_006609.3:g.6620819C>T NM_001003199.1:c.2228G>A NP_001003199.1:p.(W473*) NM_001003199.1; NP_001003199.1 1996 8702726 Genomic and protein coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
45 OMIA:000421-9615 dog Deutscher Wachtelhund (Dog) Glycogen storage disease VII PFKM missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 27 NC_006609.3:g.6631627G>A NM_001003199.1:c.550C>T NP_001003199.1:p.(R184W) NM_001003199.1; NP_001003199.1 2012 22446493 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn and Zoe Shmidt.
109 OMIA:002084-9615 dog Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (Dog) Dyskinesia, paroxysmal, PIGN PIGN missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 1 NC_006583.3:g.14705240C>T XM_022415750.1:c.398C>T XP_022271458.1:p.(T133I) XM_022415750.1; XP_022271458.1 2016 27891564 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1305 OMIA:002324-9615 dog Parson Russell Terrier (Dog) Epilepsy, mitochondrial dysfunction and neurodegeneration PITRM1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 2 g.32188565_32188570del c.175_180del p.(L59_S60del) ENSCAFT00000008673; ENSCAFT00000008673.4 2021 33835239
72 OMIA:000807-9615 dog Bull Terrier (Dog) Polycystic kidney disease PKD1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 6 g.38856816G>A c.9559G>A p.(E3187K) rs397509460 2011 21818326 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1585 OMIA:000807-9615 dog Lagotto Romagnolo (Dog) Polycystic kidney disease PKD1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 6 NC_049227.1:g.39295382G>T NM_001006650.1:c.7195G>T NP_001006651.1:p.(E2399*) NM_001006650.1; NP_001006651.1 2023 37372390
898 OMIA:000844-9615 dog West Highland White Terrier (Dog) Pyruvate kinase deficiency of erythrocyte PKLR insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 g.42269752_42269757dup c.1333_1338dup p.(K445_T446dup) NM_001256018.1; NP_001242947.1; the original publication described "a 6 base pair insertion in exon 10". In accordance with HGVS recommendations, the variant is annotated in this table as a 6 bp duplication and updated a recent reference sequences. This shifts the position of the predicted amino acid change by about 21 amino acids. 1999 10490091
897 OMIA:000844-9615 dog Basenji (Dog) Pyruvate kinase deficiency of erythrocyte PKLR deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 NC_006589.3:g.42267825del NM_001256262.1:c.433del NP_001243191.1:p.(P145Rfs*23) NM_001256262.1; NP_001243191.1 1994 7520391
896 OMIA:000844-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Pyruvate kinase deficiency of erythrocyte PKLR nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 NC_006589.3:g.42268632C>T NM_001256262.1:c.799C>T NP_001243191.1:p.(Q267*) NM_001256262.1; NP_001243191.1 2012 22805166 20181218 Thanks to Maarten de Groot for advising FN of the genomic location
894 OMIA:000844-9615 dog Pug (Dog) Pyruvate kinase deficiency of erythrocyte PKLR missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 NC_006589.3:g.42268681T>C NM_001256262.1:c.848T>C NP_001243191.1:p.(V283A) NM_001256262.1; NP_001243191.1 2012 22805166
895 OMIA:000844-9615 dog Beagle (Dog) Pyruvate kinase deficiency of erythrocyte PKLR missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 NC_006589.3:g.42268927G>A NM_001256262.1:c.994G>A NP_001243191.1:p.(G332S) NM_001256262.1; NP_001243191.1 2012 22805166
417 OMIA:001864-9615 dog Chesapeake Bay Retriever (Dog) Golden Retriever (Dog) Ectodermal dysplasia/skin fragility syndrome PKP1 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 7 NC_006589.3:g.1966531C>G NM_001287161.1:c.202+1G>C 2012 22384142 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
113 OMIA:002105-9615 dog Papillon (Dog) Neuroaxonal dystrophy, PLA2G6-related PLA2G6 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 NC_006592.3:g.26544820G>A XM_005625890.3:c.1579G>A XP_005625947.1:p.(T527A) 2017 28107443 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
351 OMIA:002080-9615 dog Eurasier (Dog) Epidermolysis bullosa, simplex, PLEC PLEC nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 13 NC_006595.3:g.37461941C>T XM_539204.6:c.3947G>A XP_539204.2:p.(W1316*) CanFam3 chr13: g.37461941G>A; XM_539204.6:c.3947G>A; XP_539204.2:p.Trp1316Stop: 2016 27878870 Updated variant coordinates kindly provided by Tosso Leeb on 8 May 2020
412 OMIA:002020-9615 dog Scottish Terrier (Dog) Ligneous membranitis PLG splicing Naturally occurring variant yes 1 c.1256+2T>A possibly NM_001286960.1 c.1262+2T>A; CanFam3.1 g.49514382A>T 2015 26360520
1338 OMIA:002020-9615 dog Maltese (Dog) Ligneous membranitis PLG deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 1 g.49534880_49540865del c.-5645_49+292del XM_005615560.1; a deletion of 5986 bp involving exon 1 and the flanking region 2021 34370320
1078 OMIA:002195-9615 dog Welsh Springer Spaniel (Dog) Cardiomyopathy, dilated, PLN-related PLN missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 1 g.58588129C>T c.26G>A p.(R9H) NM_001003332.1; NP_001003332.1 2019 30794913 c. coordinate kindly provided by Tosso Leeb
82 OMIA:000770-9615 dog Springer Spaniel (Dog) Tremor, X-linked PLP1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 X NC_006621.3:g.77200833A>C NM_001013334.2:c.110A>C NP_001013856.1:p.(H37P) 1990 1723945 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
697 OMIA:000211-9615 dog Classic Merle PMEL M insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 10 "an insertion of a tRNA-derived SINE . . . . The insertion occurs at the boundary of intron 10 and exon 11 and is flanked by a 15-bp target site duplication . . . . The SINE insertion is in reverse orientation, with the 5' end closer to exon 11." Allele M (265-269bp); phenotype = Classic Merle = "standard" of Murphy et al. (2018) 2006 16407134
1103 OMIA:000211-9615 dog No Merle pattern - solid coat PMEL Mc insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant no 10 Mc (208-230bp); phenotype = No Merle pattern – solid coat; = "cryptic" of Murphy et al. (2018) 2018 30235206
1104 OMIA:000211-9615 dog No Merle pattern - solid coat PMEL Mc+ insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant no 10 Mc+ (231-245bp); phenotype = No Merle pattern – solid coat; = "cryptic" of Murphy et al. (2018) 2018 30235206
1105 OMIA:000211-9615 dog No Merle pattern - diluted - brownish hue PMEL Ma insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant no 10 Ma (247-254bp); phenotype = No Merle pattern – diluted–brownish hue; = "cryptic" of Murphy et al. (2018) 2018 30235206
1106 OMIA:000211-9615 dog Muted, undefined, diluted - brownish hue PMEL Ma+ insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant no 10 Ma+ (255-264bp); phenotype = Muted, undefined, diluted–brownish hue = "dilute" of Murphy et al. (2018) 2018 30235206
1107 OMIA:000211-9615 dog Minimal Merle, areas deleted to white, tweed PMEL Mh insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 10 Mh (269-277bp); phenotype = Minimal Merle, areas deleted to white, tweed = "harlequin" of Murphy et al. (2018) 2018 30235206
616 OMIA:001588-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Ichthyosis, PNPLA1-related PNPLA1 delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 12 g.5417388_5417390delinsTACTACTA c.1445_1447delinsTACTACTA p.(N482Ifs*11) NM_001290109.2; NP_001277038.2 2012 22246504
1470 OMIA:000827-9615 dog Australian Shepherd (Dog) hereditary ataxia PNPLA8 duplication Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 g.12143242_12143243dup c.1169_1170dup p.(H391Ffs*4) XM_005630935.2; XP_005630992.1 2022 35864734
809 OMIA:001258-9615 dog Flat-Coated Retriever (Dog) Labrador Retriever (Dog) Obesity POMC deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 17 g.19431807_19431821del c.561_575del p.(E188fs) XM_844370.3; variant is associated with body weight 2016 27157046
1291 OMIA:002315-9615 dog Karelian Bear Dog (Dog) Pituitary dwarfism POU1F1 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 31 NC_006613.3:g.784534C>A NM_001006949.1:c.605-3C>A Kyöstilä et al. (2021) "the NNSPLICE 0.9 splice prediction tool (Reese et al. 1997) predicted this variant to weaken the splice acceptor of POU1F1 intron 4 from a score of 0.97 to 0.67." 2021 33550451
1068 OMIA:001311-9615 dog Miniature Schnauzer (Dog) Photoreceptor dysplasia PPT1 PPT1^dci complex rearrangement Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 15 g.2874661_2875048con2877563_2877607inv 2019 30541930
579 OMIA:001504-9615 dog Dachshund (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 1 PPT1 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 15 g.2883477_2883478insC c.736_737insC p.(F246Lfs*29) NM_001010944.1; NP_001010944.1 2010 20494602 p. information obtained from Katz et al. (2017) Neurobiol Dis. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2017.08.017; genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
423 OMIA:001504-9615 dog Italian Cane Corso (Dog) Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 1 PPT1 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 15 NC_006597.3:g.2860424G>A NM_001010944.1:c.124+1G>A 2017 28008682
76 OMIA:001298-9615 dog American Cocker Spaniel (Dog) Australian Cattle Dog (Dog) Australian Shepherd (Dog) Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog (Dog) Chesapeake Bay Retriever (Dog) Chihuahua (Dog) Chinese Crested (Dog) English Cocker Spaniel (Dog) Entlebucher Mountain Dog (Dog) Finnish Lapphund (Dog) Golden Retriever (Dog) Karelian Bear Dog (Dog) Kuvasz (Dog) Labrador Retriever (Dog) Lapponian Herder (Dog) Norwegian Elkhound (Dog) Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Dog) Poodle, Miniature (Dog) Poodle, Toy (Dog) Portuguese Podengo (Dog) Portuguese Water Dog (Dog) Spanish Water Dog (Dog) Swedish Lapphund (Dog) Swedish White Elkhound (Dog) Yorkshire Terrier (Dog) Progressive rod-cone degeneration PRCD missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.4188663C>T XM_022422503.1:c.5G>A XP_022278211.1:p.(C2Y) ENSCAFT00845030294.1; ENSCAFP00845023755.1; ROS_Cfam_1.0:g.4864649C>T; Portuguese Podengo and Swedish White Elkhound were reported in PMID: 37582787 rs852451717 2006 16938425 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
283 OMIA:000220-9615 dog Jack Russell Terrier (Dog) Severe combined immunodeficiency disease, autosomal PRKDC nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 29 NC_006611.3:g.49588C>A NM_001006651.2:c.10849G>T NP_001006652.2:p.(E3617*) NM_001006651.2; NP_001006652.2 ; published as c.10879G>T; p.(E3627*); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2002 11867233
1373 OMIA:001485-9615 dog Dogo Argentino (Dog) Dwarfism, disproportionate PRKG2 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 32 NC_006614.3:g.5299068C>A XM_022413533.1:c.1634+1G>T cDNA position based on XM_022413533.1 2021 34680883
33 OMIA:001454-9615 dog Great Dane (Dog) Harlequin PSMB7 missense Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.58530295T>G XM_022422504.1:c.146T>G XP_022278212.1:p.(V49G) XM_022422504.1; XP_022278212.1 2011 21256207 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Mateo Etcheveste.
698 OMIA:001515-9615 dog Great Dane (Dog) Colorectal hamartomatous polyposis and ganglioneuromatosis PTEN insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 26 "Duplication of PTEN" 2011 20952721
988 OMIA:002196-9615 dog Doberman Pinscher (Dog) Deafness, unilateral and vestibular dysfunction PTPRQ insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 15 g.22989897_22989898insA c.9230_9231insA p.(N3077Kfs*24) XM_022428131.1; XP_022283839.1; published as an A insertion at CFA15: 22 989 894 and p.(N2032Kfs*24) based on ENSCAFT00000009346.4 - renamed due to HGVS 3'rule and RefSeq IDs 2018 29460419
88 OMIA:001913-9615 dog Gordon Setter (Dog) Old English Sheepdog (Dog) Ataxia, cerebellar, in Old English Sheepdogs and Gordon Setters RAB24 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 4 NC_006586.3:g.36055678A>C XM_005619162.3:c.113A>C XP_005619219.1:p.(Q38P) XM_005619162.3; XP_005619219.1 2014 24516392 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
730 OMIA:001970-9615 dog Alaskan Husky (Dog) Polyneuropathy, ocular abnormalities and neuronal vacuolation RAB3GAP1 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 19 g.37903870_37903871insN[218] c.614_615insN[218] XM_851254.3; published as 218 bp SINE insertion in exon 7; sequence of the mutant allele was submitted to ENA (accession LN864704); transcript analysis identified a new internal splice acceptor site within the SINE insertion resulting in a novel “exon 7” 2015 26596647
546 OMIA:001970-9615 dog Black Russian Terrier (Dog) Rottweiler (Dog) Polyneuropathy, ocular abnormalities and neuronal vacuolation RAB3GAP1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 19 g.37908634del c.743del p.P248Lfs*4 XM_022406115.1; XP_022261823.1, published as c.743delC rs851283827 2016 26607784 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 and EVA ID provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
284 OMIA:001574-9615 dog Frisian Water Dog (Dog) Severe combined immunodeficiency disease, autosomal, T cell-negative, B cell-negative, NK cell-positive RAG1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 NC_006600.3:g.31631772C>A XM_540538.2:c.2893G>T XP_540538.1:p.(E965*) 2011 21293384 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1613 OMIA:002757-9615 dog Belgian Shepherd Dog (Dog) Ataxia, cerebellar, RALGAPA1-related RALGAPA1 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant unknown UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 8 g.14468376_14473136del c.6080-2893_6944+1003del p.(V2027Qfs*7) XM_038544497.1; XP_038400425.1; published as g.14,468,376_14,473,136del4761 2023 37628572
1138 OMIA:002222-9615 dog Miniature Bull Terrier (Dog) Laryngeal paralysis, RAPGEF6-related RAPGEF6 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 11 g.19841331insN[36] c.1793_1794insTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTAGCCCTTGAAATTTT p.(I587Pfs*5) XM_846793.5; XP_851886.2 2019 31647804
585 OMIA:002433-9615 dog American Eskimo Dog (Dog) Thrombopathia RASGRP2 duplication Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 g.52417256dup c.452dup p.(D151Efs) XM_849829.5; XP_854922.1; published as c.452-453insA 2007 17656327
477 OMIA:002433-9615 dog Basset Hound (Dog) Thrombopathia RASGRP2 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 g.52417313_52417315del c.509_511del p.(F170del) XM_849829.5; XP_854922.1 2007 17656327
285 OMIA:002433-9615 dog Landseer (Dog) Thrombopathia RASGRP2 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 18 NC_006600.3:g.52419245C>T XM_849829.5:c.982C>T XP_854922.1:p.(R328*) XM_849829.5; XP_854922.1 2007 17656327
1323 OMIA:002365-9615 dog Giant Schnauzer (Dog) Schnauzer, Standard (Dog) Cardiomyopathy, dilated RBM20 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 28 22 bp deletion and frame shift in exon 11 of RBM20 2014 Reference not in PubMed; see OMIA 002365-9615 for reference details
993 OMIA:002151-9615 dog Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (Dog) Microphthalmia, isolated, with coloboma RBP4 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 28 g.7830265_7830267del c.90_92del p.(K31del) XM_534969.6; XP_534969.3; published as c.282_284delGAA and p.(K30del); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and transcript, and are in accordance with the HGVS 3'-rule 2018 29847795
710 OMIA:001260-9615 dog Collie (Dog) Rod-cone dysplasia 2 RD3 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 7 "22 bp insertion changes the last 61 amino acids of the encoded protein" 2009 19130129
1580 OMIA:001867-9615 dog White Swiss Shepherd Dog (Dog) Lissenecephaly and cerebellar hypoplasia RELN deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 18 g.16909944del c.2839del p.(V947*) XM_038562771.1; XP_038418699.1; reported as g.16909942TG>T - information in this table has been updated to reflect HGVS nomenclature. 2023 37334487
1522 OMIA:002609-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Modifier of copper toxicosis RETN missense Naturally occurring variant no CanFam3.1 20 NC_006602.3:g.52434480C>T XM_849220.5:c.19C>T XP_854313.1:p.(L7F) rs852470997 2020 33142854
29 OMIA:001346-9615 dog English Mastiff (Dog) Autosomal dominant PRA RHO missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 NC_006602.3:g.5637394G>C XM_005632035.3:c.11C>G XP_005632092.1:p.(T4R) 2002 11972042 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1726 OMIA:002876-9615 dog Miniature American Shepherd (Dog) Neuroaxonal dystrophy, RNF170-related RNF170 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 16 NC_049237.1:g.23653872del XM_038559916.1:c.367del XP_038415844.1:p.(A123Qfs*11) 2024 39177409
468 OMIA:001222-9615 dog Briard (Dog) Leber congenital amaurosis (congenital stationary night blindness) RPE65 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 6 g.76893207_76893210del c.460_463del p.(K154Lfs*53) NM_001003176.1; NP_001003176.1; 4 bp AAGA deletion in RPE65 1998 9808841
688 OMIA:000831-9615 dog Weimaraner (Dog) Progressive retinal atrophy, X-linked, type 1 RPGR deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes X "a large deletion [maximum size 5,006 bp] comprising the first four exons of the X-linked retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator (RPGR) gene" 2016 27398221
481 OMIA:001518-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Progressive retinal atrophy, X-linked, type 2 RPGR deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes ROS_Cfam_1.0 X g.33126437_33126438del c.3472_3473del p.E1158Gfs*212 published as "a two-nucleotide deletion (delGA) in c.1084-1085" [GenBank accession no. AF385629] in the exon ORF15 of the canine RPGR gene; updated c.DNA and protein positions kindly provided by Leonardo Murgiano [15/2/20022] 2002 11978759
480 OMIA:000831-9615 dog Samoyed (Dog) Siberian Husky (Dog) Progressive retinal atrophy, X-linked, type 1 RPGR deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes ROS_Cfam_1.0 X g.33126490_33126494del c.3416_3420del p.(R1139Ifs*2) published as a "five-nucleotide deletion (delGAGAA) between 1028 and 1032" in exon ORF15 of the canine RPGR gene [GenBank accession no. AF385629]; updated c.DNA and protein positions kindly provided by Leonardo Murgiano [15/2/20022] 2002 11978759
699 OMIA:001432-9615 dog Dachshund, Miniature Long-Haired (Dog) Cone-rod dystrophy 4 RPGRIP1 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 15 g.18332036_18332037ins[A[29];GGAAGCAACAGGATG] c.142_143ins[A[29];GGAAGCAACAGGATG] p.(I49Kfs*26) NM_001313773.1; NP_001300702.1; published as a 44-bp insertion in exon 2 of the RPGRIP1 gene; comprising a poly(A) stretch flanked by a perfect 15-bp duplication: g.8228_8229insA29GGAAGCAACAGGATG; see PMID:38752391 for additional breed information 2006 16806805
703 OMIA:001531-9615 dog Furnishings (moustache and eyebrows) RSPO2 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant no 13 a 167bp insertion "within the 3'UTR at position 11,634,766", which leads to a threefold increase in transcription of RSPO2 in muzzle skin of dogs with furnishings 2009 19713490
707 OMIA:001498-9615 dog Portuguese Water Dog (Dog) Improper coat RSPO2 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 13 "167 bp 3' UTR insertion in RSPO2" 2010 20562213
54 OMIA:000621-9615 dog Collie (Dog) Doberman Pinscher (Dog) German Shepherd Dog (Dog) Labrador Retriever (Dog) Malignant hyperthermia RYR1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 1 NC_006583.3:g.114562165A>G XM_022425933.1:c.1643T>C XP_022281641.1:p.(V548A) XM_022425933.1 c.1643C>T; XP_022281641.1; published as c.1640T>C ; p.(V547A) "The nucleotide sequences of canine regions I and II have been submitted to GenBank (accession No. A302128 and AF302129, respectively)" (Roberts et al., 2001) 2001 11575546
1759 OMIA:000621-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Malignant hyperthermia RYR1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 1 NC_006583.4:g.113934594G>A XM_003638834.5:c.7123G>A XP_003638882.1:p.(G2375R) 2024 39516111
1760 OMIA:000621-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Malignant hyperthermia RYR1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha 1 NC_006583.4:g.113974548C>T XM_003638834.5:c.455C>T XP_003638882.1:p.(P152L) reported as de novo germline mutation 2024 39516111
1627 OMIA:002780-9615 dog Great Pyrenees (Dog) Ataxia, spastic, SACS-related SACS delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes ENSCAFT00030020331.1 25 c.12731_12734del p.(V4244Afs*32) Published as ENSCAFT00030020331.1:c.12731_12734delTTAG - CanFam3.1 and CanFam4 are annotated incorrectly for this gene 2023 37758910
359 OMIA:001876-9615 dog Basenji (Dog) Progressive retinal atrophy, Basenji SAG extension (stop-lost) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 25 NC_006607.3:g.44843440T>C XM_022409547.1:c.1216T>C XP_022265255.1:p.(*405Rext*25) 2013 24019744 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1233 OMIA:002284-9615 dog Miniature Schnauzer (Dog) Polyneuropathy, SBF2-related SBF2 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 21 g.33080022C>A c.2363+1G>T p.(G775Vfs*5) 2019 31772832
552 OMIA:002016-9615 dog Wire Fox Terrier (Dog) Van den Ende-Gupta syndrome SCARF2 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 26 g.30237714_30237715del c.1873_1874del p.(S625Gfs*15) XM_022410347.1; XP_022266055.1; published as c.865_866delTC, p.(S289Gfs*15); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2016 27187611
1077 OMIA:002194-9615 dog Alpine Dachsbracke (Dog) Ataxia, spinocerebellar, SCN8A-related SCN8A missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 27 NC_006609.3:g.3179029C>A XM_022411523.1:c.4898G>T XP_022267231.1:p.(G1633V) 2019 31083464
1526 OMIA:002616-9615 dog Mixed Breed (Dog) Congenital insensitivity to pain SCN9A missense Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 36 NC_049257.1:g.11652662G>A XM_038584713.1:c.2761C>T XP_038440641.1:p.(R921C) XM_038584713.1; XP_038440641.1 2023 36630088
1540 OMIA:002659-9615 dog Chihuahua (Dog) Ichthyosis, non-epidermolytic SDR9C7 missense Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 10 NC_049231.1:g.1471341G>A XM_038549505.1:c.454C>T XP_038405433.1:p.(R152W) XM_038549505.1; XP_038405433.1 2023 36967672
28 OMIA:001692-9615 dog Finnish Hound (Dog) Ataxia, cerebellar, progressive early-onset SEL1L missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 8 NC_006590.3:g.53778458A>G XM_022422296.1:c.1972T>C XP_022278004.1:p.(S658P) 2012 22719266 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1334 OMIA:002367-9615 dog Belgian Shepherd Dog (Dog) CNS atrophy with cerebellar ataxia SEPP1 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 4 g.66946539_66963863del c.-6582_*516del NM_001115118.1; ; 17325bp deletion includes the entire protein coding sequence of SELENOP (also called SEPP1) 2021 34339417
1581 OMIA:001468-9615 dog Kerry Blue Terrier (Dog) Multiple system degeneration SERAC1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes 1 c.1536G>A p.(W512*) XM_038654522.1; initially published in a conference proceeding by Guo et al. (2013) , coordinates in this table as reported by Stee et al. 2023 (PMID:37341581)  2024 39596578
1582 OMIA:001468-9615 dog Chinese Crested (Dog) Multiple system degeneration SERAC1 splicing Naturally occurring variant unknown 1 c.182+1_182+4del XM_038654522.1; initially published in a conference proceeding by Guo et al. (2013) , coordinates in this table as reported by Stee et al. 2023 (PMID:37341581). Variant results in skipping of exon 4. 2024 39596578
25 OMIA:001483-9615 dog Dachshund (Dog) Osteogenesis imperfecta_Dachshund SERPINH1 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 21 NC_006603.3:g.23033735A>G XM_005633296.3:c.977T>C XP_005633353.1:p.(L326P) 2009 19629171 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1280 OMIA:002305-9615 dog Dachshund, Miniature (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, limb-girdle, type R3 SGCA nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 NC_006591.3:g.26166312G>A XM_005624636.3:c.224G>A XP_005624693.1:p.(W75*) 2021 33407862
802 OMIA:002122-9615 dog Boston Terrier (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, limb-girdle, type 2F SGCD deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 4 g.53353932_53353933del c.534_535del p.(E178Dfs*3) XM_005619257.3; XP_005619314.1, published as c.534_535delGA 2017 28702169 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
928 OMIA:002122-9615 dog Boston Terrier (Dog) Muscular dystrophy, limb-girdle, type 2F SGCD delins, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 4 g.[53262018_53262020delinsCC;53262030_53281432del] g.[53262018_53262020delinsCC;53262030_53281432del] 2017 28702169
1612 OMIA:002122-9615 dog Lagotto Romagnolo (Dog) Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, recessive SGCD missense Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 4 NC_049225.1:g.54154870A>G XM_038534930.1:c.725T>C XP_038390858.1:p.(L242P) XM_038534930.1; XP_038390858.1, variant detected in a single dog 2023 37628692
1063 OMIA:001279-9615 dog Scottish Deerhound (Dog) Hypotrichosis, recessive SGK3 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 29 g.16351976_16351977insT c.137_138insT p.(E47Gfs*3) NM_001190428.1; NP_001177357.1 2019 30927068 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Mateo Etcheveste and Robert Kuhn.
564 OMIA:001279-9615 dog American Hairless Terrier (Dog) Hypotrichosis, recessive SGK3 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 29 g.16366702_16366705del c.287_290delTTAG p.(V96Gfs*50) 2017 27994129
577 OMIA:001309-9615 dog Huntaway (Dog) Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIA SGSH insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 g.1544321_1544322insA c.685_686insA p.(Y229*) NM_001003114.1; NP_001003114.1; published as c.708-709insA (which are mRNA and not cDNA coordinates) 2002 11829484
954 OMIA:001309-9615 dog Dachshund (Dog) Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIA SGSH deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 g.1544376_1544378delCCA c.740_742delCCA p.(T247del) NM_001003114.1; NP_001003114.1; published as c.737_739delCCA; coordinates in the table have been updated in accordance with the HGVS 3' rule 2000 10950929 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Zoe Shmidt and Robert Kuhn.
1593 OMIA:002740-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Polyneuropathy, hypomyelinating, SH SH3TC2 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 4 NC_049225.1:g.60798310C>T XM_038535081.1:c.1924C>T XP_038391009.1:p.(R642*) XM_038535081.1; XP_038391009.1; reported in one affected dog with coordinates relating to a different transcript as XM_038568229.1:c.1479G>A 2023 37400349
1444 OMIA:000810-9615 dog Beagle (Dog) Belgian Shepherd Dog, Malinois (Dog) Cocker Spaniel (Dog) Lundehund (Dog) Poodle, Standard (Dog) Rottweiler (Dog) Schnauzer, Standard (Dog) Shetland Sheepdog (Dog) Shih Tzu (Dog) Yorkshire Terrier (Dog) Dew claws SHH DC-2 regulatory Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 16 g.19380592C>T 2008 18689889 Thank you to Heidi Anderson for suggesting to add this variant [8/4/2022]
1445 OMIA:000810-9615 dog Sapsari (Dog) Tosa (Dog) Dew claws SHH DC-1 regulatory Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 16 g.19380829C>T 2008 18689889 Thank you to Heidi Anderson for suggesting to add this variant [8/4/2022]
1098 OMIA:002208-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Eye malformation, congenital SIX6 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 8 NC_006590.3:g.35566504C>T XM_547840.6:c.487C>T XP_547840.3:p.(Q163*) XM_547840.6:c.487C>T; XP_547840.3:p.(Gln163*) 2019 31207931
1218 OMIA:002279-9615 dog Belgian Shepherd Dog, Malinois (Dog) Ataxia, spinocerebellar, SLC12A6-related SLC12A6 delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 30 g.774122_774125delinsCATCTCACTCAT c.178_181delinsCATCTCACTCAT p.(M60Hfs*14) XM_014109414.2; XP_013964889.1; 12-bp insertion (CATCTCACTCAT) and a 4-bp deletion (ATGA) 2019 31160700
642 OMIA:001400-9615 dog Poodle, Miniature (Dog) Osteochondrodysplasia SLC13A1 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 14 g.60628774_60758561del c.99+3353_*56671del XM_005628770.1; a 129788bp deletion which "ablated all but the first exon of SLC13A1" 2012 23300579
578 OMIA:001097-9615 dog Alaskan Husky (Dog) Necrotising encephalopathy, subacute, of Leigh SLC19A3 delins, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 25 g.40417443delinsTTGCA c.624delinsTGCAA p.(Q208Hfs*13) XM_022409850.1; XP_022265558.1; published as c.624 insTTGC, c.625 C>A; coordinates in the table have been updated to reflect HGVS nomenclature 2013 23469184 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn.
1250 OMIA:001097-9615 dog Yorkshire Terrier (Dog) Juvenile-onset necrotizing encephalopathy SLC19A3 delins, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 25 g.40417857_40417862delinsN[35] c.205_210delinsN[35] p.(P69Ifs*45) XM_022409850.1; XP_022265558.1; "a 35 bp insertion replacing 6 bp and thereby disturbing the correct reading frame" (Drögemüller et al., 2020) 2020 33081289
1262 OMIA:002294-9615 dog Dutch Shepherd (Dog) Inflammatory myopathy, SLC25A12-related SLC25A12 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 36 NC_006618.3:g.16219219A>G XM_535962.5:c.1046T>C XP_535962.2:p.(L349P) chr36:g.16,219,219A>G; c.1046T>C; p.L349P (Shelton et al., 2019) 2019 31594244
1471 OMIA:002294-9615 dog Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (Dog) Cerebellar Degeneration-Myositis Complex SLC25A12 missense Naturally occurring variant yes UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 36 NC_049257.1:g.16504064G>A XM_038584842.1:c.1337C>T XP_038440770.1:p.(P446L) XM_038584842.1:c.1337C>T; XP_038440770.1:p.(P446L) 2022 35886006
937 OMIA:001973-9615 dog Great Dane (Dog) Ichthyosis, SLC27A4-related SLC27A4 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 9 g.55168916C>T c.1250G>A XM_548438.6; XP_548438.3; cDNA sequencing confirmed that a "new acceptor site is created by the A-allele ... that results in a shorter RNA product. ... affected dogs show aberrantly spliced transcript with an in-frame loss of the first 54 bp of exon 8" (Metzger et al., 2015) 2015 26506231 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn and Mateo Etcheveste.
83 OMIA:001033-9615 dog Dalmatian (Dog) German Hunting Terrier (Dog) Majorca Mastiff (Dog) Urolithiasis SLC2A9 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 3 NC_006585.3:g.69456869G>T NM_001130835.2:c.563G>T NP_001124307.2:p.(C188F) NM_001130835.2; NP_001124307.2; variant initially identified in Dalmatians and later reported in Majorca Mastiffs (PMID: 37582787) and German Hunting Terriers (PMID:39173651). rs1152388406 2008 18989453 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
411 OMIA:002244-9615 dog Cairn Terrier (Dog) Scottish Terrier (Dog) West Highland White Terrier (Dog) Craniomandibular osteopathy SLC37A2 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 g.9387327G>A c.1332C>T XM_005619600.3:c.1332C>T (Letko et al., 2020) 2016 27187611 Variant coordinates obtained from or confirmed by EBI's Some Effect Predictor (VEP) tool
1158 OMIA:002244-9615 dog Basset Hound (Dog) Craniomandibular osteopathy SLC37A2 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 5 NC_006587.3:g.9387071C>T XM_005619600.3:c.1446+1G>A NC_006587.3:g.9387071C>T; XM_005619600.3:c.1446+1G>A (Letko et al., 2020) 2020 32033218
526 OMIA:000256-9615 dog Labrador Retriever (Dog) Cystinuria, type I - A SLC3A1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 g.46700948del c.350del p.(G117Afs*41) NM_001003109.1; NP_001003109.1; published as c.350delG 2013 24001348 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
527 OMIA:001879-9615 dog Australian Cattle Dog (Dog) Cystinuria, type II - A SLC3A1 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 g.46725151_46725156del c.1098_1103del p.(T367_T368del) NM_001003109.1; NP_001003109.1; published as c.1095_1100delCACCAC; p.(T366_T367del); coordinates in the table have been updated to a recent reference genome and / or transcript 2013 24001348 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn and Mateo Etcheveste.
268 OMIA:000256-9615 dog Newfoundland (Dog) Cystinuria, type I - A SLC3A1 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 NC_006592.3:g.46706001C>T NM_001003109.1:c.586C>T NP_001003109.1:p.(R196*) 2000 11129328 Genomic coordinates obtained from EBI's Variant Effect Predictor
1542 OMIA:000256-9615 dog English Bulldog (Dog) French Bulldog (Dog) Cystinuria, type I - A SLC3A1 haplotype Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 10 NC_006592.3:g.[46705989A>G;46735617A>G] NM_001003109.1:c.[574A>G;2092A>G] NP_001003109.1:p.[(I192V);(S696G)] Several studies report an association between the two variants and cystinuria. 2006 16845473
675 OMIA:001821-9615 dog Doberman Pinscher (Dog) Coat colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type IV SLC45A2 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 4 g.73867275_73871357del c.1442_*3934del NM_001037947.1; "a 4,081 base pair deletion resulting in loss of the terminus of exon seven of SLC45A2 (chr4[ratio]77,062,968-77,067,051)" (g.27141_31223del; CanFam2.0) 2014 24647637
795 OMIA:001821-9615 dog Bull Mastiff (Dog) Coat colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type IV SLC45A2 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 4 NC_006586.3:g.73864860del NM_001037947.1:c.1287del NP_001033036.1:p.(M430Cfs*4) NM_001037947.1; NP_001033036.1; deletion C 2017 28737247
92 OMIA:001821-9615 dog Lhasa Apso (Dog) Mixed Breed (Dog) Pekingese (Dog) Pomeranian (Dog) Coat colour, albinism, oculocutaneous type IV SLC45A2 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 4 NC_006586.3:g.73867311G>A NM_001037947.1:c.1478G>A NP_001033036.1:p.(G493D) NM_001037947.1 2015 25790827 Genomic position in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn
575 OMIA:001572-9615 dog Golden Retriever (Dog) Golden Retriever PRA 1 SLC4A3 insertion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 37 g.26145752_26145753insC c.2601_2602insC p.(E859Rfs*104) Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 and EVA ID provided by Robert Kuhn rs1152388421 2011 21738669 NM_001289433.1; NP_001276362.1; one of 3 transcripts; second EVA ID for this variant rs852038699 is inconsistent with HGVS 3' rule
1037 OMIA:002174-9615 dog Pekingese (Dog) Shih Tzu (Dog) Congenital dyshormonogenic hypothyroidism with goiter SLC5A5 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 20 NC_006602.3:g.45024672C>T XM_541946.6:c.1172-1G>A XM_541946.4; published as g.45024672G>A, predicted to be a splice site mutation leading to loss of exon 10 and a frameshift.  2018 29777899 Additonal breed information based on PMID:36848397.
638 OMIA:001594-9615 dog Irish Wolfhound (Dog) Hyperekplexia (Startle disease) SLC6A5 deletion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 21 g.42583699_42587925del c.-52_562+504del XM_005633757.1; "a homozygous 4.2kb [4227bp] microdeletion encompassing exons 2 and 3" 2011 21420493
1080 OMIA:001594-9615 dog Spanish Greyhound (Dog) Hyperekplexia (Startle disease) SLC6A5 deletion, small (<=20) Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 21 g.42612546_42612547del c.1379_1380delCT p.(S460Ffs*47) XM_022407940.1; XP_022263648.1 2019 30847549 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn.
1534 OMIA:002645-9615 dog English Cocker Spaniel (Dog) English Springer Spaniel (Dog) Paradoxical pseudomyotonia SLC7A10 nonsense (stop-gain) Naturally occurring variant yes ROS_Cfam_1.0 1 NC_051805.1:g.119506784C>A XM_038657580.1:c.126C>A XP_038513508.1:p.(C42*) 2023 36869603
85 OMIA:001880-9615 dog Miniature Pinscher (Dog) Cystinuria, type II - B SLC7A9 missense Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 1 NC_006583.3:g.119211938G>A NM_001048109.1:c.964G>A NP_001041574.1:p.(G322R) NM_001048109.1; NP_001041574.1 2013 24001348 Genomic coordinates in CanFam3.1 provided by Robert Kuhn and Zoe Shmidt.
733 OMIA:001551-9615 dog Brachycephaly SMOC2 insertion, gross (>20) Naturally occurring variant yes 1 "a long interspersed nuclear element (LINE-1) within the SPARC-related modular calcium binding (SMOC2) gene" 2017 28552356
415 OMIA:002034-9615 dog Vizsla (Dog) Cerebellar cortical degeneration, Hungarian Vizsla SNX14 splicing Naturally occurring variant yes CanFam3.1 12 g.45530566C>T c.26531G>A